Yksilön kokemat teknostressitekijät etätyössä
Tieto- ja viestintäteknologian hyödyntäminen prosessien tehostamisessa ja käyttökustannuksien alentamisessa ovat olleet merkittäviä etuja organisaatioiden toiminnassa. Teknologian hyödyntäminen työvälineenä edellyttää organisaation työntekijöitä mukauttamaan työskentelytapojaan sen kokonaisvaltaisten
ominaisuuksien vuoksi. Teknologian kuluttaminen altistaa työntekijän stressille, varsinkin tilanteissa, missä teknologia ei toimi odotetulla tavalla. Tällöin teknologia asettaa työntekijälle vaatimuksia, jotka voivat tuntua ylitsepääsemättömiltä työtehtävistä suoriutumisen kannalta. Yksilön kohdatessa riittämättömyyttä
informaatioteknologian asettamia vaatimuksia kohtaan hän kokee teknostressiä. Teknostressin kokeminen informaatioteknologian parissa työskennellessä on
lähes väistämätöntä. Teknologia on tavallisesti välttämätöntä tilanteissa, joissa työnteko suoritetaan etänä työpaikan fyysisestä toimipisteestä. Etätyön suosio
on ollut positiivisessa kasvussa 1980-luvulta lähtien. Viimeistään koronaviruspandemian myötä annettu laaja etätyösuositus toi mukanaan muutoksen ihmisten työskentelytapoihin. Vaikkakin etätyöllä on havaittu olevan monia positiivisia puolia voi laajamittaisen etätyön toteutus olla yksilölle kuormittavaa sen vaatimien resurssien vuoksi. Teknostressin ja etätyön molempien vaikuttaessa työnteon luonteeseen on työntekijöiden hyvinvointiin syytä kiinnittää huomiota. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tunnistaa yksilön kokemia tilanteita, joissa hän on kokenut teknologian aiheuttamaa stressiä etätyönteon aikana. Tätä varten tutkielmassa tunnistetaan yksilön kohtaamat teknostressitekijät etätyössä. Lisäksi
tutkielmassa hahmotetaan etätyön ympäristön ominaisuuksien ja vaatimusten vaikutusta yksilön kokemaan teknostressiin. Tutkielman tarkoitus on täydentää teknostressitutkimusta huomioiden etätyö työntekopaikkana yhtenä merkittävänä ominaisuutena yksilön kokeman teknostressin muodostumisessa. Tutkielman teoriaosa on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja empiirinen osio laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin teemahaastatteluilla kahdeksalla kohdeorganisaation työntekijällä. Aineiston perusteella tutkielman tuloksissa todettiin erityisesti teknologian kautta koettavat keskeytykset, teknologian ylikuormitus ja teknologian epävarmuus hallitsevina teknostressitekijöinä etätyössä. Etätyössä positiiviseksi vaatimukseksi koettiin joustavuus, jonka todettiin alentavan työntekijän kokemaa teknostressiä. Teknologian kautta tapahtuvan viestinnän monimerkityksellisyys koettiin puolestaan negatiiviseksi vaatimukseksi etätyössä.
The use of information and communication technology in making processes more efficient and reducing operating costs have had significant advantages in organizations operations. Utilizing technology as an implement requires the organization's employees to adapt their working methods. The use of technology exposes the employee to stress, especially in situations where the technology does not work as expected. In this way, technology set demands on the employee that may seem insurmountable in terms of the performance of work tasks. Individual experiences technostress when encountering inadequacy towards the demands set by information technology. Technology is usually necessary in situations where work is performed remotely from the physical location of the workplace. The popularity of telecommuting has been growing positively since the 1980s. Most recently, the extensive remote work recommendation given due to the coronavirus pandemic brought a change in the way people work. Although remote work has been found to have many positive aspects, the implementation of large-scale remote work can be overwhelming for the individual due to the resources it requires. As both technostress and remote work affect the nature of work, it is worth paying attention of the well-being of employees. The aim of the thesis is to identify situations experienced by an individual in which he has experienced stress caused by technology in remote work. For this purpose, the thesis identifies the technostress factors experienced by the individual in remote work and the effect of the characteristics and requirements of the remote work environment on the technostress experienced by the employee. The aim of the thesis is to supplement technostress research, considering remote work as one of the significant characteristics in the formation of technostress experienced by an individual. The theoretical part of the study has been implemented as a literature review and the empirical part with qualitative research methods with thematic interviews with eight employees of the target organization. Based on the material, the study's results specifically identified interruptions experienced through technology, technology overload and technology uncertainty as the dominant technostress factors in remote work. Flexibility was perceived as a positive requirement in remote work environment, and it was found to lower the employee's techno-stress factor. On the other hand, the ambiguity of communication through remote work was perceived as a negative requirement.
The use of information and communication technology in making processes more efficient and reducing operating costs have had significant advantages in organizations operations. Utilizing technology as an implement requires the organization's employees to adapt their working methods. The use of technology exposes the employee to stress, especially in situations where the technology does not work as expected. In this way, technology set demands on the employee that may seem insurmountable in terms of the performance of work tasks. Individual experiences technostress when encountering inadequacy towards the demands set by information technology. Technology is usually necessary in situations where work is performed remotely from the physical location of the workplace. The popularity of telecommuting has been growing positively since the 1980s. Most recently, the extensive remote work recommendation given due to the coronavirus pandemic brought a change in the way people work. Although remote work has been found to have many positive aspects, the implementation of large-scale remote work can be overwhelming for the individual due to the resources it requires. As both technostress and remote work affect the nature of work, it is worth paying attention of the well-being of employees. The aim of the thesis is to identify situations experienced by an individual in which he has experienced stress caused by technology in remote work. For this purpose, the thesis identifies the technostress factors experienced by the individual in remote work and the effect of the characteristics and requirements of the remote work environment on the technostress experienced by the employee. The aim of the thesis is to supplement technostress research, considering remote work as one of the significant characteristics in the formation of technostress experienced by an individual. The theoretical part of the study has been implemented as a literature review and the empirical part with qualitative research methods with thematic interviews with eight employees of the target organization. Based on the material, the study's results specifically identified interruptions experienced through technology, technology overload and technology uncertainty as the dominant technostress factors in remote work. Flexibility was perceived as a positive requirement in remote work environment, and it was found to lower the employee's techno-stress factor. On the other hand, the ambiguity of communication through remote work was perceived as a negative requirement.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202306133755Use this for linking
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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