Seka- ja erillisryhmät – psykologiset perustarpeet, motivaation laatu ja viihtyminen 7.–9.-luokkalaisten liikuntatunneilla
Pro gradu -tutkielmamme tarkoituksena oli selvittää seka- ja erillisryhmien sekä sukupuolten välisiä eroja psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymisessä ja tukahduttamisessa, motivaation laadussa sekä koululiikuntaviihtymisessä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia psykologisten perustarpeiden, motivaation laadun ja koululiikuntaviihtymisen yhteyksiä. Tutkimuksen kohdejoukko oli 631 suomalaista yläkouluikäistä oppilasta eri puolelta Suomea. Aineiston kerääminen alkoi marraskuussa 2022 ja loppui tammikuussa 2023.
Tutkimus toteutettiin Webropol-kyselylomakkeen avulla, joihin oppilaat vastasivat puhelinta tai tietokonetta käyttäen oppitunnin alussa. Psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymistä ja tukahduttamista tarkasteltiin Adapted Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration -scale suomenkielisellä mittarilla. Koululiikuntamotivaatiota tarkasteltiin Perceived Locus of Causality in Physical Education (PLOC-R) suomennetun motivaatioregulaatio-mittarin avulla. Koululiikuntaviihtymistä tarkasteltiin Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) -mittarin avulla, joka suomennettiin yhdessä asiantuntijaryhmän kanssa. Tutkimus toteutettiin määrällisenä tutkimuksena ja käytettyjen mittareiden sisäistä luotettavuutta arvioitiin Cronbachin α-kertoimen avulla ja PANAS mittarin validiteetti varmistettiin eksploratiivisen faktorianalyysin avulla. Tutkimusdataa analysoitiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä, 2-suuntaisella varianssianalyysillä sekä Pearsonin tulomomenttikorrelaatiokertoimilla.
Tulosten mukaan erillisryhmässä liikkuvat oppilaat kokivat psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymiset korkeampana kuin sekaryhmässä liikkuvat. Myös sisäisen motivaation ja positiivisten tunnetilojen keskiarvot olivat korkeampia niiden oppilaiden joukossa, jotka liikkuivat erillisryhmässä. Koetun pätevyyden tukahduttaminen oli suurempaa sekaryhmässä liikkuvilla kuin erillisryhmässä. Tulosten mukaan sukupuoli selitti kuitenkin opetusryhmää enemmän keskiarvojen vaihtelua. Poikien psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymiset, sisäinen motivaatio ja koululiikuntaviihtyminen liikuntatunneilla oli korkeampaa kuin tyttöjen ja muun sukupuolisten. Sen sijaan koetun pätevyyden ja sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden tukahduttamiset, amotivaatio, ulkoinen säätely ja negatiiviset tunnetilat olivat muun sukupuolisilla kaikkein korkeinta ja pojilla kaikkein matalinta. Psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymiset olivat kaikki yhteydessä motivaation autonomisiin muotoihin ja positiivisiin tunnetiloihin. Psykologisten perustarpeiden tukahduttamiset olivat yhteydessä kontrolloituihin motivaation muotoihin, amotivaatioon sekä negatiivisiin tunnetiloihin. Motivaation autonomiset muodot olivat yhteydessä positiivisiin tunnetiloihin, kun taas motivaation kontrolloidut muodot olivat yhteydessä negatiivisiin tunnetiloihin.
Tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymiset sekä autonomiset motivaatiomuodot johtavat parempaan viihtymiseen liikuntatunneilla, mitkä näyttävät toteutuvan erillisryhmissä paremmin verrattuna sekaryhmiin. Tyttöjen ja muun sukupuolisten keskiarvot jäävät kaikkien em. tekijöiden osalta heikommaksi kuin pojilla, jolloin niiden tukemiseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota liikunnanopetuksessa.
The aim of this study was to examine differences between mixed and single-sex groupings in basic psychological needs, PE motivation and enjoyment. In addition, our aim was to analyse the associations between basic psychological needs, motivation and enjoyment in physical education. Participants of the study were 631 7th-9th grade students from all over Finland. We collected the material for the study between November 2022 to January 2023. The study was conducted via Webropol questionnaire in the beginning of a lesson and students answered with their mobile phones or computers. The satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs were measured by the Finnish version of Adapted Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration scale. PE motivation was measured by Finnish version of Perceived Locus of Causality in Physical Education (PLOC-R) scale. PE enjoyment was measured by Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale which was translated to Finnish with the help of an expert group. The study was quantitative. The reliability of different scales was analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. The PANAS scale’s validity was examined by using explorative factor analyses. The data was analyzed using unpaired t-test, two-way analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. According to the results students who participate PE in single-sex groups experience basic psychological needs satisfactions higher compared to students who participate in coed groups. Also, intrinsic motivation and positive affect were higher among students in single-sex groups compared to coed groups. The frustration of need for competence was higher in coed groups. Sex of the students predicted more than grouping when comparing mean differences. Boys’ psychological needs satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and enjoyment in PE were higher than girls and non-binary students. Instead, the need frustration for competence and relatedness, amotivation, external regulation and negative affect were the highest in non-binary students and the weakest among boys. All the satisfactions of basic psychological needs were associated with autonomous forms of motivation and positive affect. All the frustrations of basic psychological needs were associated with amotivation, controlled forms of motivation and negative affect. The autonomous forms of motivation were associated with positive affect and the controlled forms of motivation were associated with negative affect. The results indicated that basic psychological need satisfactions and autonomous forms of motivation results in higher enjoyment at PE, which were higher in students who participated in single-sex groups. Due to girls’ and non-binary students’ lower levels of basic psychological need satisfactions and intrinsic motivation, PE teachers should pay more attention to support these factors.
The aim of this study was to examine differences between mixed and single-sex groupings in basic psychological needs, PE motivation and enjoyment. In addition, our aim was to analyse the associations between basic psychological needs, motivation and enjoyment in physical education. Participants of the study were 631 7th-9th grade students from all over Finland. We collected the material for the study between November 2022 to January 2023. The study was conducted via Webropol questionnaire in the beginning of a lesson and students answered with their mobile phones or computers. The satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs were measured by the Finnish version of Adapted Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration scale. PE motivation was measured by Finnish version of Perceived Locus of Causality in Physical Education (PLOC-R) scale. PE enjoyment was measured by Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale which was translated to Finnish with the help of an expert group. The study was quantitative. The reliability of different scales was analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. The PANAS scale’s validity was examined by using explorative factor analyses. The data was analyzed using unpaired t-test, two-way analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. According to the results students who participate PE in single-sex groups experience basic psychological needs satisfactions higher compared to students who participate in coed groups. Also, intrinsic motivation and positive affect were higher among students in single-sex groups compared to coed groups. The frustration of need for competence was higher in coed groups. Sex of the students predicted more than grouping when comparing mean differences. Boys’ psychological needs satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and enjoyment in PE were higher than girls and non-binary students. Instead, the need frustration for competence and relatedness, amotivation, external regulation and negative affect were the highest in non-binary students and the weakest among boys. All the satisfactions of basic psychological needs were associated with autonomous forms of motivation and positive affect. All the frustrations of basic psychological needs were associated with amotivation, controlled forms of motivation and negative affect. The autonomous forms of motivation were associated with positive affect and the controlled forms of motivation were associated with negative affect. The results indicated that basic psychological need satisfactions and autonomous forms of motivation results in higher enjoyment at PE, which were higher in students who participated in single-sex groups. Due to girls’ and non-binary students’ lower levels of basic psychological need satisfactions and intrinsic motivation, PE teachers should pay more attention to support these factors.
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Master thesis
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