Opettajien käsityksiä oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemisesta liikunnanopetuksessa
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opettajien käsityksiä oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemisesta liikunnanopetuksessa. Ensimmäiseksi pyrittiin selvittämään, kuinka hyvin opettajat kokevat tunnistavansa oppilaiden itsetunnon tason, ja millaiseksi he kokevat omat valmiudet tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikuntatunneilla. Toiseksi haluttiin selvittää, miten opettajat kokevat oppilaiden itsetunnon olevan yhteydessä liikuntatunnille osallistumiseen ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään liikuntatunneilla. Kolmanneksi haluttiin löytää vastauksia siihen, millaisia itsetuntoa tukevia keinoja opettajat pitävät tärkeimpinä liikunnanopetuksessa, sekä miten kyselyyn vastanneiden opettajien ikä, sukupuoli ja opetuskokemus vaikuttivat käsityksiin itsetuntoa tukevien keinojen tärkeydestä liikunnanopetuksessa.
Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena osana laajempaa nettipohjaista kyselytutkimusta. Kyselytutkimus kohdistettiin LIITO ry:n eli liikunnan ja terveystiedon opettajien liiton liikuntaa opettaville jäsenille. Kyselyyn vastasi 83 jäsentä, joista naisia oli 65 prosenttia (n=54) ja miehiä 35 prosenttia (n=29). Vastaajat olivat iältään 28–62-vuotiaita. Tutkimustulosten kuvailussa käytettiin prosenttilukuja, keskiarvoja ja keskihajontaa. Lisäksi tuloksia analysoitiin Mann Whitneyn U-testillä sekä Pearsonin korrelaatiolla. Mann Whitneyn U-testillä selvitettiin liikuntaa opettavien opettajien sukupuolen yhteyttä käsityksiin oppilaiden itsetuntoa parhaiten tukevista keinoista. Pearsonin korrelaation avulla taas tarkasteltiin iän ja opetuskokemuksen yhteyttä liikuntaa opettavien opettajien käsityksiin oppilaiden itsetuntoa parhaiten tukevista keinoista.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että suurin osa opettajista koki tunnistavansa oppilaiden itsetunnon tason keskimäärin hyvin sekä omaavansa hyvät valmiudet tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikunnanopetuksessa. Lisäksi suurin osa opettajista uskoi oppilaiden itsetunnolla olevan paljon tai erittäin paljon yhteyttä liikuntatunnille osallistumiseen ja fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen liikuntatunnilla. Tutkimuksen mukaan opettajat pitivät turvallisen ilmapiirin luomista tärkeimpänä keinona tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikunnanopetuksessa. Opettajien sukupuolella ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä käsityksiin oppilaiden itsetuntoa parhaiten tukevista keinosta, mutta opettajien iän ja opetuskokemuksen yhteys käsityksiin oppilaiden itsetuntoa parhaiten tukevista keinosta oli tilastollisesti melkein merkitsevä. Tutkimuksen mukaan mitä vanhempia ja enemmän opetuskokemusta omaavia kyselyyn vastanneet opettajat olivat, sitä tärkeämpänä he pitivät turvallisen ilmapiirin luomista oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemisessa. Päinvastoin taas mitä nuorempia kyselyyn vastanneet opettajat olivat, sitä tärkeämpänä he pitivät pätevyyden kokemusten mahdollistamista sekä palautteenantoa ja arviointia oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemisessa. Lisäksi mitä vähemmän opetuskokemusta omaavia kyselyyn vastanneet opettajat olivat, sitä tärkeämpänä he pitivät palautteenantoa ja arviointia oppilaiden itsetunnon tukemisessa.
Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että oppilaiden itsetunnon tukeminen liikunnanopetuksessa on tärkeää. Oppilaiden itsetuntoa tukevista keinoista erityisesti turvallisen ilmapiirin luominen nähdään toimivana keinona tukea oppilaiden itsetuntoa liikunnanopetuksessa.
