Developing Cybersecurity in an Industrial Environment by Using a Testbed Environment
Critical infrastructure protection requires a testing environment that allows the testing of different kinds of equipment, software, networks, and tools to develop vital functions of the critical industrial environment. Used electrical equipment must be reliable, capable and maintain a stable critical industrial ecosystem. An industrial business needs to develop cybersecurity capabilities that detect and prevent IT/ICT and OT/ICS threats in an industrial environment. The emerging trend has been to create security operations center (SOC) services to detect ICS-related threats in enterprise networks. The energy supply sector must consist of crucial elements for safe business continuity and supply chain management in the industrial sector. Threats have changed into a combination of threat types. Hybrid threats may prevent everyday industrial activities, processes, and procedures so that supply chain problems may become long-lasting and affects business continuity management.
The project CSG belongs to the (Cybersecurity governance of operational technology in the sector connected smart energy) research project consortium of Business Finland’s Digital Trust Programme.
The first research paper regarding the CSG (Cyber Security Governance) project concentrates on the applied theory background of this project. The research provides a research approach for investigating cyber security at the operational and technical levels. It answers the questions of where to concentrate on OT-related cyber security research and how we aim to deploy a testbed to develop a governance model in the CSG project. The study's primary purpose is to describe the operating OT-SOC environment and analyze system requirements for optimizing situational awareness in the testbed environment.
Main Authors
Conference paper
Publication in research information system
Academic Conferences International
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Parent publication ISBN
Review status
Peer reviewed
European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
Published in
Proceedings of the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
Is part of publication
Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
- Simola, J., Savola, R., Frantti, T., Takala, A., & Lehkonen, R. (2023). Developing Cybersecurity in an Industrial Environment by Using a Testbed Environment. In A. Andreatos, & C. Douligeris (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (pp. 429-438). Academic Conferences International. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 22.
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