Decay spectroscopy at the two-proton drip line : Radioactivity of the new nuclides 160Os and 156W
The radioactivity of 160 76Os84 and 156 74W82 that lie at the two-proton drip line has been measured in an experiment performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä. The 160Os nuclei were produced using fusion-evaporation reactions induced by a beam of 310 MeV 58Ni ions bombarding a 106Cd target. The 160Os ions were separated in flight using the recoil separator MARA and implanted into a double-sided silicon strip detector, which was used to measure their decays. The 𝛼 decays of the ground state of 160Os (𝐸𝛼 = 7092(15) keV, 𝑡1∕2 = 97+97 −32 μs) and its isomeric state (𝐸𝛼 = 8890(10) keV, 𝑡1∕2 = 41+15 −9 μs) were measured, allowing the excitation energy of the isomer to be determined as 1844(18) keV. These 𝛼-decay properties and the excitation energy of the isomer are compared with systematics. The 𝛼 decays were correlated with subsequent decays to investigate the 𝛽 decays of the ground state of 156W, revealing that unlike its isotones, both low-lying isomers were populated in its daughter nuclide, 156Ta. An improved value for the half-life of the proton-decaying high-spin isomeric state in 156 73Ta83 of 333+25 −22 ms was obtained in a separate experiment using the same experimental systems with a 102Pd target. This result was employed to improve the precision of the half-life determined for 156W, which was measured as 157+57 −34 ms.
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Research article
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Physics Letters B
- Briscoe, A.D., Page, R.D., Uusitalo, J., Joss, D.T., AlAqeel, M.A.M., Alayed, B., Andel, B., Antalic, S., Auranen, K., Ayatollahzadeh, H., Badran, H., Barber, L., Beeton, G., Birova, M., Bogdanoff, V., Clark, R. M., Cubiss, J. G., Cullen, D. M., Deary, J., . . . Zimba, G. (2023). Decay spectroscopy at the two-proton drip line : Radioactivity of the new nuclides 160Os and 156W. Physics Letters B, 847, Article 138310.
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiahanke, SA

Additional information about funding
Financial support for this work has been provided by the United Kingdom Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) through the grants ST/P004598/1, ST/V001027/1 and ST/V001035/1; the EU 7th Framework Programme “Integrating Activities - Transnational Access”, Project No.: 262010 (ENSAR); by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (Contract Nos. APVV-18-0268 and APVV-20-0532) and Slovak Grant Agency VEGA (Contract Nos. 1/0651/21 and 2/0067/21); by the Research and Development Operational Programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund, project No. ITMS code 26210120023 (20%); by the US DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL); and by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programme 2012-2017 (Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics Programme at JYFL). TG acknowledges the support of the Academy of Finland, contract number 131665. JP and SS acknowledge the Academy of Finland (Finland) Grant No. 307685. M. Venhart acknowledges funding from the ESET Foundation (Slovakia). The authors would like to express their gratitude to the technical staff of the Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Jyväskylä for their support. The authors would also like to wish thanks to Paul Morrall of Daresbury Laboratory for preparation of the Cd targets and to the GSI target laboratory for providing the C-reset foils, which are highly appreciated.
Copyright© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.