Cyber security training in Finnish basic and general upper secondary education

Cyber security in Finland is part of other areas of comprehensive security, as digital solutions multiply in society and technologies advance. Cyber security is one of the primary national security and nationaldefense concerns. Cyber security has quickly evolved from a technical discipline to a strategic concept. Cyber security capacity building can be measured based on the existence and number of research and developments, education and training programs, and certified professionals and public sector agencies.Cybersecurity awareness and the related civic skills play an increasingly important role as our societies become more digitalized. Improving citizens' cyber skills through education is an important goal that would strengthen Finland as a country of higher education and expertise and lay the foundation for the society of the future.Pursuant to the Finland’s Cyber Security Strategy (2019) “National cyber security competence will be ensured by identifying requirements and strengthening education and research.” Finland’s Cyber Security Development Programme (2021) necessitates that in basic education ensures young people have sufficient skills to operate in a digital operating environment and that they understand cyber security threats and know how to protect themselves from them. So, cybersecurity is an important subject for everyone, not just industry or public organizations. It’s also vital for our children to understand howto stay safe online, and the need to be aware of any dangers that might come their way. Cybersecurity awareness training is important because it teaches pupils how they can protect themselves from cyber-attacks (MTC, 2021).The study of cybersecurity education in Finland was made in autumn2021 and spring 2022 for the National Cyber Security Director. According to the study, measures are needed so that cyber security becomes an important aspect when planning education and teaching. There are different models to choose from to make training more effective. This paper presents the results of the research focusing basic and general upper secondary education.
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International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
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The proceedings of the ... international conference on cyber warfare and security
Is part of publication
ICCWS 2023 : Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
  • Lehto, M., & Neittaanmäki, P. (2023). Cyber security training in Finnish basic and general upper secondary education. In R. L. Wilson, & B. Curran (Eds.), ICCWS 2023 : Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (18, pp. 199-208). Academic Conferences International Ltd. The proceedings of the ... international conference on cyber warfare and security.
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Open Access
Copyright© 2023 Martti Lehto, Pekka Neittaanmäki
