Lukemisvaikeus rippikoulusta yliopistoon : Arkeologinen analyysi aikuisten ja asiantuntijoiden lukemisvaikeuspuheesta
Tutkimuksessani tarkastelin Foucault’n arkeologisen analyysin pohjalta yliopisto-opiskelijan lukemisvaikeuden kohteen muotoutumista historiallisessa kontekstissa. Tutkimusaineistooni valitsin asiantuntijoiden ja lukemisvaikeuksia kokeneiden aikuisten haastattelutekstejä ja yliopisto-opiskelijan ohjauksessani kirjoittamia tekstejä, oppimistehtävien esseetekstejä ja lukemistestien tulokset.
Foucault´n arkeologisesta analyysistä kehitin vaiheittaisen metodologisen mallin. Ensin valitsin asiantuntijapuheesta ja kokemuspuheesta lausumia, jotka osoittivat lukemisvaikeuden kohteeseen rinnastettuja ja siitä erotettuja kohteita. Seuraavaksi kokosin asiantuntijapuheen ja kokemuspuheen lausumista diskursiivisia muodostelmia, joiden kerrostumista osoitin lukemisvaikeuden kohteen tunnistamisen paikkoja ja muista kohteista erottamisen käytäntöjä ja lopuksi kuvasin lukemisvaikeuden subjektille avautuvia positiivisia tai negatiivisia olemisen tiloja. Positiivisessa olemisen tilassa lukemisvaikeus aikuisen ja yliopisto-opiskelijan ominaisuutena voi olla näkyvissä tai otetaan myönteisesti huomioon, negatiivisessa olemisen tilassa lukemisvaikeus ei voi olla näkyvissä tai katoaa kielteiseen kokemukseen.
Analyysin pohjalta määritin aikuisen ja yliopisto-opiskelijan lukemisvaikeuden kohteen vallitsevan diskurssin, jossa tunnistettiin paljastunut, tarkentunut ja laajentunut aikuisen ja yliopisto-opiskelijan lukemisvaikeuden kohde ja lisäksi yliopisto-opiskelijan jännitteinen lukemisvaikeuden kohde. Tulokset määritin Foucault’ta (2005) mukaillen yliopisto-opiskelijan ja yliopiston lukemisvaikeustiedoksi opiskelussa, opetuksessa, ohjauksessa ja tutkimuksessa.
Saavutetun lukemisvaikeustietämisen pohjalta ehdotan tiedon ja käytäntöjen verkostoa, jonka lähtökohtana on Opiskelun Taitokartan itsearvioinnin osoittama liukuva ja hajaantuva lukemisvaikeuden kohde, joka tarkentuu lukemisen testeissä ja laajentuu tukemaan yliopisto-opiskelijoiden opetusta ja ohjausta. Yliopiston, opettajien, ohjaajien ja opiskelijoiden koulutukselliseen kohtaamiseen avautuu emotionaalisia, kognitiivisia ja käyttäytymiseen liittyviä vuorovaikutuksen ja kiinnittymisen tiloja, jotka osoittavat yliopisto-opiskelijalle, lukemisvaikeuden subjektille, positiivisia olemisen tiloja (Kahu &Nelson, 2018) ja haastavat Jyväskylän yliopiston tutkimukseen, joka erottaa sen muista lukemisvaikeudesta tietävistä instituutioista (Considine, 2006).
In this study, I apply Foucauldian archaeological analysis to describe the formation of the object of a university student's reading difficulty in a historical context of adult reading difficulties. I chose texts of experts and interview texts of adults and university student who have experienced reading difficulties and the results of the reading tests. In addition, I selected the study credits of the university student. In Foucauldian terms all of these are called documents. I developed a stepwise methodological model of the Foucauldian archaeological analysis. In the first phase, I indicated the identification of the reading difficulty object and the objects that are equated with and separated from the object. Next, I compiled the statements of expert and experience documents on discursive formations, from which I indicated practices that separated the reading difficulty from other objects. Finally, the positive and negative spaces of being the subject of the reading difficulty were defined. Based on the analysis, I identified the dominant discourse describing the object of the revealed, specified and enlarged adult and university student´s reading difficulty object. In addition, the university student’s reading difficulty appeared tensioned. According to Foucault (2005), the results were determined as the knowledge of the reading difficulty as the object and negative or positive spaces of being the subject of the reading difficulty in studying, teaching, counseling, and research at the university. Dimensions of practices were proposed to open positive spaces of subject being for the university student in emotional, cognitive, and behavioral interaction and attachment defined by Kahu and Nelson (2018) as an individual psychosocial space in which institutional and student functions are interlinked in multidimensional interaction. The basis for the recommended practices was the sliding and dispersing reading difficulty, which was identified by the Study Skills Map. In addition, the reading difficulty should be specified by the reading test. The proposed practices support the university students, departments, teaching, counselling, and research challenging the University of Jyväskylä to demonstrating what it knows about the reading difficulty of university students and distinguishes itself from other institutions that examine the reading difficulty (see Considine 2006).
In this study, I apply Foucauldian archaeological analysis to describe the formation of the object of a university student's reading difficulty in a historical context of adult reading difficulties. I chose texts of experts and interview texts of adults and university student who have experienced reading difficulties and the results of the reading tests. In addition, I selected the study credits of the university student. In Foucauldian terms all of these are called documents. I developed a stepwise methodological model of the Foucauldian archaeological analysis. In the first phase, I indicated the identification of the reading difficulty object and the objects that are equated with and separated from the object. Next, I compiled the statements of expert and experience documents on discursive formations, from which I indicated practices that separated the reading difficulty from other objects. Finally, the positive and negative spaces of being the subject of the reading difficulty were defined. Based on the analysis, I identified the dominant discourse describing the object of the revealed, specified and enlarged adult and university student´s reading difficulty object. In addition, the university student’s reading difficulty appeared tensioned. According to Foucault (2005), the results were determined as the knowledge of the reading difficulty as the object and negative or positive spaces of being the subject of the reading difficulty in studying, teaching, counseling, and research at the university. Dimensions of practices were proposed to open positive spaces of subject being for the university student in emotional, cognitive, and behavioral interaction and attachment defined by Kahu and Nelson (2018) as an individual psychosocial space in which institutional and student functions are interlinked in multidimensional interaction. The basis for the recommended practices was the sliding and dispersing reading difficulty, which was identified by the Study Skills Map. In addition, the reading difficulty should be specified by the reading test. The proposed practices support the university students, departments, teaching, counselling, and research challenging the University of Jyväskylä to demonstrating what it knows about the reading difficulty of university students and distinguishes itself from other institutions that examine the reading difficulty (see Considine 2006).
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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JYU Dissertations
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