Cardiorespiratory fitness and targeted proteomics involved in brain and cardiovascular health in children with overweight/obesity

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is inversely associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and brain health impairments. However, the molecular mechanisms linking CRF to health in children are poorly understood. We aimed to examine protein levels related to brain health and CVD in plasma of fit compared to unfit children with overweight/obesity (OW/OB). Eighty-seven children with OW/OB (10.08 ± 1.1 years, 59% boys) from the ActiveBrains project were included. CRF was measured by performing a treadmill test, and children were categorized into fit or unfit. Targeted proteomics in plasma was performed using Olink’s proximity extension assay technology of Neurology panel in the whole sample and of Cardiovascular panel in a subsample. Sixteen proteins (PLXNB3, sFRP3, CLEC1B, RSPO1, Gal8, CLEC10A, GCP5, MDGA1, CTSC, LAT, IL4RA, PRSS27, CXCL1, Gal9, MERTK, and GT) were differentially expressed between fit and unfit children with OW/OB after adjusting for sex, maturational status, and body mass index. However, statistically significant differences disappeared after applying FDR correction. Potential candidate proteins related to CRF levels in children with OW/OB were detected, being involved in several biological processes such as neurogenesis, immune/inflammatory response, signal transduction, platelet activation. Nevertheless, these preliminary findings should be confirmed or contrasted in future studies using larger sample sizes, longitudinal and experimental designs.
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Articles Research article
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Peer reviewed
Published in
European Journal of Sport Science
  • Plaza-Florido, A., Rodriguez-Ayllon, M., Altmäe, S., Ortega, F. B., & Esteban-Cornejo, I. (2023). Cardiorespiratory fitness and targeted proteomics involved in brain and cardiovascular health in children with overweight/obesity. European Journal of Sport Science, 23(10), 2076-2085.
In CopyrightOpen Access
Additional information about funding
The project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Reference DEP2013-47540, DEP2016-79512-R, and DEP2017-91544-EXP) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER): grants RYC-2016-21199 y Endo-Map PID2021-127280OB-I00. AP-F is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU 16/02760). IE-C is supported by the Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness (RTI2018-095284-J-100), and Science and Innovation (RYC2019-027287-I). Additional support was obtained from the Unit of Excellence on EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health (DEP2005- 00046/ACTI; 09/UPB/19; 45/UPB/20; 27/UPB/21); Alicia Koplowitz Foundation. This study has been partially funded by the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR. Additional funding was obtained from the Andalusian Operational Programme supported with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF in English, FEDER in Spanish, projects ref: B-CTS-355-UGR18 and A-CTS-614-UGR20) and Junta de Andalucia (P20_00158). MRA was funded by the Ramón Areces Foundation.
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