Työntekijöiden sitoutuminen IT-projekteihin etätyössä
Työnteon muodot ovat monipuolistuneet informaatioteknologian kehityksen myötä ja työstä on osittain tullut paikasta riippumatonta. Maailmanlaajuinen COVID-19 pandemia nopeutti entisestään työn siirtymistä pois toimistotiloista esimerkiksi työntekijöiden koteihin. Työntekijöille etätyö asettaa uudenlaisia haasteita, mutta antaa myös mahdollisuuksia, jotka työnantajankin on hyödyllistä tiedostaa. IT-alalla projektityötä tekevien tiimit on mahdollista hajauttaa globaalisti ja projektitiimin jäsenet eivät välttämättä tapaa kasvokkain ollenkaan. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään, millaisia vaikutuksia etätyöllä on työntekijöiden sitoutumiseen IT-projekteihin. Tutkielma koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja empiirisestä osiosta, jota varten haastateltiin IT-alan työntekijöitä. Tutkimuksen tulokset saatiin käyttämällä analysointimenetelmänä teemoittelua. Tutkielman tuloksena voidaan todeta, että etätyö vaikuttaa etenkin kommunikointiin työntekijöiden välillä IT-projekteissa. Kommunikaation tiheys ja vapaamuotoisuus vähenivät, ja kommunikaation kynnys kasvoi. Etätyö pääosin lisäsi oma-aloitteisuutta ja sen ei koettu estävän minkään projektin suorittamista. Etätyö ja etenkin hybridityömalli paransivat työntekijöiden työtyytyväisyyttä. Toisaalta etätyö saattaa vieraannuttaa työntekijää organisaatiostaan ja vaikeuttaa verkostoitumista työkavereiden kanssa. Etätyön vaikutukset työn tehokkuuteen ja työntekijän keskittymiseen olivat ristiriitaiset, mutta pääosin etätyön koettiin parantavan työntekoa. Vaikutukset riippuivat esimerkiksi siitä, miten paljon häiriötekijöitä projektityöläisen kodissa on. Kokonaisuutena etätyön vaikutus työntekijöiden sitoutumiseen vaikuttaa olevan positiivinen.
As information technology has advanced, the ways of working have also become more diverse, and work is now less time and place dependent. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the transition from office to remote work. From the employees’ perspective remote work poses novel challenges but also provides new opportunities that ought to be recognized by the employers as well. In the field of IT, it is now possible to globally distribute project teams conceivably resulting in team members never meeting face to face. This master’s thesis aims to examine the effect that remote work has on worker commitment in IT-projects. The research consists of a literature review and an empirical study, which was conducted by interviewing IT-professionals. The results of the study were derived by using thematic analysis. Based on the results of this research, remote work especially affects communication between employers in IT-projects. The frequency and informality of communication decreased and the threshold to communicate increased. All things considered, remote work makes workers take more initiative and remote work was not considered an impediment to any project. Remote work and especially the hybrid model of working are both promoting job satisfaction. However, remote work can make the employee organization feel more distant to the worker as well as make it harder to network between colleagues. The effects of remote work on productivity or concentration were somewhat contradictory, but on the whole, the effect of remote work on productivity seemed to be positive. These effects were dependent on how many distractions there are in the home of a worker, for example. In general, it is plausible that the effect of remote work on worker commitment is positive.
As information technology has advanced, the ways of working have also become more diverse, and work is now less time and place dependent. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the transition from office to remote work. From the employees’ perspective remote work poses novel challenges but also provides new opportunities that ought to be recognized by the employers as well. In the field of IT, it is now possible to globally distribute project teams conceivably resulting in team members never meeting face to face. This master’s thesis aims to examine the effect that remote work has on worker commitment in IT-projects. The research consists of a literature review and an empirical study, which was conducted by interviewing IT-professionals. The results of the study were derived by using thematic analysis. Based on the results of this research, remote work especially affects communication between employers in IT-projects. The frequency and informality of communication decreased and the threshold to communicate increased. All things considered, remote work makes workers take more initiative and remote work was not considered an impediment to any project. Remote work and especially the hybrid model of working are both promoting job satisfaction. However, remote work can make the employee organization feel more distant to the worker as well as make it harder to network between colleagues. The effects of remote work on productivity or concentration were somewhat contradictory, but on the whole, the effect of remote work on productivity seemed to be positive. These effects were dependent on how many distractions there are in the home of a worker, for example. In general, it is plausible that the effect of remote work on worker commitment is positive.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202211305421Use this for linking