Tukipalveluiden organisointi projektitalossa asiakkuudenhallintajärjestelmän avulla : tapaustutkimus
Asiakkuudenhallintajärjestelmien tutkimus keskittyy vahvasti
käyttöönottoprojektien onnistumisen tarkasteluun. Loppukäyttäjien
kokemukset ja järjestelmän operatiivisten hyötyjen tarkastelu on jäänyt hyvin
vähälle huomiolle. Tämä tapaustutkimus tarkastelee
asiakkuudenhallintajärjestelmän hyödyntämistä asiakkaiden tukipalveluiden
toteuttamisessa ja järjestelmän vaikutusta tukiprosessiin. Näkökulma rajoittuu
loppukäyttäjien kokemukseen järjestelmän hyödyllisyydestä ja puutteista.
Kyselyvastausten perusteella luotiin yhdentoista kohdan kuvaus tukiprosessista.
Tukiprosessia tukevat tekijät jaettiin kahden teeman alle, kommunikointi ja
tiedonkäyttö sekä automaatiot. Myös tukiprosessin näkökulmasta puutteelliset
tai kehitettävät tekijät jaettiin kahteen teemaan, työn tukeminen ja
prosessimuutos. Aiemmassa kirjallisuudessa esiintyneet operatiiviset hyödyt
täyttyvät loppukäyttäjien kokemusten mukaan. Järjestelmän käytöstä koettuja
operatiivisia hyötyjä ovat järjestelmä helpottaa sekä asiakastiedon että
tukiprosessin hallintaa, järjestelmä vaikuttaa positiivisesti asiakkaille tuotetun
palvelun laatuun ja järjestelmä koetaan hyödylliseksi työssä.
Research into customer relationship management systems focuses strongly on examining the success of implementation projects. The end users' experiences and the examination of the operational benefits of the system have received very little attention. This case study examines the utilization of a customer relationship management system in the implementation of customer support services and the effect of the system on the support process. The perspective is limited to the end users' experience of the system's usefulness and shortcomings. Based on the survey responses, an eleven-point description of the support process was created. The factors supporting the support process were divided under two themes, communication and information use as well as automation. Also, from the point of view of the support process, the factors that are lacking or that need to be developed were divided into two themes, work support and process change. The operational benefits that appeared in the previous literature are fulfilled according to the experiences of the end users. The perceived operational benefits of using the system are that the system facilitates the management of both customer information and the support process, the system has a positive effect on the quality of the service provided to customers, and the system is perceived as useful at work.
Research into customer relationship management systems focuses strongly on examining the success of implementation projects. The end users' experiences and the examination of the operational benefits of the system have received very little attention. This case study examines the utilization of a customer relationship management system in the implementation of customer support services and the effect of the system on the support process. The perspective is limited to the end users' experience of the system's usefulness and shortcomings. Based on the survey responses, an eleven-point description of the support process was created. The factors supporting the support process were divided under two themes, communication and information use as well as automation. Also, from the point of view of the support process, the factors that are lacking or that need to be developed were divided into two themes, work support and process change. The operational benefits that appeared in the previous literature are fulfilled according to the experiences of the end users. The perceived operational benefits of using the system are that the system facilitates the management of both customer information and the support process, the system has a positive effect on the quality of the service provided to customers, and the system is perceived as useful at work.
Main Author
Master thesis
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202311097875Use this for linking
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