Studying Gamow-Teller transitions and the assignment of isomeric and ground states at N = 50
Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient nuclides around the N = 50 shell closure below 100Sn were performed at the FRS Ion Catcher (FRS-IC) at GSI, Germany. The nuclei were produced by projectile fragmentation of 124Xe, separated in the fragment separator FRS and delivered to the FRS-IC. The masses of 14 ground states and two isomers were measured with relative mass uncertainties down to 1 × 10−7 using the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the FRS-IC, including the first direct mass measurements of 98Cd and 97Rh. A new Q EC = 5437 ± 67 keV was obtained for 98Cd, resulting in a summed Gamow-Teller (GT) strength for the five observed transitions (0+ −→ 1+) as B(GT) = 2.94+0.32−0.28. Investigation of this result in state-of-the-art shell model approaches accounting for the first time experimentally observed spectrum of GT transitions points to a perfect agreement for N = 50 isotones. The excitation energy of the long-lived isomeric state in 94Rh was determined for the first time to be 293 ± 21 keV. This, together with the shell model calculations, allows the level ordering in 94Rh to be understood.
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Elsevier BV
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Peer reviewed
Published in
Physics Letters B
- Mollaebrahimi, A., Hornung, C., Dickel, T., Amanbayev, D., Kripko-Koncz, G., Plaß, W. R., San Andrés, S. A., Beck, S., Blazhev, A., Bergmann, J., Geissel, H., Górska, M., Grawe, H., Greiner, F., Haettner, E., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Miskun, I., Nowacki, F., Scheidenberger, C., . . . Zhao, J. (2023). Studying Gamow-Teller transitions and the assignment of isomeric and ground states at N = 50. Physics Letters B, 839, Article 137833.
Additional information about funding
The results presented here are based on the experiment S474, which was performed at the FRS at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (Germany) in the context of FAIR Phase-0. The results presented in this paper are based on work performed before February 24th 2022. This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) under contracts no. 05P19RGFN1 and 05P21RGFN1, by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under contract no. SCHE 1969/2-1, by the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art (HMWK) through the LOEWE Center HIC for FAIR, by HGS-HIRe, and by Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen and GSI under the JLU-GSI strategic Helmholtz partnership agreement. The paper was partly financed by the international project “PMW” of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education; active in the period 2022-2024; grant Nr 5237/GSI-FAIR/2022/0.
Copyright© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.