An assessment of the level of preparedness of selected Finnish companies towards the EU CSRD
Vuonna 2024 voimaan astuva EU:n kestävyysraportointidirektiivi (CSRD, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) tuo merkittäviä muutoksia suomalaisten yritysten kestävyysraportointiin. CSRD asettaa yrityksille ympäristöön, yhteiskuntaan ja hallintoon liittyviä raportointivaatimuksia ja sen tavoitteena on lisätä läpinäkyvyyttä ja vertailtavuutta yritysten välillä. Käytännön tasolla yritysten tulee raportoida eurooppalaisten kestävyysraportointistandardien (ESRS, European Sustainability Reporting Standards) mukaisesti. Suomessa uusi direktiivi koskettaa noin 600-800:aa yritystä.
CSRD:n vaatimukset muuttavat yritysten raportointia ennen kaikkea merkitsemällä siirtymää vapaaehtoisesta pakolliseen raportointiin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on antaa tietoa suomalaisten yritysten raportoinnin nykytilasta suhteessa CSRD:n vaatimuksiin. Tutkielmassa analysoitiin 30 vuonna 2025 CSRD:n piiriin astuvan suomalaisyrityksen raportointia suhteessa pakollisiin ESRS2 tietovaatimuksiin. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valikoitui laadullinen sisältöanalyysi.
Tutkielman havainnot osoittavat, että suurin osa yrityksistä (60%) on tällä hetkellä valmistunut uudistukseen keskinkertaisesti. Yritysten välillä on kuitenkin paljon vaihtelua. Yrityksistä 23 % ei raportoinut kestävyysasioista lainkaan. Yksikään yritys ei ollut täysin valmistautunut uusiin raportointivaatimuksiin ja kaikkien yritysten on parannettava sekä raportoinnin määrää että laatua.
Tarkasteltaessa raportointivaatimusten eri osa-alueita, suomalaiset yritykset raportoivat tällä hetkellä parhaiten tietojen jäljitettävyyteen (IRO-2), liiketoimintamallin ja markkina-aseman kuvaukseen (SBM-1) sekä sidosryhmävuorovaikutukseen (SBM-2) liittyen. Kaikkien yritysten tulee sitä vastoin parantaa raportointiaan hallintoon liittyvissä GOV-4 ja GOV-2 vaatimuksissa. Merkittävimpänä havaintona 93 % yrityksistä tulee tehdä kaksoisolennaisuusanalyysi ja 53 % yrityksistä tulee kuvata arvoketjunsa. Nämä puutteet ovat kriittisiä yritysten raportoinnin tulevan onnistumisen kannalta, sillä kaksinkertaisen olennaisuuden käsite ja ymmärrys omasta arvoketjusta ovat CSRD:n keskeisiä elementtejä.
The sustainability reporting landscape of Finnish companies is changing, as the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will enter into force in January 2024. The CSRD aims at creating transparency and consistency across businesses by establishing environmental, social and governance related reporting requirements for companies. In practice, all companies subject to the CSRD are required to report in compliance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). In Finland, around 600-800 companies will need to align their reporting according to the CSRD in a given timeline. The CSRD reporting requirements bring major changes for many companies as for many it brings a shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting. This Master’s Thesis aims to provide information on how prepared Finnish companies are towards the CSRD. This is done by analysing the current sustainability reporting of 30 Finnish companies that will be subject to the CSRD from 2025 onwards, against the mandatory ESRS2 disclosure requirements. The chosen research method is qualitative content analysis. The findings of this Master’s Thesis demonstrate an intermediate level of compliance with the CSRD for majority of the companies (60%). There is, however, a lot of variation between companies. Of the selected companies, a relatively high number, 23%, did not provide any sustainability reporting. None of the companies analyzed were fully aligned with the reporting requirements and all companies need to improve both their quantity and quality of reporting. Regarding different reporting areas, companies are currently performing the best on providing traceability on reported information (IRO-2), in describing their business model and market position (SBM-1) as well as in describing their stakeholder engagement (SBM-2). On the contrary, all companies need to level up their reporting in governance related disclosures GOV-4 and GOV-2. Most notably, 93 % of the companies still need to perform a double materiality analysis, and 53 % need to describe their value chain. These two findings are critical for the future success of the reporting of companies, as double materiality and value chain can be seen as founding elements for the CSRD overall.
The sustainability reporting landscape of Finnish companies is changing, as the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will enter into force in January 2024. The CSRD aims at creating transparency and consistency across businesses by establishing environmental, social and governance related reporting requirements for companies. In practice, all companies subject to the CSRD are required to report in compliance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). In Finland, around 600-800 companies will need to align their reporting according to the CSRD in a given timeline. The CSRD reporting requirements bring major changes for many companies as for many it brings a shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting. This Master’s Thesis aims to provide information on how prepared Finnish companies are towards the CSRD. This is done by analysing the current sustainability reporting of 30 Finnish companies that will be subject to the CSRD from 2025 onwards, against the mandatory ESRS2 disclosure requirements. The chosen research method is qualitative content analysis. The findings of this Master’s Thesis demonstrate an intermediate level of compliance with the CSRD for majority of the companies (60%). There is, however, a lot of variation between companies. Of the selected companies, a relatively high number, 23%, did not provide any sustainability reporting. None of the companies analyzed were fully aligned with the reporting requirements and all companies need to improve both their quantity and quality of reporting. Regarding different reporting areas, companies are currently performing the best on providing traceability on reported information (IRO-2), in describing their business model and market position (SBM-1) as well as in describing their stakeholder engagement (SBM-2). On the contrary, all companies need to level up their reporting in governance related disclosures GOV-4 and GOV-2. Most notably, 93 % of the companies still need to perform a double materiality analysis, and 53 % need to describe their value chain. These two findings are critical for the future success of the reporting of companies, as double materiality and value chain can be seen as founding elements for the CSRD overall.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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