Spectral theory for unbounded self-adjoint operators
Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään rajoittamattomien itseadjungoitujen operaattorien spektraaliteoriaan. Tutkielman päätulos on tällaisten operattorien spektraalilause, jonka mukaan mikä tahansa rajoittamaton itseadjungoitu operaattori voidaan kirjoittaa operaattoriarvoisena integraalina operaattorin spektrin yli. Tämä on itseadjungoitujen matriisien spektraalihajotelman yleistys.
Rajoittamattomien itseadjungoitujen operaattorien spektraalilause seuraa johtamalla se ensin rajoitetuille itseadjungoiduille operaattoreille ja tämän jälkeen unitaarisille operaattoreille. Unitaaristen operaattorien spektraalilauseesta saadaan johdettua rajoittamattomien itseadjungoitujen operaattorien tapaus Cayleyn muunnoksen avulla.
Lopuksi tarkastellaan joitain spektraaliteorian seurauksia. Erityisesti keskitytään sen sovelluksiin kvanttimekaniikassa, missä fysikaaliset suureet vastaavat itseadjungoituja operaattoreita.
The focus of this thesis is the spectral theory for unbounded self-adjoint operators. The main result of the thesis is the corresponding spectral theorem, which states that any unbounded self-adjoint operator can be written as an operator-valued integral over the spectrum of the operator. This is a generalization of the spectral decomposition for self-adjoint matrices. The proof of the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators follows by proving it first for bounded self-adjoint operators and then for unitary operators. From the unitary case, the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators is proven by using the Cayley transform. Finally, some consequences of the spectral theory are considered. Special emphasis is given to its applications to quantum mechanics where physical observables correspond to self-adjoint operators.
The focus of this thesis is the spectral theory for unbounded self-adjoint operators. The main result of the thesis is the corresponding spectral theorem, which states that any unbounded self-adjoint operator can be written as an operator-valued integral over the spectrum of the operator. This is a generalization of the spectral decomposition for self-adjoint matrices. The proof of the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators follows by proving it first for bounded self-adjoint operators and then for unitary operators. From the unitary case, the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators is proven by using the Cayley transform. Finally, some consequences of the spectral theory are considered. Special emphasis is given to its applications to quantum mechanics where physical observables correspond to self-adjoint operators.
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Master thesis
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