A Systematic Review and Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies on the Competencies of Health and Rehabilitation Science Educators

Background. Health and rehabilitation science educators’ competence greatly influences students’ professional development in a changing world. To ensure the availability of qualified health and rehabilitation science educators in the future, there is a need for continuous reforms in this sector to develop the educators’ competence in this sector. Objective. The aim of this systematic review was to find new evidence on educators’ experiences of their competence in health and rehabilitation science higher education. Methods. The study was a systematic review of previous peer-reviewed qualitative studies. The inclusion criteria were planned according to PICo: health and rehabilitation science professionals (Participants), competence (Phenomena of Interest) and teaching (Context). The search strategy was conducted by retrieving original studies from the databases of Cinahl (Ebsco), PubMed, Medic, EriC (ProQuest). Nine studies passed the inclusion criteria and quality assessment. Meta-synthesis was done by using summarizing thematic synthesis and abstraction. Results. Six main themes were identified as important for educators’ competence and their continuous development: self-development, supervising, interaction, researching, a subject on educators’ own profession, networking, and multiculturalism competences. Conclusions. Competence is dynamic, and it is possible for educators to train or develop further. The creativity and innovation are needed in developing educators’ competences in the future in designing new learning environments and organising an inclusive classroom for health and rehabilitation science students. More research is needed to understand better and develop the competences of health and rehabilitation science educators.
Main Authors
Articles Review article
Publication in research information system
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Original source
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202304062418Käytä tätä linkitykseen.
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Nursing Education, Research, & Practice
In CopyrightOpen Access
Additional information about funding
This study is part of the TerOpe project. The researchers want to thank the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland, who funded this project and gave us the opportunity to carry out our research.
Copyright© 2020 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
