Suomalaisten naisjalkapalloilijoiden energiansaatavuus ja sen yhteys ravitsemusosaamiseen sekä kehonkoostumukseen
Johdanto. Ravitsemuksella on merkittävä rooli jalkapalloilijan optimaalisen suorituskyvyn
ulosmittaamisessa. Tutkimustieto koskien energiansaatavuutta ja ravitsemusosaamisen vaikutusta siihen naisjalkapalloilijoilla on vähäistä. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa pyrittiin selvittämään alhaisen energiansaatavuuden esiintymistä suomalaisilla naisjalkapalloilijoilla. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää, onko ravitsemustieto yhteydessä energiansaatavuuteen. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään, oliko kehonkoostumus, energiansaatavuus ja ravitsemustieto yhteydessä toisiinsa suomalaisilla naisjalkapalloilijoilla.
Menetelmät. Tutkimushenkilöt (n= 34) olivat 18,7 vuotiaita (± 2,9), ja heidän perustietonsa olivat seuraavat: pituus 168,5 cm (± 5,9), paino 64,2 kg (± 8,6), kehon rasvaton massa 47,6 kg (± 4,8) ja rasvaprosentti 26,4 % (± 4,7). Kehonkoostumus määritettiin kaksienergisellä röntgen-absorptiometrialla (DXA). Energiansaatavuuden laskeminen tapahtui kolmen päivän ruokapäiväkirjan, harjoitusten aikaisen kulutuksen ja kehon rasvattoman massan (FFM) avulla. Ravitsemusosaamista kartoitettiin validoidulla ravitsemusosaamiskyselyllä. Pelaajat jaoteltiin LEA- ja non-LEA-ryhmiin energiansaatavuutensa perusteella (<30 kcal/kg FFM/vrk vs. ≥ 30 kcal/kg
FFM/vrk). Tilastolliset analyysit suoritettiin SPSS 28.0
ohjelmaa (IBM Corp. Armonk, NY, USA) sekä Microsoft Office Excel 2018 -ohjelmaa käyttäen. Aineiston normaalijakautuneisuus arvioitiin sekä Kolmogorov-Smirnov- että Shapiro-Wilk-testeillä. Efektikokojen analysoinnissa ryhmien välillä hyödynnettiin Mann Whitney U-testiä. Muuttujien välistä korrelaatiota
laskettiin hyödyntämällä Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Tilastollisen merkitsevyyden rajaksi määritettiin p<0.05. Tulokset ovat ilmoitettu muodossa tulos ± keskihajonta (SD).
Tulokset. Energiansaatavuus oli suomalaisilla naisjalkapalloilijoilla keskimäärin kohtalaista (40,6 ± 12,9 kcal/kg FFM/vrk). LEA-ryhmässä (n= 5) se oli 20,9 ± 5,0 kcal/kg FFM/vrk ja non-LEA-ryhmässä (n= 29) 43,9 ± 10,6 kcal/kg FFM/vrk. Energiansaatavuus vaihteli välillä 13,3-76,7 kcal/kg FFM/vrk. Energiansaatavuuden ja ravitsemusosaamisen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä (r = -0,157, p = 0,491). Kehonkoostumus, energiansaatavuus ja ravitsemusosaaminen olivat osan muuttujien osalta yhteydessä toisiinsa tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Ravitsemusosaaminen oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä seuraaviin muuttujiin: kehon rasvaton massa (r= 0,493, p = 0,005), kehonpaino (r = 0,448, p = 0,011) ja
pituus (r = 0,477, p = 0,007). Energiansaatavuus oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä seuraaviin muuttujiin: rasvamassa (r = -0,369, p = 0,041), rasvaton massa (r = -0,373, p = 0,039) sekä kehonpaino (r = 0,409, p = 0,022). Hiilihydraattien saanti jäi kaikilla suosituksesta (4,5 ± 1,5 g/kg), ja LEA- ja non-LEA-ryhmien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero lähes kaikkien ravitsemusmuuttujien suhteen.
Pohdinta ja johtopäätökset. Naisjalkapalloilijoiden energiansaatavuus jää useimmiten suosituksista. Pelkkä ravitsemustiedon kasvattaminen ei vaikuta parantavan urheilijoiden energiansaatavuutta, vaan se pitäisi yhdistää henkilökohtaiseen ohjaamiseen. Uutta tutkimustietoa tärkeämpää on suhteellisen energiavajeen tietoisuuden lisääminen pelaajille ja valmentajille.
