Fysioterapian opettajien kokemuksia verkko-opetuksesta : fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen tutkimus
Verkko-opetuksella tarkoitetaan joko kokonaan tai osittain verkkoteknologian hyödyntämistä opetuksessa ja opiskelijoiden oppimisen tukemisessa. Verkko-opetuksesta on muodostunut kuluneiden parin vuosikymmenen aikana pysyvä opetusmuoto korkeakouluissa, myös fysioterapeuttikoulutuksessa. Fysioterapian opettajien kokemuksia tutkimusilmiöstä ei tiettävästi ole tutkittu suomalaisessa fysioterapeuttikoulutuksen kontekstissa. Näin ollen tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ja kuvata fysioterapian opettajien kokemuksia verkko-opetuksesta. Tavoitteena oli laajentaa ymmärrystä verkko-opetuksesta fysioterapian opettajien kokemana.
Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena fenomenologis-hermeneuttista metodologiaa hyödyntäen. Tutkimukseen osallistui kuusi fysioterapian opettajaa kahdesta eri ammattikorkeakoulusta. Haastatteluaineisto kerättiin verkkovälitteisesti (Zoom) toteutettuina yksilöhaastatteluina tammi-maaliskuussa 2023. Haastattelut tallennettiin ja litteroitiin sanatarkasti ja aineisto analysoitiin Smithin ym. (2022) luomalla tulkitsevalla fenomenologisella metodilla (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, IPA). Tutkimuksen tulokset on muodostettu IPA-analyysin seitsemänvaiheisen prosessin kautta.
Fysioterapian opettajien kokemukset verkko-opetuksesta muodostivat kaksi jaettua kokemusteemaa sekä viisi alateemaa: 1) kokemukset verkko-opetuksen suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta (alateemat: kokemukset verkko-opetuksen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen haasteista, verkko-opetuksen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen myönteiset kokemukset sekä kokemukset verkko-opetuksen pedagogisten keinojen merkityksestä) ja 2) kokemukset vuorovaikutuksesta verkko-opetuksessa (alateemat: verkkovuorovaikutuksen kokeminen haasteellisena ja verkkovuorovaikutuksen kokeminen myönteisenä).
Tutkimuksen tulokset laajentavat ymmärrystä verkko-opetuksesta kokemuksellisena ilmiönä. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää fysioterapian opettajien verkko-opetuksen suunnittelussa, toteuttamisessa ja kehittämisessä sekä opettajien työn tukemisessa, työnohjauksessa ja koulutuksessa. Jatkossa fysioterapian opettajien kokemuksia verkko-opetuksesta olisi tärkeää tutkia koko Suomen laajuisesti myös muissa ammattikorkeakouluissa. Mielenkiintoista olisi myös selvittää fenomenologis-hermeneuttista lähestymistapaa hyödyntäen fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden kokemuksia verkko-opetuksesta suomalaisessa fysioterapeuttikoulutuksen kontekstissa.
Online teaching means either fully or partially utilizing online technology in teaching and supporting students' learning. Over the past couple of decades, online teaching has become a permanent form of education in higher education institutions, including physical therapist education. Physiotherapy teachers' experiences of the research phenomenon have not been presumably studied in the Finnish context of physiotherapist education. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the experiences of physiotherapy teachers on teaching online. The goal was to expand the understanding of online teaching as experienced by physiotherapy teachers. The research was carried out as a qualitative interview study using the phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology. A total of six physiotherapy teachers from two different Universities of Applied Sciences participated in the study. The interview data was collected via online (Zoom) as individual open interviews between January and March 2023. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and the data was analyzed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) created by Smith et al. (2022). The results of the study have been formed through the seven-step process of IPA analysis. Physiotherapy teachers' experiences of online teaching formed two group experiential themes and a total of five sub-themes: 1) experiences of planning and implementing online teaching (sub-themes: experiences of the challenges of planning and implementing online teaching, positive experiences of planning and implementing online teaching and experiences of the importance of pedagogical methods of online teaching) and 2) experiences of interaction in online teaching (subthemes: experiencing online interaction as challenging and experiencing online interaction as positive). The results of this study increase the understanding of online teaching as an experiential phenomenon. The research results can be used in the planning, implementation and development of online teaching for physiotherapy teachers. In the future, it would be important to investigate the experiences of physiotherapy teachers with online teaching throughout Finland in different universities of applied sciences. In addition, it would be interesting to study students´ experiences with online teaching using the phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology.
Online teaching means either fully or partially utilizing online technology in teaching and supporting students' learning. Over the past couple of decades, online teaching has become a permanent form of education in higher education institutions, including physical therapist education. Physiotherapy teachers' experiences of the research phenomenon have not been presumably studied in the Finnish context of physiotherapist education. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the experiences of physiotherapy teachers on teaching online. The goal was to expand the understanding of online teaching as experienced by physiotherapy teachers. The research was carried out as a qualitative interview study using the phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology. A total of six physiotherapy teachers from two different Universities of Applied Sciences participated in the study. The interview data was collected via online (Zoom) as individual open interviews between January and March 2023. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and the data was analyzed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) created by Smith et al. (2022). The results of the study have been formed through the seven-step process of IPA analysis. Physiotherapy teachers' experiences of online teaching formed two group experiential themes and a total of five sub-themes: 1) experiences of planning and implementing online teaching (sub-themes: experiences of the challenges of planning and implementing online teaching, positive experiences of planning and implementing online teaching and experiences of the importance of pedagogical methods of online teaching) and 2) experiences of interaction in online teaching (subthemes: experiencing online interaction as challenging and experiencing online interaction as positive). The results of this study increase the understanding of online teaching as an experiential phenomenon. The research results can be used in the planning, implementation and development of online teaching for physiotherapy teachers. In the future, it would be important to investigate the experiences of physiotherapy teachers with online teaching throughout Finland in different universities of applied sciences. In addition, it would be interesting to study students´ experiences with online teaching using the phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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