The EXECP Project: a neuromechanical examination of hyper-resistance within an exercise intervention for children and young adults with cerebral palsy
CP-oireyhtymä johtuu sikiöaikana tai pian syntymän jälkeen syntyneestä aivojen vauriosta. Spastiselle CP-oireyhtymälle on ominaista liiallinen lihasjäykkyys, rajoitettu nivelten liikelaajuus, lihasheikkous, ongelmat motorisessa koordinaatiossa ja mm. eriytyneiden liikkeiden suorittamisessa. Kaikki nämä oireet haittaavat motorisia toimintoja, mikä osaltaan johtaa fyysisen aktiivisuuden vähenemiseen, täten lisäten monia kardiometabolisia riskitekijöitä. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena oli kehittää yhdistetty voima-, liikkuvuus- ja kävelyharjoittelua sisältävä interventio (EXECP-interventio), jolla puututaan edellä mainittuihin liikuntakykyä heikentäviin oireisiin. Väitöskirjassa käytettiin monipuolisia neurofysiologisia ja biomekaanisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Vallalla olevaan venytysrefleksivasteiden arviointimenetelmään, jota kutsutaan venytysrefleksi-kynnykseksi (SRT, stretch reflex threshold), ehdotettiin muutosta. Ehdotetulla muutoksella oli merkittävä vaikutus SRT:n mielekkääseen tulkintaan, ja uutta lähestymistapaa suositellaan tuleviin tutkimuksiin. Tutkittaessa liiallisen lihasjäykkyyden mahdollisia taustatekijöitä, CP-ryhmän ja kontrollihenkilöiden välinen vertailu osoitti merkittäviä eroja lihasjäykkyydessä, nivelmekaniikassa, venytysrefleksivasteissa ja muissa selkäydintason hermostollisissa prosesseissa. Tutkitut muuttujat eivät korreloineet yliherkistyneen venytysrefleksin kanssa. Molempien lihasten venytysrefleksikynnyksellä oli positiivinen korrelaatio mitatun liiallisen lihasjäykkyyden kanssa suurilla venytysnopeuksilla. Tärkeimpänä löydöksenä EXECP-interventio onnistui parantamaan liikuntakykyä (kuuden minuutin kävelytestin tulosta) ja karkeamotorista toimintakykyä. Lisäksi alaraajojen lihasvoima ja nivelten liikelaajuus paranivat EXECP-intervention ansiosta lukuun ottamatta nilkan ojentaja- ja koukistajalihaksia. Kaiken kaikkiaan tulokset osoittivat, että EXECP-interventio oli turvallinen ja tehokas parantamaan liikuntakykyä ilman haittavaikutuksia. Huomattavaa oli, että kolme kuukautta sen jälkeen, kun EXECP-interventio oli päättynyt, suurin osa intervention aiheuttamista parannuksista palautui takaisin interventiota edeltävälle tasolle. Intervention jälkeinen palautuminen viittaa siihen, että harjoittelun tulisi olla elinikäinen valinta henkilöillä, joilla on CP-vamma.
Spastic cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by muscle weakness, limited joint flexibility, motor incoordination and hyper-resistance (i.e., increased resistance to passive muscle stretch). All these symptoms hinder motor function, resulting in reduced physical activity levels, which increases many cardiometabolic risk factors. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a combined strength, flexibility and gait training intervention (EXECP intervention) to address the debilitating symptoms above-mentioned. The EXECP intervention was successful in increasing motor function measured by a gait performance test (six minutes walking test) and the gross motor function measure. Furthermore, muscle strength and joint flexibility improved with the EXECP intervention for most muscles, except the ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors. Overall, the results showed that the EXECP intervention was safe and efficient in improving motor function, without any adverse effects. Importantly, three months after the EXECP intervention ceased and the CP participants were re-evaluated, most of the improvements induced by the intervention regressed back to pre-intervention levels. The deadaptation after the intervention suggests that training should be a life-long choice for people with CP. The present study also proposed a correction to a hyperreflexia (i.e., exacerbated stretch reflex responses) assessment method called the stretch reflex threshold (SRT). The proposed correction had a significant effect on the evaluation of the SRT and the new approach is recommended for future studies. Furthermore, this study performed a thorough comparison between individuals with CP and typically developed (TD) controls regarding hyper-resistance, hyperreflexia and joint neuromechanical variables. The comparison between groups showed several significant differences in most studied variables. Ankle joint neuromechanical variables and neurophysiological variables of hyperreflexia were not useful in explaining the neuromechanical variables of hyperreflexia or peak torque during stretch. The SRT of both muscles had a good positive correlation with peak torque at high stretch velocities and was significantly different between CP and TD groups, suggesting it is a useful diagnostic variable.
Spastic cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by muscle weakness, limited joint flexibility, motor incoordination and hyper-resistance (i.e., increased resistance to passive muscle stretch). All these symptoms hinder motor function, resulting in reduced physical activity levels, which increases many cardiometabolic risk factors. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a combined strength, flexibility and gait training intervention (EXECP intervention) to address the debilitating symptoms above-mentioned. The EXECP intervention was successful in increasing motor function measured by a gait performance test (six minutes walking test) and the gross motor function measure. Furthermore, muscle strength and joint flexibility improved with the EXECP intervention for most muscles, except the ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors. Overall, the results showed that the EXECP intervention was safe and efficient in improving motor function, without any adverse effects. Importantly, three months after the EXECP intervention ceased and the CP participants were re-evaluated, most of the improvements induced by the intervention regressed back to pre-intervention levels. The deadaptation after the intervention suggests that training should be a life-long choice for people with CP. The present study also proposed a correction to a hyperreflexia (i.e., exacerbated stretch reflex responses) assessment method called the stretch reflex threshold (SRT). The proposed correction had a significant effect on the evaluation of the SRT and the new approach is recommended for future studies. Furthermore, this study performed a thorough comparison between individuals with CP and typically developed (TD) controls regarding hyper-resistance, hyperreflexia and joint neuromechanical variables. The comparison between groups showed several significant differences in most studied variables. Ankle joint neuromechanical variables and neurophysiological variables of hyperreflexia were not useful in explaining the neuromechanical variables of hyperreflexia or peak torque during stretch. The SRT of both muscles had a good positive correlation with peak torque at high stretch velocities and was significantly different between CP and TD groups, suggesting it is a useful diagnostic variable.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Valadão, P., Piitulainen, H., Haapala, E. A., Parviainen, T., Avela, J., & Finni, T. (2021). Exercise intervention protocol in children and young adults with cerebral palsy : the effects of strength, flexibility and gait training on physical performance, neuromuscular mechanisms and cardiometabolic risk factors (EXECP). BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13, Article 17. DOI: 10.1186/s13102-021-00242-y
- Artikkeli II: Valadão, P., Bar-On, L., Cenni, F., Piitulainen, H., Avela, J., & Finni, T. (2022). Revising the stretch reflex threshold method to measure stretch hyperreflexia in cerebral palsy. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Article 897852. DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.897852
- Artikkeli III: Valadão, P., Cenni, F., Bar-On, L., Piitulainen, H., Avela, J & Finni, T. Neuromechanical analysis of hyper-resistance and hyperreflexia in children and young adults with cerebral palsy. Submitted for publication.
- Artikkeli IV: Valadão, P., Cenni, F., Piitulainen, H., Avela, J., & Finni, T. (2024). Effects of the EXECP Intervention on Motor Function, Muscle Strength and Joint Flexibility in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 56(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1249/mss.0000000000003273
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä