Secure and coherent external user identity management
Pro gradu käsittelee ulkoisten identiteettien hallintaa kohdeyrityksessä. Identiteettien hallinnan tärkeys yritysten tietoturvan hallintamekanismina korostuu päivä päivältä. Identiteetin hallinnan tärkeys korostuu varsinkin kun käsitellään ulkopuolisten käyttäjien identiteettejä. Ulkoiset eivät voi tietoturvallisista syistä saada vastaavia
oikeuksia kuin sisäiset identiteetit. Pro Gradussa esitellään malli, joka voisi parantaa ulkoisten identiteettien hallintaa. Mallin materiaali on koottu kirjallisuudesta, dokumentaatioista ja haastatteluista saatujen tietojen avulla. Mallin parannusehdotukset yleisellä tasolla koskevat informaation virtauksen, dokumentaatioiden ja politiikkojen parantamista.
This thesis examines a company’s external user identity management. Nowadays, identity management has become an important security mechanism for companies worldwide. Identity management is even more evident when talking about external users who are not inner employees of a company and hence cannot receive the same accesses nor privileges as the company’s own employees do. By gathering material from the literature, documentation, and interviews, this thesis proposes a model on how the identity management of external users can be enhanced. Enhancement propositions on an abstract level deal with the information flow, available documentation, and policy enhancements.
This thesis examines a company’s external user identity management. Nowadays, identity management has become an important security mechanism for companies worldwide. Identity management is even more evident when talking about external users who are not inner employees of a company and hence cannot receive the same accesses nor privileges as the company’s own employees do. By gathering material from the literature, documentation, and interviews, this thesis proposes a model on how the identity management of external users can be enhanced. Enhancement propositions on an abstract level deal with the information flow, available documentation, and policy enhancements.
Main Author
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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