Learning to Act in the Social World : Building Interactional Competence through Everyday Language Use Experiences
Piirainen-Marsh, A., & Lilja, N. (2022). Learning to Act in the Social World : Building Interactional Competence through Everyday Language Use Experiences. In H. Reinders, C. Lai, & P. Sundqvist (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom (pp. 195-213). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003048169-17
© 2022 selection and editorial matter, Hayo Reinders, Chun Lai and Pia Sundqvist; individual chapters, the contributors
This chapter discusses how everyday interactions in second language speakers’ daily life provide occasions for language learning and how language use experiences can be utilized in developing L2 pedagogy. It shows how the conversation analytical approach to language learning has reshaped understanding of objects of learning and the learning process. Empirical studied in this field illustrate how language learning materializes in contingent interaction in specific activities and their ecologies. We present examples of research-based pedagogical initiatives for supporting out-of-classroom learning and conclude by discussing future directions in the field.
RoutledgeParent publication ISBN
978-0-367-49938-9Is part of publication
The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the ClassroomKeywords
Publication in research information system
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