Miten karhu nimetään? : uhkakuvat suojelupoliisin ja Kaitsepolitseiametin vuosiraporteissa 2000–2021
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan Suomen suojelupoliisin ja Viron Kaitsepolitseiametin vuosiraporteissa esitettyjä uhkakuvia vuosien 2000 ja 2021 välisenä aikana. Tiedustelupalveluiden vuosiraporteillaan esittämiä uhkakuvia ei ole aiemmin tässä laajuudessa tutkittu. Laadullisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin turvallisuus- ja tiedustelupalveluiden julkisista vuosiraporteista löydettiin erilaisia uhkakuvia, jotka koottiin uhkakuvien pääluokiksi. Kaitsepolitseiametin vuosiraporteista löydettiin kuusi eri pääuhkakuvaa ja suojelupoliisin vuosiraporteista viisi. Merkittävä osa uhkakuvista oli tutkituille tiedustelupalveluille yhteisiä. Jaettuja uhkakuvia tarkastelujaksolla olivat vieraan valtion tiedustelutoiminnan aiheuttama uhka, kybertoimintaympäristössä tapahtuva kohdemaata uhkaava toiminta, radikalisoituneen yksilön tai ryhmittymän tekemä terroristinen teko tai sen valmistelu, sekä kansallista turvallisuutta uhkaava toiminta. Lisäksi Kaitsepolitseiametin vuosiraporteista nousi esiin Venäjän toiminnasta nousevat uhkat, sekä räjähderikollisuus. Suojelupoliisin vuosiraporteista nousi esiin edellisten lisäksi joukkotuhoaseiden leviämisen uhka.
Tutkittujen turvallisuus- ja tiedustelupalveluiden esiin nostamat uhkakuvat olivat hyvin toistensa kaltaisia. Suurimmat erot tulivat esille uhkaa aiheuttavien tahojen nimeämispolitiikassa. Kaitsepolitseiamet oli koko tarkastelujakson ajan hanakka nimeämään Venäjän toimien aiheuttamaa uhkaa. Suojelupoliisi ei maininnut uhkaavasti toimivia valtioita nimeltä ennen tarkastelujakson loppupuolta. Ensimmäinen kerran Venäjä mainittiin uhkaavana toimijana vuonna 2017. Kaitsepolitseiamet nimesi sitä uhkaavia valtiotoimijoita, pääasiassa Venäjän johdonmukaisesti koko tarkastelujakson ajan.
Turvallisuus- ja tiedustelupalveluiden uhkakuvat elävät ajassa. Julkisten vuosiraporttien tarkoituksena on nostaa ajankohtaisia turvallisuusuhkia kansalaiskeskusteluun ja politiisen päätöksenteon agendalle turvallistamisprosessien kautta. Kööpenhaminan koulukunnan tulkinnan mukaan asia voidaan turvallistaa, eli nostaa ohi normaalin päätöksenteon prosessien suoraan prioriteettilistan kärkeen. Turvallisuuskysymykset koetaan usein niin oleellisen tärkeiksi, että uhkakuvien hallitsemiseksi ne voidaan turvallistaa. Vuosiraporttien toisena funktiona voidaan nähdä kansalaisten valistaminen turvallisuusuhkista ja torjua uhkakuvia tiedolla.
This thesis examines the threat scenarios presented in the annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) and the Estonian Kaitsepolitseiamet for the period of 2000-2021. The threat scenarios presented in the annual reports of security services have not previously been studied to this extent. A qualitative content analysis of the public annual reports of the security and intelligence services identified different types of threats, which were grouped into main categories. Six different main threat scenarios were found in the annual reports of Kaitsepolitseiamet and five in the annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service. A significant number of the threat images were shared to the intelligence services examined. Shared threats for the reviewed period included the threat posed by foreign intelligence activities, activities in the cyber environment that threaten the target country, terrorist acts committed or prepared by radicalized individuals or groups, and activities that threaten national security. In addition, the annual reports of the Estonian Kaitsepolitseiamet also highlighted threats from Russia, as well as explosive related crime. The annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service also highlighted the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The threat scenarios highlighted by the security and intelligence services surveyed were very similar during the reviewed period. The main differences were found in the policy of naming the actors posing the threat. Throughout the reviewed period, the Finnish Supo was reluctant to name the threat posed by Russian actions. The first time Russia was openly mentioned as a threat actor by Supo was in 2017. Throughout the reviewed period, Kaitsepolitseiamet named the state actors that threatened it, mainly blaming Russia. Threats identified by the security and intelligence services are evolving over time. The purpose of the annual public reports is to bring current security threats to the public debate and the policy-making agenda through securitization processes. The Copenhagen School interprets the issue as one that can be securitized, i.e., moved beyond normal decision-making processes and directly to the top of the priority list. Security issues are often considered so essential that they can be securitized to manage them.
This thesis examines the threat scenarios presented in the annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) and the Estonian Kaitsepolitseiamet for the period of 2000-2021. The threat scenarios presented in the annual reports of security services have not previously been studied to this extent. A qualitative content analysis of the public annual reports of the security and intelligence services identified different types of threats, which were grouped into main categories. Six different main threat scenarios were found in the annual reports of Kaitsepolitseiamet and five in the annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service. A significant number of the threat images were shared to the intelligence services examined. Shared threats for the reviewed period included the threat posed by foreign intelligence activities, activities in the cyber environment that threaten the target country, terrorist acts committed or prepared by radicalized individuals or groups, and activities that threaten national security. In addition, the annual reports of the Estonian Kaitsepolitseiamet also highlighted threats from Russia, as well as explosive related crime. The annual reports of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service also highlighted the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The threat scenarios highlighted by the security and intelligence services surveyed were very similar during the reviewed period. The main differences were found in the policy of naming the actors posing the threat. Throughout the reviewed period, the Finnish Supo was reluctant to name the threat posed by Russian actions. The first time Russia was openly mentioned as a threat actor by Supo was in 2017. Throughout the reviewed period, Kaitsepolitseiamet named the state actors that threatened it, mainly blaming Russia. Threats identified by the security and intelligence services are evolving over time. The purpose of the annual public reports is to bring current security threats to the public debate and the policy-making agenda through securitization processes. The Copenhagen School interprets the issue as one that can be securitized, i.e., moved beyond normal decision-making processes and directly to the top of the priority list. Security issues are often considered so essential that they can be securitized to manage them.
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Master thesis
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