Additive properties of fractal sets on the parabola
Orponen, T. (2023). Additive properties of fractal sets on the parabola. Annales Fennici mathematici, 48(1), 113-139.
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Annales Fennici mathematiciAuthors
© 2022 Annales Fennici Mathematici
Olkoon 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 ja P := {(t,t2) ∈ R2:t ∈ [−1,1]}. Jos K ⊂ P on suljettu ja dimHK = s, on suoraviivaista nähdä, että dimH(K + K) ≥ 2s. Paperin pääkorollaari kertoo, että jos 0 < s < 1, joukon K lisääminen vielä kerran kasvattaa summaa: dimH(K + K + K) ≥ 2s + ϵ, missä ϵ = ϵ(s) > 0. Väite päätellään seuraavasta L6-arviosta Frostman-mittojen Fourier-muunnoksille. Olkoon 0 < s <1 , ja olkoon μ on Borel-mitta joukossa P, joka toteuttaa ehdon μ(B(x,r)) ≤ rs kaikille x ∈ P ja r > 0. Silloin on olemassa ϵ = ϵ(s) > 0 ja R0 ≥ 1, joille seurava epäyhtälö pätee kaikille ‖μ^‖L6(B(R))6 ≤ R2−(2s+ϵ). Todistuksen keskeinen idea on muotoilla ongelma uudelleen sopivana δ-diskretoituna pisteiden ja ympyröiden välisenä insidenssiongelmana. Tämä geometrinen pulma palautuu lopulta (s, 2s)-Furstenberg-joukko-ongelmaan. Let 0 ≤ s ≤ 1, and let P := {(t,t2) ∈ R2:t ∈ [−1,1]}. If K ⊂ P is a closed set with dimHK = s, it is not hard to see that dimH(K + K) ≥ 2s. The main corollary of the paper states that if 0 0. This information is deduced from an L6 bound for the Fourier transforms of Frostman measures on P. If 0 < 1, and μ is a Borel measure on P satisfying μ(B(x,r)) ≤ rs for all x ∈ P and r > 0, then there exists ϵ = ϵ(s) > 0 such that ‖μ^‖L6(B(R))6 ≤ R2−(2s+ϵ) for all sufficiently large R ≥ 1. The proof is based on a reduction to a δ-discretised point-circle incidence problem, and eventually to the (s, 2s)-Furstenberg set problem.1, then adding K once more makes the sum slightly larger: dimH(K + K + K) ≥ 2s+ϵ, where ϵ = ϵ(s) > 0. This information is deduced from an L6 bound for the Fourier transforms of Frostman measures on P. If 0 < 1, and μ is a Borel measure on P satisfying μ(B(x,r)) ≤ rs for all x ∈ P and r > 0, then there exists ϵ = ϵ(s) > 0 such that ‖μ^‖L6(B(R))6 ≤ R2−(2s+ϵ) for all sufficiently large R ≥ 1. The proof is based on a reduction to a δ-discretised point-circle incidence problem, and eventually to the (s, 2s)-Furstenberg set problem.

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