Enhancing detection & identification of hybrid warfare from cyber security perspective

Hybrid warfare has surfaced in recent years in media and scientific literature, as the western world has noticed its challenges and possibilities. Hybrid warfare and its operations are by nature constantly evolving and changing while attempting to cause the wished effect on the victim. This causes the complications behind the detection of hybrid warfare. Often the amount of data gathered for analysis can cause issues because of its size as the resources for detecting hybrid warfare are limited. Finding anomalies from such large data sets can be problematic even if the target of the analysis is well known to the analyst. This creates a need for research to improve the detection of hybrid warfare. The terms behind hybrid warfare are also used differently by different parties and could use unification. The unification of terminology also helps to clarify communications between organizations and can directly benefit operational efficiency. The goal of this research is to clarify the terms used in the discussion about detection of hybrid warfare and to find at least preliminary future research topics for it from cyber security research point of view.
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Theses Master thesis
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