Features of System-Information Models of the Mechanical Process Based on the Platform (USIS + PLSI) of Digital Twins
Korablyov, M., Lutskyy, S., Axak, N., Ivanisenko, I., & Kobzev, I. (2023). Features of System-Information Models of the Mechanical Process Based on the Platform (USIS + PLSI) of Digital Twins. In A. Anisimov, V. Snytyuk, C. Aldrich, A. Pester, F. Mallet, H. Tanaka, I. Krak, K. Henke, O. Chertov, O. Marchenko, S. Bozóki, V. Tsyganok, & V. Vovk (Eds.), IT&I 2023 : Selected Papers of the X International Scientific Conference "Information Technology and Implementation" (pp. 36-47). RWTH Aachen. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3624. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3624/Paper_4.pdf
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CEUR Workshop ProceedingsEditors
TekniikkaSecure Communications Engineering and Signal ProcessingEngineeringSecure Communications Engineering and Signal ProcessingCopyright
© 2023 the Authors
The features of system information models are considered based on the formalization of the uncertainty of system information of parameters of the cutting process based on the platform of the single information space USIS (Unified System Information Space) + PLSI (Product Lifecycle System Information) of the digital twin of technological operations. This platform is an information technology based on the formalization of the concept of “type of system information” and is used to manage both virtual and material production processes based on a software product (USIS + PLSI), systemically compatible with software of automated systems PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) technologies. The concept of “system information” is associated with the main forms of its manifestation: information process, a priori, and a posteriori system information. Data on the system information of virtual and material production parameters allows you to control the quality of the manufactured product with a digital twin based on the universal structure of the parameter model. An analysis of the uncertainty characteristics of the system information of the machining process parameters was carried out. It is shown that the parameter uncertainty changes its value during the technological process of product manufacturing, and the final value of the expanded uncertainty should not exceed the parameter accuracy tolerance. System information indicators of the intensity of processing system information during mechanical cutting are considered. It is shown that the same system information model can reflect a certain type of system information based on the standard unit of a physical quantity, accuracy tolerance, Planck unit, expanded uncertainty, and membership function of fuzzy sets. At the same time, the property of universality of system information models of processes and systems significantly expands the list of production tasks solved by a digital twin. Examples of the use of system information models of machining processes based on digital twins are given

RWTH AachenConference
International Scientific Conference "Information Technology and Implementation"Is part of publication
IT&I 2023 : Selected Papers of the X International Scientific Conference "Information Technology and Implementation"ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3624/Paper_4.pdfPublication in research information system
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