Suomalaisen yleisurheilijan polku maajoukkuetason urheilijaksi ja valmentautuminen kansainvälisen tason saavuttamisen kannalta : tarkastelussa vuosien 2018–2020 maajoukkueurheilijat
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää suomalaisten yleisurheilijoiden polkuja maajoukkuetason urheilijoiksi, tarkastella heidän valmentautumistaan sekä valmentautumisen mahdollistajia ja haasteita kansainvälisen tason saavuttamisen kannalta. Tutkimus kohdistuu suomalaisiin vuosien 2018–2020 maajoukkueyleisurheilijoihin. Tällaista lajispesifiä tarkastelua ei ole aiemmin tehty, joten tutkimuksella on uutuusarvoa.
Tutkimus on menetelmältään sekä kvantitatiivinen että kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusaineistona hyödynnettiin KIHUn Urheilijakyselyä 2020. Kysely koostui pääasiassa vaihtoehto- ja monivalintakysymyksistä, väitteistä sekä avoimista kysymyksistä. Suomen Urheiluliitto vastasi kyselylomakkeen lähettämisestä syksyllä 2020, jolloin se toimitettiin 427 maajoukkuetoimintaan vuosina 2018–2020 osallistuneelle yleisurheilijalle. Yhteensä 39 yleisurheilijaa vastasi kyselyyn. Aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntämällä SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmiston versiota 28.0 ja avointen kysymysten analysointi toteutettiin luokittelun avulla.
Keskimäärin yleisurheilijat aloittivat yleisurheilun harrastamisen 10-vuotiaana ja yleisurheiluun panostaminen eli valintojen tekeminen siinä ensisijaisesti menestyäkseen aloitettiin puolestaan keskimäärin 14-vuotiaana. Nuorten maajoukkueeseen on kuulunut lähes kaikki urheilijat (86,8 %). Varhaisen menestyksen jatkumona on ollut pääsy aikuisten maajoukkueeseen, mutta maajoukkuetason saavuttaminen myöhemmälläkin iällä on ollut mahdollista.
Hieman yli puolella urheilijoista (52,6 %) ei ollut kansainvälisen tason saavuttamista haittaavia tai estäviä tekijöitä heidän urheilu-urallansa. Kun taas reilu kolmannes (39,5 %) koki kansainvälisen tason saavuttamiselle olevan haittaavia tai estäviä tekijöitä heidän urallansa. Suurimmat esteet olivat riittämätön taloudellinen tuki, useat loukkaantumiset ja sairaudet sekä uskalluksen puute heittäytyä täysin urheilu-uralle. Kansainvälisellä tasolla menestyminen edellyttäisi terveenä pysymistä, ominaisuuksien kehittymistä, kaksoisuran mahdollistamista, psyykkistä valmennusta, parempaa päivittäisvalmennusta ja lisää taloudellisia resursseja.
Kaksoisuraratkaisujen onnistuminen, henkilökohtainen valmentaja, valmentaja- ja valmennussuhde, harjoitteluolosuhteet sekä tyytyväisyys valmennus- ja tukitiimin jäseniin mahdollistavat laadukkaan valmentautumisen. Valmentautumisen haasteita ovat puolestaan taloudellisten resurssien riittämättömyys, päivittäisvalmennuksen haasteet sekä asiantuntija- ja tukipalvelut. Yleisurheilijoiden uran edistämiseksi tulisi löytää ratkaisuja ammattimaisemman päivittäisvalmennuksen toteuttamiseen, parantaa asiantuntija- ja tukipalveluiden järjestelyitä ja saatavuutta sekä saada tukea taloudellisten resurssien riittämättömyyteen.
The purpose of this study was to examine Finnish track and field athlete ́s sports path to national sports team and their coaching and describe the enablers and challenges of their coaching from the perspective of reaching an international level. The study examined 39 track and field athletes who were in national sports team in 2018–2020. This kind of sport specific study has not been researched before; hence the study has a novelty value. In this quantitative and qualitative study data was collected through an online survey. The research data was part of KIHU ́s Urheilijakysely 2020. The survey mainly consisted of multiple-choice questions and alternative questions, rating scale questions, Likert scale questions and open-ended questions. An invite to the survey was sent to 427 athletes by Finnish Athletics Federation in the autumn 2020. The data was analyzed by using SPSS Statistics software 28.0 and open-ended questions were analyzed with classification. Track and field athletes had started practicing athletics at the age of 10 on average. Similarly, they had started investing in athletics at an average age of 14. Nearly all the athletes (86,8 %) have been part of the national youth team. Early success has led to joining the national team also on senior level but reaching the national team level has also been possible at a later age. Slightly over half of the athletes (52.6%) did not experience any factors hindering or preventing them from reaching international level as athletes. On the other hand, a little over one-third (39.5%) perceived obstacles that hindered or prevented their progression to the international level. The main barriers were insufficient financial resources, multiple injuries, and illnesses, as well as a lack of courage to fully commit to a career in track and field. Success at the international level would require staying healthy, developing athletic attributes, enabling dual careers, receiving psychological coaching, improving daily training, and increasing financial resources. The success of dual career solutions, personal coach, coach-athlete relationship, training conditions, as well as satisfaction with coaching and support team members, enable high-quality coaching. Challenges in coaching include insufficient financial resources, difficulties with daily coaching, and the expert and support services. To advance the careers of track and field athletes, solutions should be sought to implement more professional daily coaching, enhance the arrangements and availability of the expert and support services, and provide support for insufficient financial resources.
The purpose of this study was to examine Finnish track and field athlete ́s sports path to national sports team and their coaching and describe the enablers and challenges of their coaching from the perspective of reaching an international level. The study examined 39 track and field athletes who were in national sports team in 2018–2020. This kind of sport specific study has not been researched before; hence the study has a novelty value. In this quantitative and qualitative study data was collected through an online survey. The research data was part of KIHU ́s Urheilijakysely 2020. The survey mainly consisted of multiple-choice questions and alternative questions, rating scale questions, Likert scale questions and open-ended questions. An invite to the survey was sent to 427 athletes by Finnish Athletics Federation in the autumn 2020. The data was analyzed by using SPSS Statistics software 28.0 and open-ended questions were analyzed with classification. Track and field athletes had started practicing athletics at the age of 10 on average. Similarly, they had started investing in athletics at an average age of 14. Nearly all the athletes (86,8 %) have been part of the national youth team. Early success has led to joining the national team also on senior level but reaching the national team level has also been possible at a later age. Slightly over half of the athletes (52.6%) did not experience any factors hindering or preventing them from reaching international level as athletes. On the other hand, a little over one-third (39.5%) perceived obstacles that hindered or prevented their progression to the international level. The main barriers were insufficient financial resources, multiple injuries, and illnesses, as well as a lack of courage to fully commit to a career in track and field. Success at the international level would require staying healthy, developing athletic attributes, enabling dual careers, receiving psychological coaching, improving daily training, and increasing financial resources. The success of dual career solutions, personal coach, coach-athlete relationship, training conditions, as well as satisfaction with coaching and support team members, enable high-quality coaching. Challenges in coaching include insufficient financial resources, difficulties with daily coaching, and the expert and support services. To advance the careers of track and field athletes, solutions should be sought to implement more professional daily coaching, enhance the arrangements and availability of the expert and support services, and provide support for insufficient financial resources.
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Master thesis
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