Kestävyystestin tulosten muutokset naisjalkapalloilijoilla kilpailuun valmistavalla kaudella
Johdanto. Kestävyysominaisuudet mahdollistavat jalkapalloilijalle hyvän pohjan lajiharjoittelua ja kilpailemista varten. Hyvät kestävyysominaisuudet edistävät pelaajan suorituskykyä kentällä ja on todettu, että huippupelaajilla on parempi kestävyyskunto verrattuna muihin lajin harrastajiin. Tutkimuksissa perus- ja vauhtikestävyysominaisuuksien on todettu parantavan kovatehoista liikkumista jalkapallossa. Pelaaja saa etua hyvästä kestävyyskunnosta, sillä hän väsyy vähemmän pelin aikana ja on valmiimpi toteuttamaan pelin taktista ja teknistä puolta. Myös palautuminen on nopeampaa. Hyvillä kestävyysominaisuuksilla on myös etu loukkaantumisriskin kannalta. Sen sijaan huono kestävyyskunto voi olla este suoritukselle harjoitus- ja ottelutapahtumissa. Useissa kestävyysominaisuuksiin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa on todistettu kestävyysominaisuuksien olevan tärkeä osa jalkapalloilijan harjoittelua. Jalkapalloilijan kestävyysharjoittelu tulisi olla sekä lajinomaisia pienpelejä että matalatehoista, jopa iskutusta välttävää peruskuntoharjoittelua. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, minkälaisia muutoksia kolmen kuukauden harjoittelujaksolla on pelaajien kestävyystuloksiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa verrataan Tampereen Ilveksen naisten edustusjoukkueen pelaajien 1200 metrin MAS-testitulosten tasoa Kansallisen liigan ja Suomen naisten maajoukkuepelaajien tuloksiin.
Menetelmät. Tutkimukseen osallistui 17 Tampereen Ilveksen naisten edustusjoukkueen jalkapalloilijaa. Aineisto kerättiin joukkueen harjoituksissa keväällä 2023. Testikertoja oli kaksi. Alkutesti toteutettiin 22.1.2023 Pirkkahallissa. Toinen testi suoritettiin samoissa olosuhteissa kolme kuukautta kestäneen harjoitusjakson jälkeen 27.3.2023. Testaamisesta vastasi joukkueen fysiikkavalmentaja. Kestävyysominaisuuksia mitattiin 1200 metrin MAS-testillä (maximum aerobic speed-testi). Alkutestin ja lopputestin tuloksia vertailtiin keskenään. Lisäksi Tampereen Ilveksen naisten testituloksia verrattiin Kansallisen liigan joukkueiden ja Suomen naisten maajoukkueen tuloksiin.
Tulokset. Tulokset paranivat ensimmäisen ja toisen mittauksen välillä, mutta suhteellisen pienellä otosmäärällä ero ei noussut tilastollisesti merkitseväksi. Keskiarvollisesti pelaaja paransi omaa tulostaan 3 sekuntia. Tampereen Ilveksen tulokset eivät poikkea tilastollisesti merkitsevästi Kansallisesta liigasta, mutta maajoukkueeseen ero on tilastollisesti merkitsevä. T-testin tulos on t = 0,496 ja p = 0,627 (Kansallinen liiga) ja t = 3,475 ja p = 0,003 (maajoukkue).
Pohdinta ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kolmen kuukauden harjoittelujakson aikana tapahtui absoluuttista muutosta 1200 metrin MAS-testituloksissa. Peliin valmistava kausi ei kuitenkaan ole optimiaika kestävyyskunnon kehittämiselle. Sen sijaan fyysisten ominaisuuksien harjoittamista tulisi painottaa jo valmistautumiskaudella.
Introduction. The aerobic features enable a soccer player to have a good base for soccer training and competition. Good aerobic features contribute to a player's performance on the field, and it has been established that top players have a better endurance condition compared to amateur players. In studies good endurance has been found to improve high-intensity movement in soccer. The player gets an advantage, due to getting less tired during the game and being more ready to implement the tactical and technical side of the game. Recovery is also faster. Good endurance features also have an advantage in terms of injury risk. On the other hand, poor endurance can be an obstacle to performance in training and match games. In several studies related to aerobic qualities, it has been proven that aerobic qualities are an important part of a soccer player's training. A soccer player's aerobic training should be both sport-specific (small games) and low-intensity, even basic fitness training. The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of changes a three-month training period has on the 1200-meter MAS test result. In addition, the study compares the level of the 1200-meter MAS test results of the Tampere Ilves women's team players to the results of both the national league and the Finnish women's national team players. Methods. 17 soccer players from the Tampere Ilves women's team participated in the study. The data was collected during the team's training in the spring of 2023. The team's physical trainer was responsible for the testing. There were two test times. The initial test was carried out on January 22, 2023 in Pirkkahalli. The second test was performed under the same conditions after a three-month training period on 27 March 2023. Aerobic properties were measured with a 1200-meter MAS test (maximum aerobic speed test). The results of the initial test and the final test were compared. In addition, the Tampere Ilves player’s test results were compared with the results of all national league teams and the Finnish women's national team. Results. Results demonstrate an increase in the results after a 15-week practice period. An average player improved the result by 3 seconds although it is not statistically significant. Tampere Ilves players' results do not deviate from the results of the national league (t= 0,496 & p=0,627) or national team (t=3,475 & p=0,003). Discussion and conclusions. Based on this study, there was an absolute change in 1200-meter MAS test results during the three-month training period. However, the pre-game season is not the optimal time for developing endurance. Instead, the training of physical qualities should be emphasized already in the preparation period.
Introduction. The aerobic features enable a soccer player to have a good base for soccer training and competition. Good aerobic features contribute to a player's performance on the field, and it has been established that top players have a better endurance condition compared to amateur players. In studies good endurance has been found to improve high-intensity movement in soccer. The player gets an advantage, due to getting less tired during the game and being more ready to implement the tactical and technical side of the game. Recovery is also faster. Good endurance features also have an advantage in terms of injury risk. On the other hand, poor endurance can be an obstacle to performance in training and match games. In several studies related to aerobic qualities, it has been proven that aerobic qualities are an important part of a soccer player's training. A soccer player's aerobic training should be both sport-specific (small games) and low-intensity, even basic fitness training. The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of changes a three-month training period has on the 1200-meter MAS test result. In addition, the study compares the level of the 1200-meter MAS test results of the Tampere Ilves women's team players to the results of both the national league and the Finnish women's national team players. Methods. 17 soccer players from the Tampere Ilves women's team participated in the study. The data was collected during the team's training in the spring of 2023. The team's physical trainer was responsible for the testing. There were two test times. The initial test was carried out on January 22, 2023 in Pirkkahalli. The second test was performed under the same conditions after a three-month training period on 27 March 2023. Aerobic properties were measured with a 1200-meter MAS test (maximum aerobic speed test). The results of the initial test and the final test were compared. In addition, the Tampere Ilves player’s test results were compared with the results of all national league teams and the Finnish women's national team. Results. Results demonstrate an increase in the results after a 15-week practice period. An average player improved the result by 3 seconds although it is not statistically significant. Tampere Ilves players' results do not deviate from the results of the national league (t= 0,496 & p=0,627) or national team (t=3,475 & p=0,003). Discussion and conclusions. Based on this study, there was an absolute change in 1200-meter MAS test results during the three-month training period. However, the pre-game season is not the optimal time for developing endurance. Instead, the training of physical qualities should be emphasized already in the preparation period.
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Master thesis
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