Vahvistettu oppiminen kotihoitajien reittisuunnittelussa
Tekoälyn rooli yhteiskunnassamme kasvaa jatkuvasti. Tekoäly halutaan tuoda osaksi niin ihmisten arkielämän askareita kuin osaksi vaativia tietojärjestelmiä. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa perehdytään vahvistettuun oppimiseen, joka on yksi koneoppimisen suuntaus. Vahvistettu oppiminen perustuu kokemusperäiseen oppimiseen, jossa agentit tekevät ympäristössään toimintoja, ja saavat palkkioita toiminnon kannattavuuden perusteella. Tutkielman päämääränä on selvittää, voidaanko kotihoitajien reitinkulkua optimoida vahvistetun oppimisen algoritmeilla. Tutkielmassa toteutettiin tapaustutkimus, jossa mallinnettiin kotihoitajien reitinkulkua potilaskohteisiin kahdella eri tavalla. Kotihoitajien reitinkulkua optimoitiin DQN-, A2C- ja PPO-algoritmien avulla. Lopputulokseksi tapaustutkimuksesta saatiin, että toinen malleista pystyi oppimaan kotihoitajien reitinkulun optimoinnin. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että vahvistetun oppimisen algoritmeilla on mahdollista optimoida kotihoitajien reitinkulkua.
The role of the artificial intelligent is growing every day in our society. We want to bring artificial intelligence into our everyday lives. This master’s thesis investigates reinforcement learning which is an area of machine learning. The idea of reinforcement learning is that agent must learn to perform actions by trial and error. This thesis investigates if it’s possible to optimize home care nurse’s route by reinforcement learning algorithms. This thesis was implemented as case study where the routes of the home care nurses were modeled in two different ways. The algorithms used for route optimizations were DQN, A2C and PPO. The result of the case study was that one of the models was able to learn to optimize the route of the home care nurses. As a conclusion it can be stated that it’s possible to optimize home care nurse’s route by reinforcement learning algorithms.
The role of the artificial intelligent is growing every day in our society. We want to bring artificial intelligence into our everyday lives. This master’s thesis investigates reinforcement learning which is an area of machine learning. The idea of reinforcement learning is that agent must learn to perform actions by trial and error. This thesis investigates if it’s possible to optimize home care nurse’s route by reinforcement learning algorithms. This thesis was implemented as case study where the routes of the home care nurses were modeled in two different ways. The algorithms used for route optimizations were DQN, A2C and PPO. The result of the case study was that one of the models was able to learn to optimize the route of the home care nurses. As a conclusion it can be stated that it’s possible to optimize home care nurse’s route by reinforcement learning algorithms.
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Master thesis
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