The Neuronal Source Activations Measured During ANT and Online Source Credibility Evaluation Skills of Sixth Graders with Typical Development, Reading Difficulties and Attentional Problems.
Tarkkaavuuden vaikeuksia on todettu esiintyvän sekä tarkkaavuuspulmaisilla että lukivaikeuksisilla
lapsilla. Pulmat tarkkaavuudessa voivat olla eri mekanismien kautta yhteydessä myös luetun
ymmärtämisen vaikeuksiin, minkä on edelleen osoitettu liittyvän vaikeuksiin internetlukutaitoa
vaativissa tehtävissä (InternetLukemisenArviointi). Tarkkaavuuden osa-alueita ja niiden neuraalista
perustaa on tutkittu ANT-tehtävää hyödyntäen. Myös aivokuvantamistutkimuksissa on huomattu
epätyypillistä aktivaatiota lapsilla, joilla on todettu tarkkaavuuden tai lukemisen pulmia. Tässä
tutkimuksessa yhdistetään aivotutkimuksen ja internetlukutaitojen näkökulmat. Tutkimukseen
osallistui kuudesluokkalaisia, joilla on tunnistettu tarkkaavuuden tai lukemisen pulmia sekä
verrokkeja, joilla ei kyseisiä pulmia esiinny. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin tarkkaavuuteen liittyvien
aivotason mittarien yhteyttä internetlukemisen osataitojen, internetlähteiden kriittisen arvioinnin
taitoihin. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin aivoaktiivisuutta myös kriittisen arvioinnin suoriutumiseen
perustuvalla ryhmäjaolla, sillä aiempi tutkimus osoittaa, etteivät lukemisen ja tarkkaavuuden haasteet
vaikeuta kaikkien oppilaiden internetlukemista, ja toisaalta myös lapset, joilla tunnistettuja
vaikeuksia ei ole, kohtaavat internetympäristössä haasteita. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella
ei löytynyt viitteitä tarkkaavuuteen liittyvien aivomittarien ja kriittisen arvioinnin vahvasta
yhteydestä: lineaarista yhteyttä ei näyttäytynyt eivätkä oppimispulmaiset ryhmät eronneet toisistaan
tai verrokeista aivomittareiden ja arviointitehtävän keskinäisessä suhteessa. Kriittisen arvioinnin
suoriutumiseen perustuvasta ryhmäjaosta huomattiin, että oppimispulmaiset lapset ovat merkitsevästi
yliedustettuina heikommin suoriutuvissa ryhmissä. Tällä ryhmäjaolla tehdyillä aivoaktivaation
vertailuissa huomattiin yksittäisenä havaintona, että mediaalisen otsalohkon aktivaatio
tarkkaavuuden inhibitiotehtävässä (ANT) erotteli ryhmiä toisistaan siten, että aktivaatio oli
heikompaa keskimääräisesti suoriutuvalla ryhmällä verrattuna sekä heikoimmin että parhaiten
suoriutuviin ryhmiin. Tutkimuksen aihe vaatii jatkotutkimusta, jotta varmoja johtopäätöksiä
tarkkaavuuteen liittyvien aivomittareiden ja internetlukutaitojen välisistä yhteyksistä voidaan tehdä.
Attention deficits have been found to occur in both children with attentional problems and children with reading difficulties. Mediated by different mechanisms, problems in attention can also be connected to reading comprehension difficulties which have also been shown to be related to difficulties in tasks requiring online research and comprehension (Internet Reading Assessment ILA). The attention subcomponents and their neural basis have been widely studied using the ANT task. Atypical patterns at the neural level have been revealed in brain imaging studies in children with problems with attention or reading. This study combines the perspectives of brain research and online research and comprehension skills. Sixth graders who have been identified with attention or reading problems and controls who do not have these problems participated in the study. The present study examined the associations of attention related brain measures with the performance on critical evaluation of internet sources. The study also compared brain activity of the groups based on the performance in the critical evaluation tasks, as previous research shows that not all children with reading and attention challenges face difficulties on the Internet, and on the other hand, children without those difficulties may struggle in the Internet environment. Based on the results of this study, no indications of a strong relationship between attention-related brain measures and critical evaluation performance were found: no linear connection was shown, and the groups with learning difficulties did not differ from each other or the controls in the relationship between their brain measures and the evaluation task. When examining the distributions of the learner groups in the groups based on the performance of the critical evaluation, it was noticed that children with learning difficulties are significantly overrepresented in the lower performing groups. Further, when comparing the neural activation between these groups, a single difference was revealed. The neural activation of the medial frontal lobe during the attentional inhibition task (ANT) differentiated the groups from each other in such a way that the activation was weaker in the average performing group compared to both the weakest and best performing groups. The topic of the study requires further research for being able to draw conclusions about the associations between brain activations and internet reading skills.
Attention deficits have been found to occur in both children with attentional problems and children with reading difficulties. Mediated by different mechanisms, problems in attention can also be connected to reading comprehension difficulties which have also been shown to be related to difficulties in tasks requiring online research and comprehension (Internet Reading Assessment ILA). The attention subcomponents and their neural basis have been widely studied using the ANT task. Atypical patterns at the neural level have been revealed in brain imaging studies in children with problems with attention or reading. This study combines the perspectives of brain research and online research and comprehension skills. Sixth graders who have been identified with attention or reading problems and controls who do not have these problems participated in the study. The present study examined the associations of attention related brain measures with the performance on critical evaluation of internet sources. The study also compared brain activity of the groups based on the performance in the critical evaluation tasks, as previous research shows that not all children with reading and attention challenges face difficulties on the Internet, and on the other hand, children without those difficulties may struggle in the Internet environment. Based on the results of this study, no indications of a strong relationship between attention-related brain measures and critical evaluation performance were found: no linear connection was shown, and the groups with learning difficulties did not differ from each other or the controls in the relationship between their brain measures and the evaluation task. When examining the distributions of the learner groups in the groups based on the performance of the critical evaluation, it was noticed that children with learning difficulties are significantly overrepresented in the lower performing groups. Further, when comparing the neural activation between these groups, a single difference was revealed. The neural activation of the medial frontal lobe during the attentional inhibition task (ANT) differentiated the groups from each other in such a way that the activation was weaker in the average performing group compared to both the weakest and best performing groups. The topic of the study requires further research for being able to draw conclusions about the associations between brain activations and internet reading skills.
Main Author
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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