Introduction. Nutrition is a vital part of footballer’s optimal performance. There are not many studies about energy availability and sports nutrition in female footballers. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of low energy availability in Finnish female footballers. The purpose is also to find if sports nutrition knowledge, energy availability and body composition correlate with each other. Methods. The participants (n = 34) were an average of 18.7 years old (± 2.9). Their characteristics were as follows: height 168.5 cm (± 5.9), body mass 64.2 kg (± 8.6), fat-free mass 47.6 kg (± 4.8) and body fat 26.4 % (± 4.7). Body composition was measured using whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurement (DXA). Energy availability was assessed using exercise energy expenditure, fat-free mass, and a three-day food diary. The participants also completed a nutrition knowledge questionnaire. Players were divided into LEA- and non-LEA-groups based on their energy availability (<30 kcal/kg FFM/d vs. ≥ 30 kcal/kg FFM/d). The results were analysed with SPSS 28.0 (IBM Corp. Armonk, NY, USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2018. Normality was assessed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov- and Shapiro-Wilk-tests. Effect sizes were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test. Correlations between variables were measured with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The limit of statistical significance was set to p<0.05. All data were presented as mean ± SD. Results. Energy availability was at a moderate level (40.6 ± 12.9 kcal/kg FFM/d). In LEA-group (n= 5) it was 20.9 ± 5.0 kcal/kg FFM/d and non-LEA-group (n= 29) 43.9 ± 10.6 kcal/kg FFM/d. Energy availability varied from 13.3 to 76.7 kcal/kg FFM/d. There was no statically significant correlation between energy availability and sports nutrition knowledge (r = -0.157, p = 0.491). Body composition, energy availability and sports nutrition knowledge had some statistically significant correlations. Sports nutrition knowledge had a statistically significant correlation with the following variables: fat-free mass (r = 0.493, p = 0.005), body mass (r = 0.448, p = 0.011) and height (r = 0.477, p = 0.007). Energy availability had a statistically significant correlation with the following variables: fat mass (r = -0.369, p = 0.041), fat-free mass (r = -0.373, p = 0.039) and body mass (r = 0.409, p = 0.022). Carbohydrate intake did not meet the recommendations (4.5 ± 1.5 g/kg). There was a statically signific correlation between LEA- and non-LEA-groups within almost every nutrition variable. Discussion and conclusions. Female footballers’ energy availability does not consistently meet the recommendations. Simply increasing nutrition knowledge does not improve the energy availability of players. For the best results, it should be combined with personal guidance. The most important thing is to increase the awareness of reduced energy availability for players and coaches.
Introduction. Nutrition is a vital part of footballer’s optimal performance. There are not many studies about energy availability and sports nutrition in female footballers. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of low energy availability in Finnish female footballers. The purpose is also to find if sports nutrition knowledge, energy availability and body composition correlate with each other. Methods. The participants (n = 34) were an average of 18.7 years old (± 2.9). Their characteristics were as follows: height 168.5 cm (± 5.9), body mass 64.2 kg (± 8.6), fat-free mass 47.6 kg (± 4.8) and body fat 26.4 % (± 4.7). Body composition was measured using whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurement (DXA). Energy availability was assessed using exercise energy expenditure, fat-free mass, and a three-day food diary. The participants also completed a nutrition knowledge questionnaire. Players were divided into LEA- and non-LEA-groups based on their energy availability (<30 kcal/kg FFM/d vs. ≥ 30 kcal/kg FFM/d). The results were analysed with SPSS 28.0 (IBM Corp. Armonk, NY, USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2018. Normality was assessed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov- and Shapiro-Wilk-tests. Effect sizes were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test. Correlations between variables were measured with Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The limit of statistical significance was set to p<0.05. All data were presented as mean ± SD. Results. Energy availability was at a moderate level (40.6 ± 12.9 kcal/kg FFM/d). In LEA-group (n= 5) it was 20.9 ± 5.0 kcal/kg FFM/d and non-LEA-group (n= 29) 43.9 ± 10.6 kcal/kg FFM/d. Energy availability varied from 13.3 to 76.7 kcal/kg FFM/d. There was no statically significant correlation between energy availability and sports nutrition knowledge (r = -0.157, p = 0.491). Body composition, energy availability and sports nutrition knowledge had some statistically significant correlations. Sports nutrition knowledge had a statistically significant correlation with the following variables: fat-free mass (r = 0.493, p = 0.005), body mass (r = 0.448, p = 0.011) and height (r = 0.477, p = 0.007). Energy availability had a statistically significant correlation with the following variables: fat mass (r = -0.369, p = 0.041), fat-free mass (r = -0.373, p = 0.039) and body mass (r = 0.409, p = 0.022). Carbohydrate intake did not meet the recommendations (4.5 ± 1.5 g/kg). There was a statically signific correlation between LEA- and non-LEA-groups within almost every nutrition variable. Discussion and conclusions. Female footballers’ energy availability does not consistently meet the recommendations. Simply increasing nutrition knowledge does not improve the energy availability of players. For the best results, it should be combined with personal guidance. The most important thing is to increase the awareness of reduced energy availability for players and coaches.
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Master thesis
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