Keskivartalolihasten EMG-aktiivisuus eri keskivartaloharjoitteissa : vertailussa laite-, kuntosali- ja kotiharjoitteet
Kroonisen epäspesifin alaselkäkivun hoidossa terapeuttisen harjoittelun on todettu vähentävän kipua ja lisäävän toimintakykyä. Tärkeää olisi, että keskivartalolihaksia tehokkaasti aktivoivat harjoitteet olisivat toteutettavissa ihmisten arkielämässä, jolloin harjoittelu todennäköisemmin toteutuisi selkäkipujen lievittämisen ja ehkäisemisen kannalta riittävän säännöllisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä harjoitteet tuottavat suurimmat keskivartalon lihasaktivaatiot ja verrata laiteharjoitteiden, kuntosaliharjoitteiden sekä kotiharjoitteiden eroja niiden tuottamien lihasaktiivisuuksien osalta.
Tässä poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa koehenkilöiden keskivartalolihasten aktiivisuutta mitattiin pintaelektromyografialla (EMG) valittujen harjoitusliikkeiden aikana. Tutkittavat olivat 25-57-vuotiaita terveitä miehiä (n = 12, ikä 33.4 ± 9.2 v, pituus 174.8 ± 5.6 cm, paino 78.8 ± 7.6 kg, painoindeksi 25.8 ± 2.1 kg/m²). Mittaukset toteutettiin kahdessa osassa. Ensimmäisellä mittauskerralla selvitettiin tutkittavien keskivartalolihasten maksimaalinen tahdonalainen isometrinen voimantuotto (MVIC) keskivartalon koukistuksessa, ojennuksessa ja kiertosuunnissa. Ensimmäisellä mittauskerralla harjoiteltiin myös tutkimuksessa suoritettavat harjoitteet ja määritettiin mittauksissa käytettävät kuorma-, kesto- ja toistomäärät maksimisuorituksiin perustuen. Toisella mittauskerralla mitattavat harjoitteet suoritettiin aiemmin määritetyllä intensiteetillä. Tutkimukseen oli valittu laiteharjoitteista selän ojennus istuen laitteessa, vartalon kierto seisten laitteessa ja lonkan koukistuslaite, kuntosaliharjoitteista taljassa työntö-veto, Pallof-työntö ja BodyBow-harjoite sekä kotiharjoitteista kiertolankku, keppikierto ja neljän raajan nosto. Lihasaktiivisuutta mitattiin pinta-EMG:n avulla kehon oikealta puolen seuraavista keskivartalon lihaksista: m. rectus abdominis, m. external oblique, m. internal oblique, m. iliopsoas, m. lumbar erector spinae, m. multifudus ja m. thoracic erector spinae. Harjoitteiden välisiä eroja tarkasteltiin Friedmanin testillä. Parittaisia vertailuja erityisen mielenkiinnon kohteena olevien ja samankaltaisten harjoitteiden välillä tehtiin myös Wilcoxonin testillä.
Harjoitteiden (p<0.001) ja harjoiteluokkien (p<0.01) väliltä löytyi merkitseviä eroja keskimääräisten lihasaktiivisuustasojen kohdalla kaikkien lihasten osalta. Suurimpia keskimääräisiä pinta-EMG-aktiivisuustasoja tuottivat neljän raajan nosto m. thoracic erector spinaelle (62.8 % MVIC), neljän raajan nosto ja selänojennuslaite m. lumbar erector spinaelle (43.9 % MVIC; 43.6 % MVIC) ja m. multifidukselle (47.7 % MVIC; 44.2 % MVIC), lonkankoukistuslaite oikealla alaraajalla m. iliopsoakselle (46.8 % MVIC) sekä vartalonkiertolaite oikealle m. internal oblique abdominikselle (46.0 % MVIC). Tämän tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että kliinisessä työssä on perusteltua käyttää harjoitteita kaikista tutkimuksen harjoiteluokista asiakkaan resurssit ja mieltymykset huomioiden.
