Johdon ja työntekijöiden työuupumuksen diskursiivinen rakentuminen mediassa
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ja analysoida tarkemmin työuupumuksen ympärille rakentuneita diskursseja. Aineistona käytettiin
Helsingin Sanomien julkaisuja yhdentoista vuoden ajalta, vuoden 2010 alusta koronapandemian yli. Uupumus valittiin tutkimuskohteeksi, sillä se on yleistynyt viime vuosina voimakkaasti ja vaikuttaa merkittävänä tekijänä työelämässä. Ennakkoluulot ja häpeä uupumuksen ja sen oireiden ympärillä vaikuttavat diskursseissa työuupumuksen ympärillä, joita pyrittiin tässä
tutkimuksessa kartoittamaan.
Tutkimuksessa havaittiin neljä päädiskurssia: Tehokkuus-, vähättely-, sankari- ja muutosdiskurssi. Kolme näistä neljästä diskurssista korosti tehokkuutta hyvinvoinnin edelle, mikä oli muutosdiskurssissa kääntynyt päinvastaiseksi. Muutosdiskurssissa haettiin muutosta juuri tälle tehokkuuden korostamiselle ja uupumisen vähättelylle. Tehokkuutta korostavat diskurssit olivat selkeästi vahvempia aineiston alkupuolella, kun taas muutosdiskurssi vahvistui aineiston loppupuolelle. Uupuminen nähtiin aineistossa kokonaisuudessaan
vakavasti otettavana ongelmana, mutta sen vähättely oli yleistä, etenkin juuri aineiston alkupuolella.
Oli selkeää, että diskurssit ovat muokkautuneet ja kehittyneet aineiston tarkastelemalla aikavälillä. Näissä diskursseissa voitiin havaita eroavaisuuksia diskursseissa, joita on rakentunut johtajien uupumuksen sekä toisaalta työntekijöiden uupumuksen välille. Johtajien uupumisen ympärille rakentui selkeästi enemmän vähäĴelydiskursseja sekä sankaridiskursseja, kun taas työntekijöiden uupumisen ympärillä havaittiin vahvemmin
uutosdiskursseja. Diskursseja analysoitiin lisäksi erikseen yksilön ja yhteisöjen näkökulmasta, ja myös tämä jako noudatteli johtajien ja työntekijöiden erottelua. Johtajien diskursseissa korostettiin enemmän yksilön näkökulmaa uupumisesta, kun taas työntekijöiden uupumisen yhteydessä nähtiin enemmän yksilön ja yhteisön vastuiden tasapainottamista.
Burnout is a factor in modern working life that has as many viewpoints as there are people. It can be experienced and seen in countless different ways, which can make it complicated to recognize. There is also a stigma surrounding burnout, which can cause shame or guilt for those who experience it. This can further amplify mental health problems, and this is why it is important to study and better understand the discourses around burnout. This thesis will look at this growing phenomenon more closely from the viewpoint of those discourses. It is clear from the results that there are still major indicators that burnout would be seen as a shameful factor in an individual’s life. Efficiency is more respected than well-being, which was highlighted in three out of the four discourses that were found in the study. Regarding this, there was a clear difference between managers and workers when it came to seeing burnout as a valid form of threat to an individual’s health. Managers see burnout more as an individual problem that should be solved individually (in themselves but also in others), whereas workers more often take a broader approach to the issue. The workers were more likely to treat burnout at the community level and find solutions in organizational structures than managers. They were also more eager to see change in working life, whereas managers were more likely to highlight the importance of individuals when it came to necessary changes (in themselves but also in others). As a whole, however, burnout was considered a major threat to one’s health, even though idealizing productivity over mental and physical health was common. Moreover, when burnout is seen as shameful, it is more common to see certain groups of people as victims of it than others. Burnout is categorized based on gender, age, and profession as being more likely to cause harm or to be considered a personal failure. When the right kinds of people go through burnout, it can even be considered heroic, which is contradictory to those discourses where burnout is considered shameful.
Burnout is a factor in modern working life that has as many viewpoints as there are people. It can be experienced and seen in countless different ways, which can make it complicated to recognize. There is also a stigma surrounding burnout, which can cause shame or guilt for those who experience it. This can further amplify mental health problems, and this is why it is important to study and better understand the discourses around burnout. This thesis will look at this growing phenomenon more closely from the viewpoint of those discourses. It is clear from the results that there are still major indicators that burnout would be seen as a shameful factor in an individual’s life. Efficiency is more respected than well-being, which was highlighted in three out of the four discourses that were found in the study. Regarding this, there was a clear difference between managers and workers when it came to seeing burnout as a valid form of threat to an individual’s health. Managers see burnout more as an individual problem that should be solved individually (in themselves but also in others), whereas workers more often take a broader approach to the issue. The workers were more likely to treat burnout at the community level and find solutions in organizational structures than managers. They were also more eager to see change in working life, whereas managers were more likely to highlight the importance of individuals when it came to necessary changes (in themselves but also in others). As a whole, however, burnout was considered a major threat to one’s health, even though idealizing productivity over mental and physical health was common. Moreover, when burnout is seen as shameful, it is more common to see certain groups of people as victims of it than others. Burnout is categorized based on gender, age, and profession as being more likely to cause harm or to be considered a personal failure. When the right kinds of people go through burnout, it can even be considered heroic, which is contradictory to those discourses where burnout is considered shameful.
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Master thesis
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