Shell-model matrix elements for muonic processes in light nuclei
The nuclear shell-model is used to calculate the nuclear matrix elements for the ordinary muon capture and the muon-electron conversion. In the ordinary muon capture, various residual interactions are applied, and the results are compared to experimental data on capture rates and angular correlations. The renormalized single-particle transition operators are introduced and applied in 28Si and 20Ne. These renormalized operators yield results, which are in better agreement with the predictions coming from the partially conserved axial vector hypothesis than the results obtained with bare operators. The renormalization effects are found to be interaction-independent. Otherwise, different interactions can give very contradictory results. The single-particle matrix elements with Woods-Saxon radial wave functions are compared to ones obtained with harmonic oscillator radial wave functions. The changes in the capture rates and angular correlation parameters are generally small, and they do not solve the discrepancies between the theory and experiment. The lepton-flavor violating muon-electron conversion in 27Al and 48Ti is used to restrict the lepton-flavor violating parameters that are included in the extensions of the standard model. Various possible reaction mechanisms are investigated, and channel-by-channel calculations are carried out. The results show that the ground-state to ground-state transition dominates in the two nuclei considered. This increases the possibility of the detection of the muon-electron conversion. In addition, we have separately calculated the vector and axial vector contributions as well as isoscalar and isovector contributions.
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Doctoral thesis
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Jyväskylän yliopisto. Fysiikan laitos. Research report
Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Siiskonen, T., Suhonen, J., Kuz'min, V. A., and Tetereva, T. V. (1998). Shell-model study of partial muon-capture rates in light nuclei. Nuclear Physics A, 635(4), 446-469. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(98)00182-1
- Artikkeli II: Siiskonen, T., Suhonen, J., and Hjorth-Jensen, M. (1999). Towards the solution of the CP/CA anomaly in shell-model calculations of muon capture. Physical Review C, 59, R1839(R). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.59.R1839
- Artikkeli III: Siiskonen, T., Suhonen, J., and Hjorth-Jensen, M. (1999). Shell-model effective operators for muon capture in 20Ne. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 25(8). DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/25/8/102
- Artikkeli IV: Siiskonen, T., Suhonen, J. and Kosmas, T. S. (1999). New limits for lepton-flavor violation from the μ−→e− conversion in 27Al. Physical Review C, 60, 062501(R). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.60.062501
- Artikkeli V: Siiskonen, T., Suhonen, J. and Kosmas, T. S. (2000). Realistic nuclear matrix elements for the lepton-flavor violating μ−→e− conversion in 27Al and 48Ti. Physical Review C, 62, 035502. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.62.035502
- Artikkeli VI: Kortelainen, M., Aunola, M., Siiskonen, T. and Suhonen, J. (2000). Mean-field effects on muon-capture observables. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 26(2). DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/26/2/103