Liikunnan opetusryhmien jakaminen ja oppilasmäärät yläkouluissa : liikunnanopettajien näkemyksiä opetusryhmien muodostamisesta
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisissa ryhmissä liikunnanopetusta järjestetään suomalaisissa yläkouluissa. Tarkastelun kohteena olivat opetusryhmien koko ja jako kaikille yhteisiin sekaryhmiin sekä sukupuolen mukaisiin erillisryhmiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin liikunnanopettajien näkemyksiä liikunnan opetusryhmien muodostamisesta ja erityisesti seka- ja erillisryhmien hyödyistä ja haitoista
Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena, johon vastasi 73 liikunnanopettajaa 59 eri koulusta. Liikunnanopettajista 41 oli naisia ja 30 miehiä. Aineistonkeruu toteutettiin joulukuun 2022 ja helmikuun 2023 välillä. Kyselylomake sisälsi taustatietojen lisäksi 10 kysymystä liikunnan opetusryhmistä sekä väittämiä liittyen seka- ja erillisryhmäopetukseen. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin ristiintaulukointia, khiin neliö -testiä (χ2), Z-testiä, Mann-Whitneyn U -testiä sekä Kruskal-Wallisin testiä.
Noin 40 prosenttia opettajista opetti pakollisilla liikuntatunneilla vain sekaryhmiä. Sekä erillis- että sekaryhmiä opetti myös noin 40 prosenttia opettajista. Loput opettajista opetti vain erillisryhmiä. Noin puolet opettajista opetti keskimäärin 16–20 oppilaan ryhmiä ja noin 40 prosenttia yli 20 oppilaan ryhmiä. Vastaajista kymmenesosa opetti keskimäärin 12–15 oppilaan ryhmiä. Naiset olivat miehiä useammin täysin tai osittain samaa mieltä siitä, että pojat saavat opettajilta enemmän huomiota sekaryhmäopetuksessa kuin tytöt. Miehet olivat naisia useammin täysin samaa mieltä, että erillisryhmäopetuksessa on enemmän fyysistä aktiivisuutta kuin sekaryhmäopetuksessa. Liikunnanopettajien mielestä sekaryhmien suurin haitta oli tyttöjen ja arkojen oppilaiden osallistumisen heikkeneminen, erityisesti pallopeleissä. Sekaryhmien suurimpana hyötynä nähtiin se, että oppilaat oppivat muiden huomioon ottamista ja erilaisuuden hyväksymistä. Erillisryhmien haittana mainittiin useimmiten sukupuolien ja sukupuoliroolien korostuminen. Yleisimpänä erillisryhmien hyötynä mainittiin tyttöjen ja arkojen oppilaiden aktiivisempi osallistuminen tunnilla.
Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan sekaryhmäopetus liikunnassa on yleistynyt ja ryhmäkoot ovat kasvaneet viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Erillisryhmäopetus sai liikunnanopettajilta kannatusta jonkin verran enemmän kuin sekaryhmäopetus. Oppimisen kannalta paras ryhmä voi kuitenkin vaihdella esimerkiksi tavoitteista, sisällöistä ja oppilaiden tarpeista riippuen. Joustavat mahdollisuudet käyttää erilaisia ryhmäjakoja liikunnanopetuksessa voisi tukea oppilaiden osallistumista parhaiten. Opettajien mukaan suuret oppilasryhmät vaikeuttavat oppilaiden yksilöllistä huomiointia ja turvallisen liikunnanopetuksen toteuttamista, joten ryhmäkokojen rajoittaminen valtakunnallisilla suosituksilla tai säädöksillä olisi perusteltua.
