Rehtoreiden näkemyksiä lukiokoulutuksen uudistamisesta, sen johtamisesta ja tulevaisuudesta
This research is conducted on the field of educational science. In this work I have analyze the constructions of reforms and foresight in the Finnish context of general upper secondary education and how this is perceived by principals. The aim of this study is to understand the reforms and anticipations of the future of upper second-ary education in the multidimensional, even tense reform contexts and the requirements emerging from educational policymaking and the upper secondary school community. The focus of my research is on the role of the principals as the key actors in the reform process and principals as forerunners of building the future.
The theoretical framework for this research consists of theories related to recent educational reforms in Finland, leadership theories connected to upper secondary education and the phenomenon of change. I have produced the data for my study using an elite sample of individual interviews with principals of upper secondary schools (N=14). The data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis as method and the interpretations of the results have been constructed using abductive reasoning.
There are two research questions in my study. As results for the first research question, I present three key meanings of the upper secondary school reform: 1) the complex meanings of upper secondary school reform, 2) the meanings of community-based reform, and 3) the meanings of student-centered reform. As a result of the second research question, I present two key meanings of the future discourse: 1) reactive and proactive meanings and 2) transformative meanings.
According to the results reforms in upper secondary school education is a complex phenomenon. There is not enough convergence between the reform efforts from the outside and the need and desire for development from within the upper secondary school community. Continuous reforms in Finland have made upper secondary schools into reform generators. Upper secondary schools require work, enthusiasm, and the ability to recognize the existing Spielraum (play space), the game space, and the courage and innovation to experiment and find workable local solutions to improve activities and the learning environment and to promote student well-being and competence. As the reforms of the upper secondary education is taking place with diminishing financial resources, achieving the objectives set for upper secondary schools will require leadership and inclusive entrepreneurship from upper secondary schools to innovate and renew. Reforming upper secondary schools will require strengthening future-oriented knowledge, developing a capacity for cultural change and a broad learning environment within the framework of education policy laws and regulations.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
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JYU Dissertations
Copyright© The Author & University of Jyväskylä