The Effects of Educational Video Games on Adult Language Learners
Oppimispelejä on tutkittu aikaisemmin lähinnä lasten ja nuorten näkökulmasta, vaikka oppiminen käsitteenä koskettaa jokaista ihmistä ikään katsomatta. Kieltenoppimiseen käytettyjen oppimispelien kohdalla tutkimukset ovat olleet tätäkin suppeampia, sillä niissä on keskitytty pitkälti englannin opettamiseen peruskouluikäisillä lapsilla. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan oppimispelien vaikutuksia aikuisilla kieltenoppijoilla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa selvitetään lapsilla havaittuja oppimispelien vaikutuksia, joita sovelletaan aikuisiin käyttämällä apuna kieltenoppimiseen ja aikuisten oppimiseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sekä oppimiseen liittyviä teorioita. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla saatujen tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että ainakin oppimispelien hyödyt aikuisilla ovat pitkälti samat kuin lapsilla, mutta tiettyjen hyötyjen ilmenemistä aikuisilla ei ole vielä todennettu käytännössä. Viidestä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa havaitusta vaikutuksesta kahta ei ole aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa varmistettu hyödyttävän aikuisia oppijoita. Nämä kaksi vaikutusta ovat oppiminen ilman painetta ja parantunut minäpystyvyys. Selvittääksemme sen, voivatko aikuiset oppijat hyötyä näistä vaikutuksista, tehtiin empiirinen kyselytutkimus, jossa 12 aikuista kokeili yhtä kahdesta oppimispelistä, jotka olivat Influent ja LingoDeer. Litteroinnin jälkeen kyselyn tulokset analysointiin käyttämällä teemoittelua ja luokittelua. Teemat muodostettiin käyttämällä aikaisemmin lapsilla todettuja vaikutuksia, ja luokittelua käytettiin määrittämään, ovatko yksittäiset vastaukset positiivisia, neutraaleja tai negatiivisia. Johtopäätöksenä voitiin todeta tulosten viittaavan siihen, että kaikkia aikaisemmin lapsilla löytyneitä vaikutuksia voidaan soveltaa myös aikuisiin oppijoihin.
Educational games have been studied earlier primarily from the point of view of children and other younger individuals, even though learning is a concept that affects all people regardless of their age. In educational games used in language learning, the studies have been even more limited, because the focus has been in teaching English to K-12 students. In this study, the effects of educational video games will be examined from the point of view of adult foreign language learners. The literature review part will study the effects of educational games found on children, which are then applied to adult learners with the help of literature regarding language learning and adult learning, as well as learning theories. Based on the results found in the literature review, it looks like many positive effects found on adults are similar to those found on children. However, out of five positive effects that were found on children, there were two positive effects that had not been confirmed on adult learners during the previous studies about educational games. These effects were pressure-free learning and improved self-efficacy. To determine whether adult learners could benefit from these two effects or not, an empirical study was conducted in a form of a qualitative survey that was given to 12 adult individuals who tried one of the two following educational games: Influent or LingoDeer. After the results were transripted, they were analysed by using thematic analysis and classification. The themes used were the effects that had been found on children, and the classification was used to determine whether individual survey answers were positive, neutral or negative. In conclusion, the results were able to show that all the effects that were found on children can be applied to adult learners as well.
Educational games have been studied earlier primarily from the point of view of children and other younger individuals, even though learning is a concept that affects all people regardless of their age. In educational games used in language learning, the studies have been even more limited, because the focus has been in teaching English to K-12 students. In this study, the effects of educational video games will be examined from the point of view of adult foreign language learners. The literature review part will study the effects of educational games found on children, which are then applied to adult learners with the help of literature regarding language learning and adult learning, as well as learning theories. Based on the results found in the literature review, it looks like many positive effects found on adults are similar to those found on children. However, out of five positive effects that were found on children, there were two positive effects that had not been confirmed on adult learners during the previous studies about educational games. These effects were pressure-free learning and improved self-efficacy. To determine whether adult learners could benefit from these two effects or not, an empirical study was conducted in a form of a qualitative survey that was given to 12 adult individuals who tried one of the two following educational games: Influent or LingoDeer. After the results were transripted, they were analysed by using thematic analysis and classification. The themes used were the effects that had been found on children, and the classification was used to determine whether individual survey answers were positive, neutral or negative. In conclusion, the results were able to show that all the effects that were found on children can be applied to adult learners as well.
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Master thesis
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