Metric Rectifiability of H-regular Surfaces with Hölder Continuous Horizontal Normal
Two definitions for the rectifiability of hypersurfaces in Heisenberg groups Hn have been proposed: one based on H-regular surfaces and the other on Lipschitz images of subsets of codimension-1 vertical subgroups. The equivalence between these notions remains an open problem. Recent partial results are due to Cole–Pauls, Bigolin–Vittone, and Antonelli–Le Donne. This paper makes progress in one direction: the metric Lipschitz rectifiability of H-regular surfaces. We prove that H-regular surfaces in Hn with α-Hölder continuous horizontal normal, α>0, are metric bilipschitz rectifiable. This improves on the work by Antonelli–Le Donne, where the same conclusion was obtained for C∞-surfaces. In H1, we prove a slightly stronger result: every codimension-1 intrinsic Lipschitz graph with an ϵ of extra regularity in the vertical direction is metric bilipschitz rectifiable. All the proofs in the paper are based on a new general criterion for finding bilipschitz maps between “big pieces” of metric spaces.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Oxford University Press
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
International Mathematics Research Notices
- Di Donato, D., Fässler, K., & Orponen, T. (2022). Metric Rectifiability of H-regular Surfaces with Hölder Continuous Horizontal Normal. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022(22), 17909-17975.
Research Council of Finland
Research Council of Finland
European Commission
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Academy Research Fellow, AoF
Academy Research Fellow, AoF
ERC Starting Grant
Academy Project, AoF
Akatemiatutkija, SA
Akatemiatutkija, SA
ERC Starting Grant
Akatemiahanke, SA

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Additional information about funding
D.D.D. is partially supported by the Academy of Finland (Enrico Le Donne's grants 288501 `Geometry of sub-Riemannian groups' and 322898 `Sub-Riemannian geometry via metric-geometry and Lie-group theory') and by the European Research Council (Enrico Le Donne's ERC starting grant 713998 GeoMeG `Geometry of Metric Groups'); K.F and T.O are supported by the Academy of Finland (grants 321696 `Singular integrals, harmonic functions, and boundary regularity in Heisenberg groups' to K.F. and 309365 and 314172 `Quantitative rectifiability in Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces' to T.O.).
Copyright© The Author(s) 2021