The purpose of this study was to find out in which groups physical education is organized in Finnish lower secondary school. The object of inspection was the size of the teaching groups and the division into coeducational groups and single-sex groups in physical education. In addition, the study investigated physical education teachers' views on the formation of physical education groups and especially the advantages and disadvantages of coeducational and single-sex groups. The research was carried out as a survey, to which 73 physical education teachers from 59 different schools responded. 41 of the physical education teachers were women and 30 were men. Data collection was carried out between December 2022 and February 2023. In addition to background information, the questionnaire contained 10 questions about physical education teaching groups and statements related to mixed and separate group teaching. Cross-tabulation, chi-square test (χ2), Z-test, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used in the analysis of the data. About 40 percent of the teachers only taught coeducational groups in compulsory physical education classes. About 40 percent of the teachers also taught both single-sex and coeducational groups. The rest of the teachers only taught single-sex groups. About half of the teachers taught groups of 16–20 students on average, and about 40 percent taught groups of more than 20 students. A tenth of the respondents taught groups of 12–15 students on average. More often than men, women fully or partially agreed that boys receive more attention from teachers in coeducational groups than girls. Men more often than women completely agreed that there is more physical activity in single-sex group teaching than in coeducational group teaching. According to the physical education teachers, the biggest disadvantage of coeducational groups was the weakening of the participation of girls and timid students, especially in ball games. Learning to take others into account and accepting differences were seen as the greatest benefits of coeducational groups. Emphasis on gender and gender roles was most often mentioned as a disadvantage of single-sex groups. The most common benefit of single-sex groups was the more active participation of girls and timid students in class. According to the results of the study, coeducational groups in physical education has become more common and group sizes have increased during the past decade. Single-sex groups received somewhat more support from physical education teachers than coeducational groups. However, in terms of learning, the best group mode can vary, for example, depending on the goals and contents of lessons, and students' needs. Flexible opportunities to use different group divisions in physical education could best support student participation in PE. According to the teachers, large group sizes make it difficult to pay individual attention to students and implement safe physical education, so limiting group sizes with national recommendations or regulations would be justified.
The purpose of this study was to find out in which groups physical education is organized in Finnish lower secondary school. The object of inspection was the size of the teaching groups and the division into coeducational groups and single-sex groups in physical education. In addition, the study investigated physical education teachers' views on the formation of physical education groups and especially the advantages and disadvantages of coeducational and single-sex groups. The research was carried out as a survey, to which 73 physical education teachers from 59 different schools responded. 41 of the physical education teachers were women and 30 were men. Data collection was carried out between December 2022 and February 2023. In addition to background information, the questionnaire contained 10 questions about physical education teaching groups and statements related to mixed and separate group teaching. Cross-tabulation, chi-square test (χ2), Z-test, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used in the analysis of the data. About 40 percent of the teachers only taught coeducational groups in compulsory physical education classes. About 40 percent of the teachers also taught both single-sex and coeducational groups. The rest of the teachers only taught single-sex groups. About half of the teachers taught groups of 16–20 students on average, and about 40 percent taught groups of more than 20 students. A tenth of the respondents taught groups of 12–15 students on average. More often than men, women fully or partially agreed that boys receive more attention from teachers in coeducational groups than girls. Men more often than women completely agreed that there is more physical activity in single-sex group teaching than in coeducational group teaching. According to the physical education teachers, the biggest disadvantage of coeducational groups was the weakening of the participation of girls and timid students, especially in ball games. Learning to take others into account and accepting differences were seen as the greatest benefits of coeducational groups. Emphasis on gender and gender roles was most often mentioned as a disadvantage of single-sex groups. The most common benefit of single-sex groups was the more active participation of girls and timid students in class. According to the results of the study, coeducational groups in physical education has become more common and group sizes have increased during the past decade. Single-sex groups received somewhat more support from physical education teachers than coeducational groups. However, in terms of learning, the best group mode can vary, for example, depending on the goals and contents of lessons, and students' needs. Flexible opportunities to use different group divisions in physical education could best support student participation in PE. According to the teachers, large group sizes make it difficult to pay individual attention to students and implement safe physical education, so limiting group sizes with national recommendations or regulations would be justified.
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Master thesis
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