The dark side of social media : why is social media so addictive?
Sosiaalisesta mediasta on muodostunut huomattava osa jokapäiväistä elämäämme. Sosiaalisella medialla on paljon hyötyjä, mutta sen mukana tulee myös haittapuolia ja negatiivisia seurauksia, joita ei ole tutkittu vielä niin paljon.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia sosiaalisen median haittapuolia ja pureutua tarkemmin yhteen niistä – sosiaalisen median riippuvuuteen. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää mitkä tekijät sosiaalisessa mediassa aiheuttavat riippuvuutta ja mitä haitallisia seurauksia sosiaalisen median riippuvuudella sekä muilla sosiaalisen median haittapuolilla on niin yksilö-, ryhmä- kuin yhteiskunnallisellakin tasolla.
Tutkielma sisältää kokonaisvaltaisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen sekä havaintoja kvalitatiivisesta tutkimuksesta, joka toteutettiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen muodossa. Kuten tutkielman teoreettisesta osuudesta ja haastatteluista käy ilmi, sosiaalinen median jätit ovat rakentaneet alustansa niin, että niihin jää helposti koukkuun. Monesti näiden alustojen ominaisuudet on rakennettu niin salakavalasti, ettei käyttäjä välttämättä edes itse huomaa addiktoivia toimintoja.
Liiallisen sosiaalisen median käytön on havaittu aiheuttavan useita negatiivisia seurauksia, jotka voivat näyttäytyä muun muassa uni- tai muina fysiologisina ongelmina, erilaisina paineina, kuten ulkonäköpaineina, urapaineina tai taloudellisina paineina, riittämättömyyden tunteena, paitsi jäämisen pelkona (FOMO), tehokkuuden heikkenemisenä töissä tai koulussa sekä läsnäolon puutteena ihmissuhteissa.
Tutkimuksessa esitellään myös mahdollisia toimenpiteitä ja tapoja sosiaalisen median käytön vähentämiseen sekä someriippuvuuden estämiseen.
Social media has become a significant part of our daily lives. Social media has many benefits, but it also comes with drawbacks and negative consequences that have not been studied as much. The aim of this master's thesis is to explore the dark side of social media and to focus on one of them – social media addiction. The aim is to find out which factors in social media cause social media addiction, and what are the negative consequences of social media addiction and other dark sides of social media on an individual, group as well as societal level. This master's thesis includes a comprehensive literature review and findings from a qualitative study conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews. As the theoretical part of the thesis and the interviews show, social media giants have built their platforms in such a way that it is easy to get hooked. In many cases, the features of these platforms are built so treacherously that users may not even notice the addictive functions themselves. Excessive use of social media has been found to have several negative consequences, which can appear as sleep or other physiological problems, various kinds of pressure such as appearance pressure, career or financial pressure, feelings of inadequacy, fear of missing out (FoMO), reduced performance at work or school, and lack of presence in relationships, among others. The study also presents possible ways to reduce social media use as well as how to prevent social media addiction.
Social media has become a significant part of our daily lives. Social media has many benefits, but it also comes with drawbacks and negative consequences that have not been studied as much. The aim of this master's thesis is to explore the dark side of social media and to focus on one of them – social media addiction. The aim is to find out which factors in social media cause social media addiction, and what are the negative consequences of social media addiction and other dark sides of social media on an individual, group as well as societal level. This master's thesis includes a comprehensive literature review and findings from a qualitative study conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews. As the theoretical part of the thesis and the interviews show, social media giants have built their platforms in such a way that it is easy to get hooked. In many cases, the features of these platforms are built so treacherously that users may not even notice the addictive functions themselves. Excessive use of social media has been found to have several negative consequences, which can appear as sleep or other physiological problems, various kinds of pressure such as appearance pressure, career or financial pressure, feelings of inadequacy, fear of missing out (FoMO), reduced performance at work or school, and lack of presence in relationships, among others. The study also presents possible ways to reduce social media use as well as how to prevent social media addiction.
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Master thesis
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