Body checking into the boards in ice hockey : velocities, head accelerations and board behaviour
Johdanto: Jääkiekko on nopeatempoinen joukkuelaji, jossa taklaaminen on sallittua. Vartalotaklaukset ovat tärkeä osa peliä miesten ammattilaistasolla. Kuitenkin taklaukset aiheuttavat paljon loukkaantumisia, kuten aivotärähdyksiä. Törmäykset kaukalon laitaan saa aikaan myös usein loukkaantumisia. Joustavampia kaukalon malleja on tutkittu viime vuosina ja vähitellen monet kaukalot on vaihdettu joustavampiin. On tieteellistä näyttöä, että joustavammat kaukalot vähentävät olkapää- ja päävammojen määrää. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy laitaan kohdistuviin taklauksiin tarkoituksena selvittää taklausnopeuksia, laidan käyttäytymistä ja pään kiihtyvyyksiä kyseisten taklausten aikana.
Menetelmät: Jääkiekon kilpailutoiminnassa mukana olevia ryhmiä rekrytoitiin mukaan tutkimukseen kuudesta eri ikäryhmästä. Nuorimmat olivat U14 joukkueessa pelaavia ja vanhimmat Suomen pääsarjatasolla, Liigassa, ammatikseen pelaavia aikuisia. Kaikki ryhmät tekivät useita suorituksia taklausharjoitetta ja taklaukset videoitiin suurnopeuskameroilla kuvanopeuden ollessa 250 kuvaa sekunnissa. Taklausharjoitteiden lisäksi seitsemän jääkiekko-ottelua kuvattiin samalla tavalla. Pelaajien taklausnopeudet, pään kiihtyvyydet sekä laidan ja pleksin käyttäytymistä mitattiin.
Tulokset: Taklaajan kohtisuora nopeus laitaa kohti oli pienin U14 ryhmässä (keskiarvo = 2,79 m/s) ja korkein U18 ryhmässä (keskiarvo = 3,50 m/s), mutta otteluiden keskiarvo oli kaikista korkein (3,73 m/s). Pelaajien resultanttinopeuden keskiarvot olivat 4–6 m/s kaikissa ryhmissä taklaajien ja taklattavien osalta. Pään huippukiihtyvyyksien keskiarvot olivat 60–75 m/s2 taklaajilla ja 72–91 m/s2 taklattavilla. U18 ryhmällä oli suurimmat keskiarvot pään huippukiihtyvyyksissä, mutta U15 ryhmällä oli korkein yksittäinen arvo (170 m/s2). Laidan siirtymissä keskiarvot olivat 0,81–2,45 cm elementin osalta ja 1,78–4,72 cm pleksin osalta. Molemmissa pienimmät arvot olivat U14 ryhmältä ja suurimmat arvot Liiga ryhmältä.
Pohdinta ja yhteenveto: Suurimmat erot ikäryhmien välisissä tuloksissa ovat laidan siirtymissä oletetusti. Nopeuseroavaisuuksissa hypoteesi osui myös oikeaan, mutta pään kiihtyvyyksien osalta erot olivat pienempiä kuin oli odotettua. Tärkeä huomio on, että nuorimmilla pään kiihtyvyyksissä oli paljon hajontaa, mikä johtunee kokemattomuudesta taklauksissa tai laidan joustamattomuudesta tai molemmista. Joustavammat laidat voisivat pienentää pään kiihtyvyyksiä, mutta on kyseenalaista, että onko merkittävämpi tekijä pelaajien kokemattomuus ja vai suhteellisen joustamaton laitarakenne. Taklausharjoite vastasi hyvin pelitilanteessa olleita taklauksia sillä poikkeuksella, että otteluissa taklaajien kohtisuora nopeus oli hieman korkeampi.
