Synkronoidun fluoresenssispektroskopian optimointi vesi-etanolitaustaisille fluoranteeni- ja bentso(k)fluoranteeninäytteille
Perinteisesti polysyklisiä aromaattisia hiilivetyjä (PAH) on määritetty kromatografisilla menetelmillä. Niiden huonoina puolina ovat muun muassa näytteiden vaatima runsas esikäsittely, analyysiajojen hitaus, operaattoreilta vaadittava korkea tietotaito, laitteistojen korkea hinta ja tarvittavien orgaanisten liuottimien suuri määrä. Synkronoitu fluoresenssispektroskopia (SFS) on nopea, helposti operoitava ja vähän näytteiden esikäsittelyä vaativa menetelmä, joka lisäksi tarjoaa perinteistä fluoresenssispektroskopiaa yksinkertaisemmat spektrit. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin synkronoidun fluoresenssispektroskopian soveltuvuutta fluoranteenin ja bentso(k)fluoranteenin määrittämiseen vesi-etanolitaustaisista näytteistä käyttämällä niille kirjallisuudesta löytyneitä mittausparametrejä. Seoksena vesi ja etanoli muodostavat fluoresoivan klusterin, vaikka yksin ne eivät ole fluoresoivia yhdisteitä. Vesi-etanolin klusteri emittoi osittain samalla aallonpituudella fluoranteenin kanssa ja nostaa taustaemission niin korkeaksi, että fluoranteenin osalta ei pystytä määrittämään niin alhaisia pitoisuuksia kuin SFS muuten mahdollistaisi. Bentso(k)fluoranteenin kohdalla taustaemissio jäi pieneksi ja vaikutus bentso(k)fluoranteenin määritettävyyteen jäi vähäiseksi. SFS soveltuu hyvin bentso(k)fluoranteenin määrittämiseen vesi-etanolitaustaisista näytteistä, mutta fluoranteenin kohdalla vesi-etanolin voimakas taustaemissio aiheuttaa ongelmia.
Traditionally, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are determined by chromatographic methods. Their disadvantages include the extensive pre- treatment required by the samples, the slowness of the analysis runs, the high level of know-how required of operators, the high cost of equipment and the large amounts of organic solvents required. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) is a fast, easy-to-operate and low-sample-pre-treatment method, which also provides simpler spectra than traditional fluorescence spectroscopy. This thesis examined the applicability of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene in samples with water-ethanol backgrounds by using measurement parameters found in the literature. As a mixture, water and ethanol form a fluorescent cluster, although alone they are not fluorescent compounds. The water-ethanol cluster partially emits at the same wavelength as fluoranthene and raises the background emission to such a high level that the fluoranthene cannot be determined at concentrations as low as SFS would otherwise allow. For benzo(k)fluoranthene, background emission was low and the effect on the determinability of benzo(k)fluoranthene was limited. SFS is well suited for the determination of benzo(k)fluoranthene from samples with a water-ethanol background, but in the case of fluoranthene, a strong background emission of water-ethanol causes problems.
Traditionally, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are determined by chromatographic methods. Their disadvantages include the extensive pre- treatment required by the samples, the slowness of the analysis runs, the high level of know-how required of operators, the high cost of equipment and the large amounts of organic solvents required. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) is a fast, easy-to-operate and low-sample-pre-treatment method, which also provides simpler spectra than traditional fluorescence spectroscopy. This thesis examined the applicability of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene in samples with water-ethanol backgrounds by using measurement parameters found in the literature. As a mixture, water and ethanol form a fluorescent cluster, although alone they are not fluorescent compounds. The water-ethanol cluster partially emits at the same wavelength as fluoranthene and raises the background emission to such a high level that the fluoranthene cannot be determined at concentrations as low as SFS would otherwise allow. For benzo(k)fluoranthene, background emission was low and the effect on the determinability of benzo(k)fluoranthene was limited. SFS is well suited for the determination of benzo(k)fluoranthene from samples with a water-ethanol background, but in the case of fluoranthene, a strong background emission of water-ethanol causes problems.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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