The purpose of this study was to find out teachers' perceptions of supporting students' self-esteem in physical education. The first aim of the study was to find out how well teachers feel they recognize the level of students' self-esteem and how they perceive their own capabilities to support students' self-esteem in physical education classes. Secondly, we wanted to find out how teachers feel that students' self-esteem is connected to participation in physical education classes and the amount of physical activity in physical education classes. Thirdly, we wanted to find answers to what kinds of self-esteem-supporting means do teachers consider most important in physical education, as well as how the age, gender, and teaching experience of the teachers who responded to the survey affected their perceptions of the importance of self-esteem-supporting means in physical education. This study was carried out as a quantitative survey as part of a wider web-based survey. The survey was aimed at the members of LIITO, i.e., the association of physical education and health education teachers, who teach physical education. 83 members responded to the survey, of which 65 percent were women (n=54) and 35 percent were men (n=29). The respondents were between the ages of 28 and 62. Percentages, averages and standard deviation were used to describe the research results. In addition, the results were analyzed with Mann Whitney's U-test and Pearson's correlation. Mann Whitney's U-test was used to find out the association between the gender of teachers and the perceptions of the methods that best support students' self-esteem. Pearson's correlation was used to examine the association between age and teaching experience and teachers' perceptions of the methods that best support students' self-esteem. The results of the study showed that most teachers felt that they recognized the level of students' self-esteem on average well, and that they have good capabilities to support students' self-esteem in physical education. In addition, most teachers believed that students' self-esteem has a strong or a very strong association with participation in physical education class and physical activity in physical education class. According to the study, teachers considered creating a safe atmosphere as the most important way to support students' self-esteem in physical education. The teachers' gender did not have a statistically significant relationship with the perceptions of the methods that best support the students' self-esteem, but the association between the teachers' age and teaching experience with the perceptions of the methods that best support the students' self-esteem was statistically almost significant. According to the study, the older and more experienced the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought it was to create a safe atmosphere in supporting students' self-esteem. On the contrary, the younger the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought it was to enable experiences of competence and to provide feedback and evaluation in supporting students' self-esteem. In addition, the less teaching experience the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought feedback and evaluation were in supporting students' self-esteem. Based on the research results, it can be stated that supporting students' self-esteem in physical education is important. Among the ways to support students' self-esteem, creating a safe atmosphere is seen as an effective way to support students' self-esteem in physical education.
The purpose of this study was to find out teachers' perceptions of supporting students' self-esteem in physical education. The first aim of the study was to find out how well teachers feel they recognize the level of students' self-esteem and how they perceive their own capabilities to support students' self-esteem in physical education classes. Secondly, we wanted to find out how teachers feel that students' self-esteem is connected to participation in physical education classes and the amount of physical activity in physical education classes. Thirdly, we wanted to find answers to what kinds of self-esteem-supporting means do teachers consider most important in physical education, as well as how the age, gender, and teaching experience of the teachers who responded to the survey affected their perceptions of the importance of self-esteem-supporting means in physical education. This study was carried out as a quantitative survey as part of a wider web-based survey. The survey was aimed at the members of LIITO, i.e., the association of physical education and health education teachers, who teach physical education. 83 members responded to the survey, of which 65 percent were women (n=54) and 35 percent were men (n=29). The respondents were between the ages of 28 and 62. Percentages, averages and standard deviation were used to describe the research results. In addition, the results were analyzed with Mann Whitney's U-test and Pearson's correlation. Mann Whitney's U-test was used to find out the association between the gender of teachers and the perceptions of the methods that best support students' self-esteem. Pearson's correlation was used to examine the association between age and teaching experience and teachers' perceptions of the methods that best support students' self-esteem. The results of the study showed that most teachers felt that they recognized the level of students' self-esteem on average well, and that they have good capabilities to support students' self-esteem in physical education. In addition, most teachers believed that students' self-esteem has a strong or a very strong association with participation in physical education class and physical activity in physical education class. According to the study, teachers considered creating a safe atmosphere as the most important way to support students' self-esteem in physical education. The teachers' gender did not have a statistically significant relationship with the perceptions of the methods that best support the students' self-esteem, but the association between the teachers' age and teaching experience with the perceptions of the methods that best support the students' self-esteem was statistically almost significant. According to the study, the older and more experienced the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought it was to create a safe atmosphere in supporting students' self-esteem. On the contrary, the younger the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought it was to enable experiences of competence and to provide feedback and evaluation in supporting students' self-esteem. In addition, the less teaching experience the teachers who responded to the survey were, the more important they thought feedback and evaluation were in supporting students' self-esteem. Based on the research results, it can be stated that supporting students' self-esteem in physical education is important. Among the ways to support students' self-esteem, creating a safe atmosphere is seen as an effective way to support students' self-esteem in physical education.
Main Author
Master thesis
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