Virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailun mahdollisuudet matkailumarkkinoilla toimimiseen
Virtuaalitodellisuusteknologian kehitys alkoi 1960-luvulla, ja 90-luvun lopulla esitettiin, että virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailu voisi mahdollisesti jopa korvata perinteisen matkailun. Tähän mennessä virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailu ei kuitenkaan ole yleistynyt merkittävissä määrin. Perinteisen matkailun markkinoilla on kuitenkin tapahtunut muutoksia teknologian kehityksen, koronaviruspandemian ja ilmastonmuutoksen myötä, ja muutokset tulevat jatkumaan. Näin ollen tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella, millaisia mahdollisuuksia virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailulla on matkailumarkkinoilla toimimiseen potentiaalisten käyttäjien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailuun suhtaudutaan sekä millaiset tekijät ja virtuaalitodellisuusmatkan mahdolliset ominaisuudet vaikuttavat virtuaalitodellisuusmatkan käyttöaikomukseen. Tutkimukselle koottiin tutkimusmalli UTAUT2-mallia soveltaen, ja tutkimusmallin perusteella muodostettiin kahdeksan hypoteesia virtuaalitodellisuusmatkan käyttöaikomukseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Hypoteesien mukaan vaivattomuusodotukset, sosiaalinen paine, käyttöä tukevat olosuhteet ja hedoninen motivaatio sekä aineellisten muistojen, aistikokemuksien, aktiviteettikokemuksien ja sosiaalisten kokemuksien tärkeyden oletettiin vaikuttavan käyttöaikomukseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena, ja aineistonkeruussa käytettiin verkkokyselylomaketta. Kyselyyn saatiin 101 vastausta, ja hypoteesien toteutumista aineistossa testattiin regressioanalyysilla. Aineiston analyysissa havaittiin, että hedoninen motivaatio ja sosiaalinen paine vaikuttavat positiivisesti virtuaalitodellisuusmatkan käyttöaikomukseen. Sen sijaan muiden tarkasteltujen tekijöiden ja virtuaalitodellisuusmatkailun käyttöaikomuksen välillä ei havaittu riippuvuussuhdetta. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty käyttöaikomukseen vaikuttavia virtuaalitodellisuusmatkan mahdollisia ominaisuuksia, mutta analyysissa havaittiin, että aineellisten muistojen, aistikokemuksien, aktiviteettikokemuksien ja sosiaalisten kokemuksien pitäminen tärkeänä ei vaikuttanut käyttöaikomukseen.
The development of virtual reality technology began in the 1960s, and in the late 90s it was suggested that virtual reality travel could replace traditional tourism in the future. So far, virtual reality travel has not become significantly widespread. However, traditional tourism market has changed lately due to technological development, the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, and the tourism market will continue changing. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to find out what opportunities virtual reality travel has for operating in the tourism market from the point of view of potential users. The aim of the study was to find out how virtual reality travel is viewed and what factors and possible characteristics of virtual reality travel affect the intention to use virtual reality travel. A research model was composed by applying the UTAUT2 model, and based on the research model, eight hypotheses were formed about the factors affecting the intention to use a virtual reality travel. According to the hypotheses, effort expectancy, social pressure, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation, as well as the importance of material memories, sensory experiences, activity experiences and social experiences were assumed to affect the intention to use. The research was carried out as a quantitative study, and an online questionnaire was used for data collection. 101 responses were received to the survey, and the hypotheses were tested with regression analysis. According to the results of the analysis, hedonic motivation and social pressure have a positive effect on the intention to use virtual reality travel. On the other hand, no dependence relationship was noticed between the other factors and the intention to use virtual reality travel. Any possible characteristics of virtual reality travel that affect the intention to use were not recognized in the study, but it was noted that the importance of material memories, sensory experiences, activity experiences and social experiences did not affect the intention to use virtual reality travel.
The development of virtual reality technology began in the 1960s, and in the late 90s it was suggested that virtual reality travel could replace traditional tourism in the future. So far, virtual reality travel has not become significantly widespread. However, traditional tourism market has changed lately due to technological development, the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, and the tourism market will continue changing. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to find out what opportunities virtual reality travel has for operating in the tourism market from the point of view of potential users. The aim of the study was to find out how virtual reality travel is viewed and what factors and possible characteristics of virtual reality travel affect the intention to use virtual reality travel. A research model was composed by applying the UTAUT2 model, and based on the research model, eight hypotheses were formed about the factors affecting the intention to use a virtual reality travel. According to the hypotheses, effort expectancy, social pressure, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation, as well as the importance of material memories, sensory experiences, activity experiences and social experiences were assumed to affect the intention to use. The research was carried out as a quantitative study, and an online questionnaire was used for data collection. 101 responses were received to the survey, and the hypotheses were tested with regression analysis. According to the results of the analysis, hedonic motivation and social pressure have a positive effect on the intention to use virtual reality travel. On the other hand, no dependence relationship was noticed between the other factors and the intention to use virtual reality travel. Any possible characteristics of virtual reality travel that affect the intention to use were not recognized in the study, but it was noted that the importance of material memories, sensory experiences, activity experiences and social experiences did not affect the intention to use virtual reality travel.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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