Involvement Load and Vocabulary Acquisition in Digital Game-Based Tasks
This study investigated the effectiveness of digital game-based vocabulary learning (DGBVL) task (It is worth mentioning that, in this study, the term task refers to vocabulary learning activities)-induced levels of involvement load (LIL) on vocabulary acquisition. Firstly, based on the criteria defined in the Technique Feature Analysis (TFA) checklist, three DGBVL tasks were designed to induce low, moderate, and high LIL. After that, 30 Persian-speaker teenagers were recruited as participants. Next, participants were randomly assigned a DGBVL task for completion in pairs. Finally, participants’ vocabulary acquisition was evaluated by both receptive and productive delayed post-tests three weeks later. Moreover, think-aloud data were collected during and after task completion. The results showed that: 1) all three DGBVL tasks supported vocabulary acquisition; 2) the LIL mattered, and a high LIL produced more vocabulary acquisition; 3) the structural elements of DGBVL tasks could alter the predictability of LIL; and 4) the structure of the DGBVL tasks may invoke different mental processes and therefore vocabulary learning. Pedagogically, this study suggests that prospective teachers may use pre-teaching techniques in lieu of incorporating glosses into DGBVL tasks provided to students. However, if glosses are to be used, teachers should not use multiple-choice glosses to avoid confusion.
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Vocabulary Learning in the Wild
- Rasti-Behbahani, A. (2023). Involvement Load and Vocabulary Acquisition in Digital Game-Based Tasks. In B. L. Reynolds (Ed.), Vocabulary Learning in the Wild (pp. 163-189). Springer Nature Singapore.
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