Evidence of nonstatistical neutron emission following β decay near doubly magic 132Sn
Models of the β-delayed neutron emission (βn) assume that neutrons are emitted statistically via an intermediate compound nucleus post β decay. Evidence to the contrary was found in an 134Inβ-decay experiment carried out at ISOLDE CERN. Neutron emission probabilities from the unbound states in 134Sn to known low-lying, single-particle states in 133Sn were measured. The neutron energies were determined using the time-of-flight technique, and the subsequent decay of excited states in 133Sn was studied using γ-ray detectors. Individual βn probabilities were determined by correlating the relative intensities and energies of neutrons and γ rays. The experimental data disagree with the predictions of representative statistical models which are based upon the compound nucleus postulate. Our results suggest that violation of the compound nucleus assumption may occur in β-delayed neutron emission. This impacts the neutron-emission probabilities and other properties of nuclei participating in the r-process. A model of neutron emission, which links the observed neutron emission probabilities to nuclear shell effects, is proposed.
Main Author
Research article
Publication in research information system
American Physical Society (APS)
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202309115058Käytä tätä linkitykseen.
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Physical Review C
- IDS Collaboration. (2023). Evidence of nonstatistical neutron emission following β decay near doubly magic 132Sn. Physical Review C, 108, Article 024311. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.108.024311
European Commission
Funding program(s)
Research infrastructures, H2020
Research infrastructures, H2020
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Additional information about funding
This research was sponsored in part by the Office of Nuclear Physics, U. S. Department of Energy under Award No. DE-FG02-96ER40983 (UTK) and No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 (ORNL), and by the National Nuclear Security Administration under the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances program through DOE Award No. DE-NA0002132. M.P.-S. acknowledges the funding support from the Polish National Science Center under Grant No. 2019/33/N/ST2/03023 and No. 2020/36/T/ST2/00547. A.K. was partially funded by the Polish National Science Center Grant No. 2020/39/B/ST2/02346. T.K. carried out this work under the auspices of the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U. S. Department of Energy at Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract No. 89233218CNA000001. J.E.E. carried out this work under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344. A.N.A., L.J.H-.B., D.S.J., R.D.P., and Zs.P. were supported by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). A.A. acknowledges partial support of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion Grant No. PID2019-104714GB-C21. A.M. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad under Grant No. IJCI-2014-19172. N.W. acknowledges support from the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P18PKCIA and No. 05P21PKCI1 in Verbundprojekte 05P2018 and 05P2021. C.X.Y. acknowledges the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11775316 for support. This work was in part supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium), by GOA/2015/010 (BOF KU Leuven), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12). This work was supported in part by Spanish National Project No. RTI2018-098868-B-I00 and No. PID2019-104390GB-I00. The support by the European Union Horizon 2020 through ENSAR2 (Grant Agreement No. 654002) is acknowledged. This work was supported in part by the Romanian IFA project CERN/ISOLDE.
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