Musiikin tunnekokemukset toimijuuden ja hyvinvoinnin rakentajina
Artikkeli tarkastelee musiikin olemusta tunteiden tavoittajana oppilaiden kokemusmaailmassa ja osana musiikkikasvatustyötä, nostaen tunnetasoisen kokemisen keskiöön pyrkiessämme ymmärtämään oppilaiden vuorovaikutustaitoja, toimijuutta ja hyvinvointia.
The active and natural presence of the emotional level of experience is, from an educational perspective, a special feature of music. Musical emotions are being actively studied, and this article discusses what music and emotion research can potentially provide for music education. Music can reach the world of emotional experiences in multiple ways: it can be a tool for allowing concrete sound expression for personal feelings or it can be used to create an emotional sense of group cohesion at the level of bodily afective experiences. However, music does not automatically function as a positive resource for emotionality, interaction and well-being, but the use of the emotional potential of music requires the music educator to be sensitive and open to critical refection. At best, knowledge and understanding of the emotional power of music can be an excellent tool for advancing music education in the direction of building a socially sustainable future.
The active and natural presence of the emotional level of experience is, from an educational perspective, a special feature of music. Musical emotions are being actively studied, and this article discusses what music and emotion research can potentially provide for music education. Music can reach the world of emotional experiences in multiple ways: it can be a tool for allowing concrete sound expression for personal feelings or it can be used to create an emotional sense of group cohesion at the level of bodily afective experiences. However, music does not automatically function as a positive resource for emotionality, interaction and well-being, but the use of the emotional potential of music requires the music educator to be sensitive and open to critical refection. At best, knowledge and understanding of the emotional power of music can be an excellent tool for advancing music education in the direction of building a socially sustainable future.
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Peer reviewed
Published in
DocMus-tohtorikoulun julkaisuja
Is part of publication
Musiikkikasvatus muutoksessa
- Saarikallio, S. (2023). Musiikin tunnekokemukset toimijuuden ja hyvinvoinnin rakentajina. In M.-L. Juntunen, & H. Partti (Eds.), Musiikkikasvatus muutoksessa (pp. 135-146). Sibelius-Akatemia. DocMus-tohtorikoulun julkaisuja, 20.
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