Maajoukkuevalmentajien pedagogiset taidot urheilijoiden kokemana
Valmentajat kokevat pedagogisen osaamisen olevan yksi suurimpia valmennustoiminnan kehityskohteita. Urheilijakeskeisen valmennuksen näkökulma on viime vuosina lisääntynyt ja valmenta-jilta vaaditaankin lajiosaamisen lisäksi yhä enemmän urheilijan yksilöllisten tarpeiden huomioimista. Arvot, asenteet ja henkilöhistoria vaikuttavat siihen, miten valmentajat lopulta valmennustoimintaa toteuttavat. Valmennuksen vaikuttavien taustatekijöiden tunnistaminen vaatii kuitenkin laaja-alaista itsetuntemusta, ihmistuntemusta sekä hyviä vuorovaikutustaitoja. Tämän työn on tarkoitus selvittää pedagogisesta näkökulmasta maajoukkuevalmentajien toimintatapoja ja urheilijoiden kokemuksia valmentajien käyttämistä toimintatavoista.
Laadullinen tutkimus toteutettiin sähköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysilla. Tutkimukseen osallistui neljä maajoukkuevalmentajaa ja 18 maajoukkueurheilijaa. Tutkittavat olivat kahden eri talviolympialajin edustajia. Kyselylomakkeessa ja kirjallisuuskatsauksessa sovellettiin teoriaohjaavasti suomalaisen valmennusosaamisen mallia (Hämäläinen & Olympiakomitea s.a.).
Tulosten mukaan valmentajilla ja urheilijoilla oli jokseenkin toisistaan eriäviä käsityksiä maajoukkuetoiminnan käytänteistä. Urheilijoiden keskinäiset kokemukset maajoukkuetoiminnan tyytyväisyyteen ja tyytymättömyyteen liittyen kohdistuivat tiedonsaantiin ja tavoitteiden vastaavuuteen. Urheilijat kokivat tarvitsevansa enemmän toimintaa ohjaavaa palautetta, valmentajien sitoutumista ja urheilijoiden osallistamista toiminnan suunnitteluun. Valmentajat puolestaan kokivat tarjonneensa tilaa urheilijoiden mielipiteille ja näkemyksille, joiden kautta urheilijat osallistettiin toiminnan suunnitteluun. Valmentajat pyrkivät verbaalisen viestintätapojen kautta ohjaamaan urheilijoiden toimintaa sekä kohtaamaan urheilijoita yksilöllisesti.
Maajoukkuevalmentajien pedagogisten taitojen tunnistaminen antaa mahdollisuuden valmentajien koulutuksen suuntaamiselle. Valmentajien osaamisen kehittäminen mahdollistaa urheilijoiden kokonaisvaltaisen urheilijana ja ihmisenä kehittymisen sekä kansainväliseen kilpailuun vastaamisen. Pedagogisen tietoisuuden ja osaamisen laajentaminen osaksi urheiluvalmennusta mahdollistaisi kokonaisvaltaisen urheilijoille suunnatun tuen heidän oppimisen kehittämiseksi. Lisäksi pedagogisen näkökulman huomioiminen voisi parantaa urheilijoiden kokemaa hyvinvointia sekä muokata urheilukulttuuria tuloskeskeisestä ajattelusta inhimillisemmäksi.
From coaches’ point of view, one of the most necessary development areas in coaching is pedagogical competence. The athlete-oriented coaching has increased, as a result not only the know-how of the coaching but also ability to response to more individual needs of the athlete is required. The coach`s personal values, attitudes and individual history of the life, have a reflection on coaching. To be able to identify the backgrounds of coaching, a deep self-knowledge, sensitive knowledge of human nature and good interaction skills of the coach are needed. The purpose of this study was to clarify the working methods of the national team coaches. The study also examined how the athletes experienced the pedagogical working methods of their coaches. The qualitative research was conducted by using an electronic questionnaire. The research material was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Four national team coaches and 18 national team athletes participated in the study. The participants of the study were representatives of two different Winter Olympic sports. The Finnish coaching expertise model (Hämäläinen & Olympia-komitea s.a.) was applied in the questionnaire and in the literature review. According to the results, coaches and athletes had to some extent different perceptions of the practices of national team activities. The athletes felt both satisfaction and dissatisfaction on how the information was shared and how the coaching met goals. The athletes required more feedback, more commitment from coaches and more athletes participation in the planning of the activities. From the coaches’ point of view, they saw that they had provided athletes a possibility to influence in planning by asking their opinions and views. Using different kind of verbal communications such as asking, encouraging, and supporting, was a coaching method to guide athletes’ activities and meet them individually. By identifying the pedagogical skills of the national team coaches, enables to orientate the training of coaches. Improving the competence of the national team coaches enables the athletes to grow up and develop as athletes, as if human beings. It also has an influence on international success in competitions. By extending pedagogical knowledge and competence of the national team coaches, athletes support, learning and developing would increase. In addition, the pedagogical point of view could improve the well-being of high-level sport athletes. It also could change the sports culture away from result-oriented thinking towards more humane orientated thinking.
From coaches’ point of view, one of the most necessary development areas in coaching is pedagogical competence. The athlete-oriented coaching has increased, as a result not only the know-how of the coaching but also ability to response to more individual needs of the athlete is required. The coach`s personal values, attitudes and individual history of the life, have a reflection on coaching. To be able to identify the backgrounds of coaching, a deep self-knowledge, sensitive knowledge of human nature and good interaction skills of the coach are needed. The purpose of this study was to clarify the working methods of the national team coaches. The study also examined how the athletes experienced the pedagogical working methods of their coaches. The qualitative research was conducted by using an electronic questionnaire. The research material was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Four national team coaches and 18 national team athletes participated in the study. The participants of the study were representatives of two different Winter Olympic sports. The Finnish coaching expertise model (Hämäläinen & Olympia-komitea s.a.) was applied in the questionnaire and in the literature review. According to the results, coaches and athletes had to some extent different perceptions of the practices of national team activities. The athletes felt both satisfaction and dissatisfaction on how the information was shared and how the coaching met goals. The athletes required more feedback, more commitment from coaches and more athletes participation in the planning of the activities. From the coaches’ point of view, they saw that they had provided athletes a possibility to influence in planning by asking their opinions and views. Using different kind of verbal communications such as asking, encouraging, and supporting, was a coaching method to guide athletes’ activities and meet them individually. By identifying the pedagogical skills of the national team coaches, enables to orientate the training of coaches. Improving the competence of the national team coaches enables the athletes to grow up and develop as athletes, as if human beings. It also has an influence on international success in competitions. By extending pedagogical knowledge and competence of the national team coaches, athletes support, learning and developing would increase. In addition, the pedagogical point of view could improve the well-being of high-level sport athletes. It also could change the sports culture away from result-oriented thinking towards more humane orientated thinking.
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Master thesis
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