”Joustava ryhmä, sehän on vaihtoehdoista joustavin ja silloin ei ole pakko olla koko ajan samanlaisessa ryhmässä” : yläkoulun oppilaiden näkökulma liikunnan opetusryhmien muodostamiseen
Yläkoulun liikunnanopetuksen perinteistä rakenteellista jakoa tyttöjen ja poikien liikuntaan on
viime vuosina purettu valtakunnallisesti kiihtyvällä tahdilla. Helsinki on toiminut asiassa
pioneerina, sillä se on yksi kaupungeista, joissa sekaryhmäopetus on yläkouluissa tänä päivänä
vallitseva liikunnanopetuksen toteuttamistapa.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää yläkouluikäisten oppilaiden näkemyksiä siitä,
millaisessa opetusryhmässä liikunnanopetus tulisi toteuttaa eri liikuntaympäristöissä.
Erityisenä tavoitteena oli helsinkiläisten yläkoulujen oppilaiden näkemyksien selvittäminen.
Näkemyksiin mahdollisesti yhteydessä olevina tekijöinä tarkasteltiin nykyistä ja aiempaa
opetusryhmää, sukupuolta, luokka-astetta, liikuntanumeroa, valinnaisliikuntaan osallistumista
ja opetusryhmän kokoa. Lisäksi selvitettiin, onko liikuntaympäristöllä vaikutusta oppilaiden
näkemyksiin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkein 334 oppilaalta kolmesta eri
helsinkiläisestä koulusta. Määrällisen aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin ristiintaulukointia
sekä khiin neliö -testiä (χ2).
Aiemmalla ja nykyisellä opetusryhmällä oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä yhteys oppilaiden
näkemyksiin. Opetusryhmän koolla oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys näkemyksiin. Muilla
taustamuuttujilla, kuten luokka-asteella, sukupuolella, liikuntanumerolla tai valinnaisliikuntaan
osallistumisella ei havaittu olevan yhteyttä näkemyksiin. Erillisryhmäopetuksen kannatus oli
suurinta vesiliikuntaympäristössä ja pienintä luontoliikuntaympäristössä. Sekaryhmäopetuksen
kannatus oli suurinta luontoliikuntaympäristössä ja pienintä vesiliikuntaympäristössä.
Joustavan opetusryhmäjaon kannatuksessa ei ollut merkittävää vaihtelua eri
liikuntaympäristöjen välillä. Eri opetusryhmätyyppien kannatus vaihteli huomattavasti eri
Tämän tutkielman tulokset ovat osittain samansuuntaisia aiempien tutkielmien kanssa.
Aiemman ja nykyisen opetusryhmän tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys oppilaiden näkemyksiin
tukee aiheesta aiemmin saatuja tutkimustuloksia. Tässä tutkielmassa havaittiin myös
opetusryhmän koon yhteys oppilaiden näkemyksiin. Toisin kuin aiemmat tutkielmat, tämä
tutkielma ei löytänyt havaintoa siitä, että liikuntanumerolla olisi yhteyttä oppilaiden
näkemyksiin. Aiempien tutkimustulosten sekä tämän tutkielman perusteella voidaan sanoa, että
liikuntaympäristöittäin vaihteleva joustava ryhmäjako olisi oppilaiden näkökulmasta paras
mahdollinen liikunnanopetuksen toteuttamistapa. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että
vesiliikuntaympäristössä opetus olisi hyvä toteuttaa sukupuolen mukaan jaetuissa
erillisryhmissä, kun taas muissa liikuntaympäristössä sekaryhmäopetus olisi suositeltavampaa.
In recent years, the traditional structural division into boys´ and girls´ physical education groups in secondary school education is being dismantled at an accelerating rate nationwide. Helsinki has been a pioneer in this matter, as it is one of the cities where mixed group education is the prevailing way of implementing physical education in secondary schools today. The purpose of this dissertation was to study the opinions of secondary school children based on the type of learning group in various physical education environments. The main objective was to find out the views of pupils in three different Helsinki schools. The present and previous PE group, gender, mark in school report, PE grade, and participation in optional PE activities were considered as possible factors having an influence on the opinion. In addition, it was investigated whether the physical environment of the activity had any impact on students´ answers. The research material was collected through questionnaires from 334 secondary school pupils. Cross-tabulation and the chi-square test (χ2) were used to analyze the quantitative data. The earlier and the current teaching group had statistically a highly significant impact on the pupils´ views. The group size had a lesser, but also a significant influence. Other background variables such as grade level, gender, school report mark in PE, or participation in optional PE, were not found to play any important role in their opinion. The support for dividing the pupils according to gender was highest in water sports environment and lowest while in nature. As far as tuition took place outdoors in nature, the pupils seemed to favor mixed gender groups, whereas same-sex groups received the lowest support in water sports. There was no statistically significant preference for exercise locations as to the flexibly divided learner groups. The views varied considerably depending on the environment. The results of this dissertation are partly in line with the previous ones. The statistically significant association between the previous and the current teaching group supports the results obtained in earlier studies. Furthermore, the present research found out a connection between the group size and the opinions. Unlike earlier studies, this dissertation found no connection between the report marks and the preference how to divide the pupils into groups. Based on the results of the previous research and this study, it can be argued that a learner group division should be made according to the physical environment of the sports class. The dissertation seems to prove that PE tuition should be carried out in groups divided by gender in water sports environment, while gender-mixed groups would be recommended in other PE locations.
In recent years, the traditional structural division into boys´ and girls´ physical education groups in secondary school education is being dismantled at an accelerating rate nationwide. Helsinki has been a pioneer in this matter, as it is one of the cities where mixed group education is the prevailing way of implementing physical education in secondary schools today. The purpose of this dissertation was to study the opinions of secondary school children based on the type of learning group in various physical education environments. The main objective was to find out the views of pupils in three different Helsinki schools. The present and previous PE group, gender, mark in school report, PE grade, and participation in optional PE activities were considered as possible factors having an influence on the opinion. In addition, it was investigated whether the physical environment of the activity had any impact on students´ answers. The research material was collected through questionnaires from 334 secondary school pupils. Cross-tabulation and the chi-square test (χ2) were used to analyze the quantitative data. The earlier and the current teaching group had statistically a highly significant impact on the pupils´ views. The group size had a lesser, but also a significant influence. Other background variables such as grade level, gender, school report mark in PE, or participation in optional PE, were not found to play any important role in their opinion. The support for dividing the pupils according to gender was highest in water sports environment and lowest while in nature. As far as tuition took place outdoors in nature, the pupils seemed to favor mixed gender groups, whereas same-sex groups received the lowest support in water sports. There was no statistically significant preference for exercise locations as to the flexibly divided learner groups. The views varied considerably depending on the environment. The results of this dissertation are partly in line with the previous ones. The statistically significant association between the previous and the current teaching group supports the results obtained in earlier studies. Furthermore, the present research found out a connection between the group size and the opinions. Unlike earlier studies, this dissertation found no connection between the report marks and the preference how to divide the pupils into groups. Based on the results of the previous research and this study, it can be argued that a learner group division should be made according to the physical environment of the sports class. The dissertation seems to prove that PE tuition should be carried out in groups divided by gender in water sports environment, while gender-mixed groups would be recommended in other PE locations.
Main Author
Master thesis
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