Level structure of the transitional odd-mass nuclei 141-149Pm
The level structures of the five odd-mass nuclei 141-149Pm have been studied by methods of in-beam γ-ray and electron spectroscopy using (p,xn) and (3He,xn) reactions. Over twenty new levels were observed in each of the nuclei investigated. The spins of the levels range between 1/2 and 21/2. The missing isomeric h11/2 state (T1/2 = 12 ns) was observed in 147Pm. Comparisons between experimental and theoretical results have been made. Calculations for all isotopes have been performed using the quasiparticle-vibration model with an intermediate coupling. Positive-parity levels can be interpreted as members of multiplets of the last odd proton coupled to the quadrupole vibrations of the core. The cluster-vibration model has been applied to Pm isotopes, specially to 145Pm, under the assumption of the Z = 64 subshell closure. Positive-parity levels are explained very well when the cluster consists of three proton holes in the g7/2 and d5/2 shells. The results strongly support the assumption that the Z = 64 closure persists also for the Z = 61 promethium nuclei. The probable band structures of 149Pm are discussed on the basis of calculations made using an axial particle-rotor model. The results on negative-parity levels are also compared with the predictions of the triaxial particle-rotor model.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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Research report / Department of Physics. University of Jyväskylä
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Kortelahti, M., Pakkanen, A., Piiparinen, M., Komppa, T. and Komu, R. (1977). Structure of odd-A Pm nuclei (I) . 147Pm Nucl. Phys. A288, 365. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(77)90337-2
- Artikkeli II: Piiparinen, M., Kortelahti, M., Pakkanen, A., Komppa, T. and Komu, R. (1977). Structure of odd-A Pm nuclei (II}. 141Pm and 145pm. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Res. Report No. 6/1977.
- Artikkeli III: Kortelahti, M., Piiparinen, M., Pakkanen, A., Komppa, T., Komu, R., Brant, S., Udovicic, Lj. and Paar, V. (1979). In-beam study of 145Pm and the cluster-vibration model for odd Pm nuclei. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Res. Report No. 4/1979.
- Artikkeli IV: Kortelahti, M., Pakkanen, A., Piiparinen, M., Hammaren, E., Komppa, T. and Komu, R. (1979). In-beam study and the rotational description of low-lying levels in the N = 88 nucleus 149Pm. Nuclear Physics A, 332 (3–4), 422-432. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(79)90011-3