Opettajien monilukutaidolle antamat merkitykset
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten opettajat ymmärtävät monilukutaidon käsitteen: millaisia merkityksiä he antavat monilukutaidolle ja millaisia orientaatioita heillä on sitä kohtaan. Monilukutaito on opetussuunnitelmassa laaja käsite, jonka haltuunotto ja soveltaminen vaativat kä sitteille annettavien merkitysten jäsentämistä ja niiden soveltamista oppimiseen. Tutkimusaineistona ovat täydennyskoulutukseen osallistuneiden 34 opettajan ennakkotehtävät. Niitä tarkasteltiin merkityksen rakentumisen fenomenologiasta käsin sekä diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat, että opettajilla oli varsin laaja käsitys monilukutaidon multimodaalisesta luonteesta mutta käsitteen monikielinen ja -kulttuurinen sekä kriittinen näkökulma jäivät vähemmälle huomiolle. Opettajien orientaatiot monilukutaitoa kohtaan olivat muun muassa neutraaleja, kriittisiä ja epävarmoja. Opettajien yhteiset neuvottelut monilukutaidon käsitteestä ovat tarpeen, sillä yhteisen merkityspohjan päälle opettaja voi rakentaa omaa pedagogista repertuaariaan monilukutaidon opettamiseen. Tällaisille neuvotteluille on tärkeä tarjota mahdollisuuksia opettajankoulutuksessa ja täydennyskoulutuksessa.
The aim of the study was to investigate how teachers understand the concept of multiliteracy: what kind of meanings they assign to multiliteracy, and what kind of orientations they have towards it. Multiliteracy is a broad concept in the curriculum, and wide understanding and appliance is needed to assimilate and apply it to teaching and learning. The research data consists of pre-assignments of 34 teachers who participated in the in-service training. The answers were considered from a phenomenological point of view as well as by means of discourse analysis. The results indicate that teachers had a quite broad understanding of the multimodal nature of multiliteracy, but the multilingual and cultural aspects of the concept were not considered widely enough. Teachers' orientations towards multiliteracy were, for example, neutral, critical, and uncertain. Teachers' joint discussions on the concept of multiliteracy are necessary. This way teachers can build their own pedagogical repertoire for teaching multiliteracy skills. It is important to provide opportunities for such discussions in teacher education and in-service training.
The aim of the study was to investigate how teachers understand the concept of multiliteracy: what kind of meanings they assign to multiliteracy, and what kind of orientations they have towards it. Multiliteracy is a broad concept in the curriculum, and wide understanding and appliance is needed to assimilate and apply it to teaching and learning. The research data consists of pre-assignments of 34 teachers who participated in the in-service training. The answers were considered from a phenomenological point of view as well as by means of discourse analysis. The results indicate that teachers had a quite broad understanding of the multimodal nature of multiliteracy, but the multilingual and cultural aspects of the concept were not considered widely enough. Teachers' orientations towards multiliteracy were, for example, neutral, critical, and uncertain. Teachers' joint discussions on the concept of multiliteracy are necessary. This way teachers can build their own pedagogical repertoire for teaching multiliteracy skills. It is important to provide opportunities for such discussions in teacher education and in-service training.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202305042856Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Hankala, M., Kauppinen, M., & Kulju, P. (2022). Opettajien monilukutaidolle antamat merkitykset. Ainedidaktiikka, 6(3), 31-51. https://doi.org/10.23988/ad.111770
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