Parhaiten arvosteltujen videopelien ansaintamallien trendit vuosina 2010–2019
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, mitkä videopelien ansaintamallit ovat yleistyneet, vähentyneet tai pysyneet samoina vuosien 2010–2019 välillä. Tätä tutkielmaa edeltänyt tutkimus on painottunut paljolti tutkimaan, mitä seurauksia ansaintamalleista on kuluttajille eli videopelien pelaajille. Tutkimusta ansaintamallien yleisyydestä tai kehityssuunnista on tämän tutkielman valossa tehty hyvin vähän. Aineisto on kerätty, joka kokoaa yhteen peliarvosteluja ja antaa niiden pohjalta peleille arvosanan. Aineisto tutkittiin tilastollisesti ja silmämääräisesti kaaviokuvien avulla. Tutkielman tuloksina on nähtävissä, että vain muutaman ansaintamallin kohdalla on tapahtunut tilastollisesti merkitsevää kasvua tai laskua. Merkittävimmät havainnot olivat independent-pelien nousu ja pelilaajennusten lasku. Tutkielmassa pohditaan myös mahdollisia syitä ansaintamallien trendeille.
This master’s thesis seeks to find out which video game monetization models have become more common, less common or remained the same between 2010 and 2019. The research that preceded this thesis is heavily focused on the consequences of monetization models to the end user i.e. players of video games. Little research on the prevalence or trends of monetization models has been done in the light of this thesis. The data for this thesis was collected from the website which collects game reviews and gives games grades based on them. The data was studied statistically and visually with the help of graphs. The results of this thesis show that only a few monetization models have seen statistically significant growth or decline. The most significant observations were the rise of independent games and the decline of game expansions. This thesis also contemplates potential reasons for the trends of monetization models.
This master’s thesis seeks to find out which video game monetization models have become more common, less common or remained the same between 2010 and 2019. The research that preceded this thesis is heavily focused on the consequences of monetization models to the end user i.e. players of video games. Little research on the prevalence or trends of monetization models has been done in the light of this thesis. The data for this thesis was collected from the website which collects game reviews and gives games grades based on them. The data was studied statistically and visually with the help of graphs. The results of this thesis show that only a few monetization models have seen statistically significant growth or decline. The most significant observations were the rise of independent games and the decline of game expansions. This thesis also contemplates potential reasons for the trends of monetization models.
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Master thesis
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