Exercise therapy has been found to decrease pain and improve function in the treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain. It would be important that exercises effectively activating trunk muscles could be implemented in people's everyday lives so that exercising would more likely be regular enough to relieve and prevent low back pain. The aim of this study was to assess which exercises produce the greatest muscle activations of trunk muscles, and secondly to compare the differences of muscle activity levels between device exercises, gym exercises and home exercises. This cross-sectional study assessed surface electromyography activity (EMG) from seven different trunk muscles during selected core exercises. The participants were healthy males aged 25-57 (n = 12, age 33.4 ± 9.2 y, height 174.8 ± 5.6 cm, weight 78.8 ± 7.6 kg, body mass index 25.8 ± 2.1 kg/m²). The measurements were conducted in two parts. During the first session, the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the trunk muscles in the flexion, extension and rotation was determined. Also, the selected exercises were practiced and the amounts of load, duration, and repetition to be used in the measurements were determined based on maximum performance on each exercise. During the second session, the selected exercises were performed at the previously determined intensity. The device exercises selected to this study were back extension device, trunk rotation device and hip flexion device, gym exercises were push-pull on the pulley, Pallof press and BodyBow exercise, and home exercises were plank with rotation, trunk rotation with a broom stick and Superman exercise. Muscle activity was measured by surface EMG from the following trunk muscles on the right side of the body: m. rectus abdominis, m. external oblique abdominis, m. internal oblique abdominis, m. iliopsoas, m. lumbar erector spinae, m. multifidus, and m. thoracic erector spinae. Differences between exercises were examined with the Friedman test. Pairwise comparisons between exercises of special interest were made using the Wilcoxon test. Significant differences for average muscle activity were found between the exercises (p<0.001) and the exercise groups (p<0.01) for all muscles. The highest average EMG activities were produced by Superman exercise for m. thoracic erector spinae (62.8% MVIC), Superman exercise and back extension device for m. lumbar erector spinae (43.9% MVIC; 43.6% MVIC) and for m. multifidus (47.7% MVIC; 44.2% MVIC), hip flexor device on the right leg for m. iliopsoas (46.8% MVIC), and trunk rotation device for right m. internal oblique abdominis (46.0% MVIC). As a conclusion, it is justified to use exercises from all exercise classes used in this study, taking into consideration resources and preferences of the client.
Exercise therapy has been found to decrease pain and improve function in the treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain. It would be important that exercises effectively activating trunk muscles could be implemented in people's everyday lives so that exercising would more likely be regular enough to relieve and prevent low back pain. The aim of this study was to assess which exercises produce the greatest muscle activations of trunk muscles, and secondly to compare the differences of muscle activity levels between device exercises, gym exercises and home exercises. This cross-sectional study assessed surface electromyography activity (EMG) from seven different trunk muscles during selected core exercises. The participants were healthy males aged 25-57 (n = 12, age 33.4 ± 9.2 y, height 174.8 ± 5.6 cm, weight 78.8 ± 7.6 kg, body mass index 25.8 ± 2.1 kg/m²). The measurements were conducted in two parts. During the first session, the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the trunk muscles in the flexion, extension and rotation was determined. Also, the selected exercises were practiced and the amounts of load, duration, and repetition to be used in the measurements were determined based on maximum performance on each exercise. During the second session, the selected exercises were performed at the previously determined intensity. The device exercises selected to this study were back extension device, trunk rotation device and hip flexion device, gym exercises were push-pull on the pulley, Pallof press and BodyBow exercise, and home exercises were plank with rotation, trunk rotation with a broom stick and Superman exercise. Muscle activity was measured by surface EMG from the following trunk muscles on the right side of the body: m. rectus abdominis, m. external oblique abdominis, m. internal oblique abdominis, m. iliopsoas, m. lumbar erector spinae, m. multifidus, and m. thoracic erector spinae. Differences between exercises were examined with the Friedman test. Pairwise comparisons between exercises of special interest were made using the Wilcoxon test. Significant differences for average muscle activity were found between the exercises (p<0.001) and the exercise groups (p<0.01) for all muscles. The highest average EMG activities were produced by Superman exercise for m. thoracic erector spinae (62.8% MVIC), Superman exercise and back extension device for m. lumbar erector spinae (43.9% MVIC; 43.6% MVIC) and for m. multifidus (47.7% MVIC; 44.2% MVIC), hip flexor device on the right leg for m. iliopsoas (46.8% MVIC), and trunk rotation device for right m. internal oblique abdominis (46.0% MVIC). As a conclusion, it is justified to use exercises from all exercise classes used in this study, taking into consideration resources and preferences of the client.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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