Intoduction: Ice hockey is a fast-paced game where body checking (tackling) is allowed. Body checks are an important part of the game in men’s elite level. However, body checks are reason for many injuries such as concussions. Contact with ice hockey rink board causes often injuries as well. There has been research and change towards more flexible board systems to prevent injuries during last years. There is evidence that more flexible boards decrease head and shoulder injuries. This study focuses on body checking towards boards and the study aims to find out checking velocities, board behaviour and head accelerations during a body check at boards. Methods: Competitive ice hockey players from 6 different age groups were recruited to perform body checking drill. U14 was the youngest group, and the oldest group was professional adult players from the highest level in Finland, Liiga. All groups performed body checking drill at least 18 times and body checks were filmed with high-speed-cameras with framerate of 250 Hz. Besides that, 7 ice hockey matches were filmed with the same setup. Player velocities, peak head accelerations, and board and glass behaviour were measured. Results: Defender’s (player who checks) perpendicular velocity was the smallest in U14 group (avg = 2,79 m/s) and the highest in U18 group (avg = 3,50 m/s) but the matches showed the highest average of 3,73 m/s. Player speed average was between 4 – 6 m/s in all groups among puck holders (player who receives the check) and defenders. In peak head accelerations all averages were between 60 and 75 m/s2 among defenders and averages were between 72 and 91 m/s2 among puck holders. U18 had the highest averages but U15 had the highest single value of 170 m/s2. Board stopping distance averages were from 0,81 cm to 2,45 cm in the element part where U14 had the smallest average and Liiga group had the highest average. From the glass part it was the same with values of 1,78 cm to 4,72 cm. Discussion & Conclusions: The biggest differences between age groups in results are in board behaviour as it was expected. Velocity differences were also as hypothesised but head acceleration differences were smaller than expected. Important aspect from head accelerations is that younger players had much more variation in head accelerations which is due to inexperience in body checking, or board behaviour, or both. More flexible board could lower head accelerations, but it is debatable if the main difference is because of board flexibility or inexperience among players. The body checking drill corresponded well to match situations with exception that drill executions were done with little bit slower perpendicular velocities.
Intoduction: Ice hockey is a fast-paced game where body checking (tackling) is allowed. Body checks are an important part of the game in men’s elite level. However, body checks are reason for many injuries such as concussions. Contact with ice hockey rink board causes often injuries as well. There has been research and change towards more flexible board systems to prevent injuries during last years. There is evidence that more flexible boards decrease head and shoulder injuries. This study focuses on body checking towards boards and the study aims to find out checking velocities, board behaviour and head accelerations during a body check at boards. Methods: Competitive ice hockey players from 6 different age groups were recruited to perform body checking drill. U14 was the youngest group, and the oldest group was professional adult players from the highest level in Finland, Liiga. All groups performed body checking drill at least 18 times and body checks were filmed with high-speed-cameras with framerate of 250 Hz. Besides that, 7 ice hockey matches were filmed with the same setup. Player velocities, peak head accelerations, and board and glass behaviour were measured. Results: Defender’s (player who checks) perpendicular velocity was the smallest in U14 group (avg = 2,79 m/s) and the highest in U18 group (avg = 3,50 m/s) but the matches showed the highest average of 3,73 m/s. Player speed average was between 4 – 6 m/s in all groups among puck holders (player who receives the check) and defenders. In peak head accelerations all averages were between 60 and 75 m/s2 among defenders and averages were between 72 and 91 m/s2 among puck holders. U18 had the highest averages but U15 had the highest single value of 170 m/s2. Board stopping distance averages were from 0,81 cm to 2,45 cm in the element part where U14 had the smallest average and Liiga group had the highest average. From the glass part it was the same with values of 1,78 cm to 4,72 cm. Discussion & Conclusions: The biggest differences between age groups in results are in board behaviour as it was expected. Velocity differences were also as hypothesised but head acceleration differences were smaller than expected. Important aspect from head accelerations is that younger players had much more variation in head accelerations which is due to inexperience in body checking, or board behaviour, or both. More flexible board could lower head accelerations, but it is debatable if the main difference is because of board flexibility or inexperience among players. The body checking drill corresponded well to match situations with exception that drill executions were done with little bit slower perpendicular velocities.
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Master thesis
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