Inclusive and semi-inclusive deeply inelastic lepton-hadron scattering in next-to-leading order perturbative QCD
Työssä lasketaan rakennefunktiot ja vaikutusalat inklusiiviselle ja semi-inklusiiviselle
syvälle epäelastiselle sironnalle Kvanttiväridynamiikan (QCD) häiriöteorian alinta
seuraavassa kertaluvussa. Laskennassa käytetään dimensionaalista regularisointia ja renormalisaatio tehdään MS skeeman mukaan. Laskettuja vaikutusaloja ja
muutamaa saatavilla olevaa kokeellisesti määritettyä partonitiheysfunktio- ja fragmentaatiofunktiokokoelmaa käytetään sitten elektroni-protoni sironnassa syntyvien
varattujen pionien multiplisiteettien numeeriseen laskemiseen. Saatuja tuloksia verrataan HERMES-kokeen tuloksiin. Eri fragmentaatiofunktiokokoelmille lasketut
multiplisiteetit vastaavat vaihtelevalla menestyksellä HERMES-kokeen tuloksia.
The structure functions and cross sections of inclusive and semi-inclusive deeply inelastic lepton-hadron scattering are calculated at next-to leading order perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Calculations are done using dimensional regularization and renormalization in the MS scheme. These cross sections are then used along with several available experimentally determined parton density function sets and fragmentation function sets to numerically calculate multiplicities for charged pions produced in electron-proton scattering. These numerical multiplicities are compared with those measured at the HERMES experiment. The calculated multiplicities of the different fragmentation function sets agree with the HERMES results to a varying degree.
The structure functions and cross sections of inclusive and semi-inclusive deeply inelastic lepton-hadron scattering are calculated at next-to leading order perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Calculations are done using dimensional regularization and renormalization in the MS scheme. These cross sections are then used along with several available experimentally determined parton density function sets and fragmentation function sets to numerically calculate multiplicities for charged pions produced in electron-proton scattering. These numerical multiplicities are compared with those measured at the HERMES experiment. The calculated multiplicities of the different fragmentation function sets agree with the HERMES results to a varying degree.
Main Author
Master thesis
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