Arjen rajapinta Ammatillisen Perhekodin kehittämisprojektissa : Yhteisökasvatuksellisen toimintakulttuurin pysyvyys kehittämisprojektin ja pitkittäistutkimuksen aikana vuosina 2003-2020

This action research project was conducted at a Finnish Professional Foster Home. This dissertation studies the development process and the development of the Professional Foster Home toward a culture of community education. The development process aimed to reform a smoother and more functional every-day life at the Professional Foster Home. The framework for change was built on Kalevi Kaipio’s community education model. As the research progressed, the following research questions emerged: (1) How do the practices develop at the Professional Foster Home during the development project of community education? (2) What kinds of opportunities and challenges arise in everyday educational situations during the development project of community educa-tion? (3) Which practices of community education remain permanent during the follow-up phases in 2010 and 2020? The data were collected through interviews and meetings organized during the development project. The research focused on the educators’ experiences, emotions, reflections, and observations about the community of children and the community of educators. It also focused on their observations about the changes in the organizational culture of the whole Professional Foster Home community toward a culture of community educa-tion. The analysis was carried out through content analysis. In addition, the act-antial model (Greimas, 1980) was used to analyze the second research question. The key results showed that each educator acquired the culture of community education at their own pace, safety was improved in the community of children, and the group functioned better. In addition, there was constant dynamic variation at the interfaces of everyday life. To conclude, establishing a culture of community education requires constant and daily attention. Societal changes and changes within the organization and individual agency may all affect the development and establishment of a culture of community education.
Main Author
Theses Doctoral thesis
Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Published in
JYU Dissertations
In CopyrightOpen Access
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä
