Gender equality in parkour in Finland
Sukupuolten tasa-arvo on ollut puutteellista urheilussa jo vuosia. Parkourissa on aina ollut enemmän miesharrastajia ja sen maskuliiniset juuret ovat vaikuttaneet siihen, millaiseksi parkourkulttuuri on muodostunut. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia tasa-arvoa ja sukupuolten tasa-arvoa parkourissa. Tutkielma tutkii syitä, miksi naiset harrastavat parkouria vähemmän kuin miehet. Aiheen tutkiminen on tärkeää, jotta tiedetään miten kehittää naisten mahdollisuuksia harjoitella parkouria ja lisätä naisharrastajien määrää. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla saadaan selville, miten sukupuolten tasa-arvo toteutuu parkourissa ja tarvitaanko toimia paremman tasa-arvon eteen. Tutkielman tilaajana on Suomen Parkour yhdistys (SPY), joka halusi selvittää, miksi lajia harrastaa vähemmän naiset kuin miehet, jotta osataan kehittää naisharrastajien mahdollisuuksia harrastaa lajia. Sukupuolten tasa-arvoa parkourissa on tutkittu hyvin vähän, joten sitä on tärkeää tutkia, jotta voidaan varmistaa, että kaikilla on samanlaiset mahdollisuudet harrastaa lajia. Koska aihetta ei ole hirveästi tutkittu, tämä tutkielma tuottaa tärkeää tietoa aiheesta ja tuloksia voivat hyödyntää SPY sekä kaikki muut parkourtoimijat. Tutkielmassa käytettiin molempia sekä määrällisiä, että laadullisia tutkimusmetodeja. Aineenkeruumenetelminä käytettiin puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja ja verkkokyselyä. Haastattelut tehtiin neljän kokeneen parkour valmentajan kanssa ja verkkokysely (n = 54) lähetettiin SPY:n jäsenille ja 28:lle SPY:n jäsenjärjestöjen jäsenille. Kyselyn vastaajat olivat yli 15-vuotiaita parkourin harrastajia. Haastattelut tehtiin, jotta saataisiin käsitys sukupuolten tasa-arvosta parkourissa ja miksi parkouria harrastaa vähemmän naiset kuin miehet. Haastattelut analysoitiin temaattisena analyysillä. Verkkokysely analysoitiin SPSS ohjelmistossa, jossa monivalintakysymykset analysoitiin ristiintaulukoinnilla ja Likert- asteikko kysymys analysoitiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä, jolla selvitettiin keskiarvot ja p-arvo selvitettiin ja varianssien yhtäsuuruutta testattiin Levenen testillä. Tilastollisen merkitsevyyden rajana käytettiin p < 0,05. Kyselyn avoimet kysymykset analysoitiin temaattisella analyysillä ja koodauksella. Tulokset osoittivat, että suomalainen parkour yhteisö näkee, että tasa-arvo ja sukupuolten tasa-arvo toteutuu melko hyvin Suomessa. Tulosten perusteella naiset kokevat parkourin epätasa-arvoisempana lajina kuin miehet. Tulokset näyttivät, että tytöillä ja naisilla on joitakin esteitä parkourin harrastamiselle. Esteitä ovat esimerkiksi ihmisten sukupuolittuneet käsitykset parkourista miehille kuuluvana extreme-lajina, sekä naisroolimallien puute lajissa. Esteenä on myös se, että suurin osa naisharrastajista haluaisi harrastaa parkouria muiden naisharrastajien kanssa, mutta heitä on todella vähän. Tulevaisuudessa naisharrastajien osallisuutta voitaisiin lisätä järjestämällä lisää matalankynnyksen parkour kokeilupäiviä, kouluttamalla parkourohjaajia tasa-arvo asioista, lisäämällä naisten parkourin näkyvyyttä ja mielikuvia markkinoinnin avulla sekä lisäämällä naisesimerkkejä- ja roolimalleja parkourissa.
Gender equality has been lacking in sports for years. Parkour has been a male-dominated sport and its masculine roots have influenced the way its culture has formed. The purpose of this thesis is to study equality and gender equality in parkour. The study investigates reasons why fewer females than males practice parkour in Finland. Studying this topic is important in order to know how to develop opportunities for female parkour practitioners to practice parkour and increase the number of female practitioners. This thesis will investigate how to approach achieving gender equality in parkour, as well as if it is necessary to take actions towards better gender equality. The thesis is commissioned by the Finnish Parkour Association who wanted to gain knowledge of why fewer females than males start practicing parkour to improve the opportunities for female practitioners to practice parkour. Lack of research exists in terms of gender equality in parkour which is why it is important to research whether everyone has equal opportunities to practice the sport and what could be done to improve equality. Since the topic has not been researched extensively the thesis produces new and important information and the results of the thesis can be directly utilized by the Finnish Parkour Association and all parkour actors. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this thesis. Semi-structured interviews and an online survey were used as data collection methods. The interviews were conducted with four experienced parkour coaches and the online survey (n = 54) was sent to the Finnish Parkour Association’s members and 28 member organizations of the Finnish Parkour Association to send their members. The group that was studied were all parkour practitioners over 15 years of age. The interviews were done to gain a deeper understanding of gender equality in parkour and why fewer females than males practice parkour. The interviews were analyzed with thematic analysis. The online survey was analyzed in the SPSS program, where m cross-tabulations and a Likert scale he p-value was counted with an Independent Samples Test, and Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances. The limit for the statistical significance level that was used was p < 0,05. Open-ended questions and text field questions in the survey were analyzed with thematic analysis and coding. The results show that the Finnish parkour community sees equality and gender equality in parkour in Finland achieve quite well. Based on the results of the study, females perceive parkour as a more unequal sport than males. The results showed that females have some barriers practicing parkour such as people’s gendered mental images of parkour as an extreme sport that belongs to young male practitioners and has a distinct lack of female role models in the sport. Another barrier is that most female practitioners would like to practice with other female practitioners but there are very few. In the future, female participation could be increased by organizing more low-threshold try-out days, educating parkour instructors about equality, increasing visibility and images of females’ parkour through marketing, and having more female examples and role models in parkour to encourage more females in the sport.
Gender equality has been lacking in sports for years. Parkour has been a male-dominated sport and its masculine roots have influenced the way its culture has formed. The purpose of this thesis is to study equality and gender equality in parkour. The study investigates reasons why fewer females than males practice parkour in Finland. Studying this topic is important in order to know how to develop opportunities for female parkour practitioners to practice parkour and increase the number of female practitioners. This thesis will investigate how to approach achieving gender equality in parkour, as well as if it is necessary to take actions towards better gender equality. The thesis is commissioned by the Finnish Parkour Association who wanted to gain knowledge of why fewer females than males start practicing parkour to improve the opportunities for female practitioners to practice parkour. Lack of research exists in terms of gender equality in parkour which is why it is important to research whether everyone has equal opportunities to practice the sport and what could be done to improve equality. Since the topic has not been researched extensively the thesis produces new and important information and the results of the thesis can be directly utilized by the Finnish Parkour Association and all parkour actors. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this thesis. Semi-structured interviews and an online survey were used as data collection methods. The interviews were conducted with four experienced parkour coaches and the online survey (n = 54) was sent to the Finnish Parkour Association’s members and 28 member organizations of the Finnish Parkour Association to send their members. The group that was studied were all parkour practitioners over 15 years of age. The interviews were done to gain a deeper understanding of gender equality in parkour and why fewer females than males practice parkour. The interviews were analyzed with thematic analysis. The online survey was analyzed in the SPSS program, where m cross-tabulations and a Likert scale he p-value was counted with an Independent Samples Test, and Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances. The limit for the statistical significance level that was used was p < 0,05. Open-ended questions and text field questions in the survey were analyzed with thematic analysis and coding. The results show that the Finnish parkour community sees equality and gender equality in parkour in Finland achieve quite well. Based on the results of the study, females perceive parkour as a more unequal sport than males. The results showed that females have some barriers practicing parkour such as people’s gendered mental images of parkour as an extreme sport that belongs to young male practitioners and has a distinct lack of female role models in the sport. Another barrier is that most female practitioners would like to practice with other female practitioners but there are very few. In the future, female participation could be increased by organizing more low-threshold try-out days, educating parkour instructors about equality, increasing visibility and images of females’ parkour through marketing, and having more female examples and role models in parkour to encourage more females in the sport.
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