Aerobisen kapasiteetin vaikutus palautumiseen kamppailulajeissa
Kamppailulajeissa kilpailupäivänä otellaan usein useampi ottelu, jolloin korkeaintensiteettistä kuormitusta toistetaan monta kertaa. Tällaisessa toistettavassa kuormituksessa palautumisella on erittäin suuri merkitys. Aerobinen kapasiteetti vaikuttaa palautumiseen absoluuttisesta kuormituksesta, mutta suhteellisen kuormituksen kohdalla tutkimustietoa ei ole tarpeeksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko aerobisella kapasiteetilla yhteyttä suorituskyvyn ja voimantuotto-ominaisuuksien muutoksiin tai palautumiseen suhteellisesta kuormituksesta kamppailulajeissa.
Tutkimuksessa oli 20 tutkittavaa, jotka olivat kamppailulajien harrastajia ja/tai urheilijoita. Alkutesteissä selvitettiin tutkittavien maksimaalinen hapenottokyky (VO2max 47,3 ± 7,1 ml/min/kg) ja sitä vastaava maksimiteho (Pmax 312 ± 36 W) polkupyöräergometrilla suoritetun suoran testin kautta. Tutkittavat jaettiin VO2max:n mukaan kolmeen ryhmään tulosten analysointia varten. Kuormituspäivä sisälsi kolme pyörällä suoritettua kuormitusta Pmax-kuormalla uupumukseen asti. Kuormitusten välillä oli 15 minuutin passiivinen palautusaika. Ennen ja jälkeen jokaista kuormitusta mitattiin voimantuottoa kevennyshypyllä ja maksimaalisella isometrisellä jalkaprässillä sekä veren laktaattipitoisuutta. Kuormituksen aikana mitattiin hapenottoa, sykettä ja suorituksen kestoa (TTE).
Kuormitukset aiheuttivat merkitseviä muutoksia suorituskyvyssä, kun kuormitusta toistettiin (esim. TTE heikkeni kuormien 1 ja 2 välillä 30,4 % koko tutkimuksen otannalla). Tämän lisäksi kuormituksen aikana voimantuotto-ominaisuuksia mittaavat muuttujat heikkenivät kaikkia ryhmiä tarkastellessa merkitsevästi. Aerobisella kapasiteetilla ei ollut yhteyttä mihinkään suorituskykyä tai palautumista mittaavaan muuttujaan. Ryhmäkohtaisessa vertailussa ei löydetty myöskään merkitseviä eroja aerobisen kapasiteetin suhteessa muihin muuttujiin.
Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella aerobisella kapasiteetilla ei ole yhteyttä suorituskyvyn muutoksiin tai palautumiseen kamppailulajeissa, kun kuormituksena on korkeaintensiteettinen aerobiseen kapasiteettiin suhteutettu toistettu kestävyyskuormitus. Kamppailulajeja simuloiva kuormitus aiheuttaa kuitenkin suuria muutoksia suorituskyvyssä ja tarvetta palautumiselle esimerkiksi ennen seuraavaa ottelua. Aerobisen kapasiteetin harjoittelua kamppailulajeissa ei voida perustella palautumiskyvyn näkökulmasta tämän tutkimuksen valossa.
There is usually more than one match in a combat sports competition. This means that a high-intensity load is repeated many times. Recovery is very important in this kind of repeated loading. Aerobic capacity affects recovery when the load is absolute but there is not enough evidence about the affects when the load is relative. The aim of this study was to figure out if there is a connection between aerobic capacity and performance changes or neuromuscular strength properties in combat sports when the load is relative to aerobic capacity. In this study there were 20 subjects that were combat sport hobbyists and/or athletes. In the preliminary tests subjects’ maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max 47,3 ± 7,1 ml/min/kg) and corresponding maximum power (Pmax 312 ± 36 W) were measured. The subjects were divided into three groups according to their VO2max. Second measurement day consisted of thee cycling loads that were done with Pmax until exhaustion. There was a 15-minute passive recovery time between loads. Strength properties were measured with countermovement jump and maximum isometric leg press and blood lactate was taken before and after every load. Oxygen consumption, heart rate and time to exhaustion (TTE) were measured during the loads. There were significant changes in performance when the load was repeated (e.g., TTE decreased 30,4 % between loads 1 and 2 when comparing all subjects). In addition to this strength variables also decreased significantly during the loads when analysing all the subjects. There was no connection between aerobic capacity and any performance or recovery variables. In group comparison there were not any significant differences either. According to this study aerobic capacity does not have a connection to changes in performance or recovery in combat sports when the load is a high-intensity, repeated and relative to aerobic capacity. Simulated combat sports load does leads to significant changes in performance and there is a need for recovery for example before the next match. The training of aerobic capacity cannot be justified with recovery abilities in combat sports according to this study.
There is usually more than one match in a combat sports competition. This means that a high-intensity load is repeated many times. Recovery is very important in this kind of repeated loading. Aerobic capacity affects recovery when the load is absolute but there is not enough evidence about the affects when the load is relative. The aim of this study was to figure out if there is a connection between aerobic capacity and performance changes or neuromuscular strength properties in combat sports when the load is relative to aerobic capacity. In this study there were 20 subjects that were combat sport hobbyists and/or athletes. In the preliminary tests subjects’ maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max 47,3 ± 7,1 ml/min/kg) and corresponding maximum power (Pmax 312 ± 36 W) were measured. The subjects were divided into three groups according to their VO2max. Second measurement day consisted of thee cycling loads that were done with Pmax until exhaustion. There was a 15-minute passive recovery time between loads. Strength properties were measured with countermovement jump and maximum isometric leg press and blood lactate was taken before and after every load. Oxygen consumption, heart rate and time to exhaustion (TTE) were measured during the loads. There were significant changes in performance when the load was repeated (e.g., TTE decreased 30,4 % between loads 1 and 2 when comparing all subjects). In addition to this strength variables also decreased significantly during the loads when analysing all the subjects. There was no connection between aerobic capacity and any performance or recovery variables. In group comparison there were not any significant differences either. According to this study aerobic capacity does not have a connection to changes in performance or recovery in combat sports when the load is a high-intensity, repeated and relative to aerobic capacity. Simulated combat sports load does leads to significant changes in performance and there is a need for recovery for example before the next match. The training of aerobic capacity cannot be justified with recovery abilities in combat sports according to this study.
Main Author
Master thesis
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